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Vyrst Walken

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#1Vyrst Walken 

Vyrst Walken Empty Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:05 am

Vyrst Walken


Name: Vyrst Walken

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Sorcerer

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Right Bicep (If were to join one)

Face: Claire Stanfield - Baccano!


Height: 6’0"

Weight: 182 lbs

Hair: Red

Eyes: Red

Overall: Vyrst is a tall and rather handsome young man with only a few striking features. The most obvious thing that can be discerned at a glance is his dark red hair that is left in a sort of unruly mass atop his head. The amount of maintenance done on his hair is kept to a minimum, with there being some sort of tuft of hair wafting off to the right side of his face. This sort of hairstyle in not set in stone of course, as if he were to be in a situation that calls for it, it would not hesitate to style his hair into whatever he deems necessary to blend in. His eyes are another noticeable aspect of his face as they are of a similar color to his hair. This combination of red hair and red eyes are somewhat outlandish, but in a world of magical beings of all sorts, it would be a stretch to say that his sort of appearance is rare. As it could be said that Vyrst is a handsome man, it begs to reason that he has many of the features associated with being an attractive male. He has a strong jawline and his face is free of blemishes. There are no abnormalities that might attract attention to his face, leaving him to be considered a common good looking individual.

Besides being of decent height, Vyrst’s body is of attractive stature, with his musculature being well defined to the point of showing through thin clothing. Having decided to embark down the path of magic, he has trained his body to contain as much power as he can within a somewhat slim frame, though one could tell that he is physically fit if they were to take a close enough look. Unlike his face, Vyrst’s body is covered with scars, burns, and the occasional bruise, having resulted from his training or from fighting with people while on a job. He is keen on taking good care of his body as he believes it to be one of the most important aspects of fighting. Having an opinion like this, he refrains from eating things that will provide more negatives than positives, so as to keep his body in peak shape.

When it comes to clothing, Vyrst doesn’t have any specific form of clothing that he wears more than others. He likes to wear things that are common for whatever area that he is in, changing whatever that might be depending on the situation at hand. On jobs he takes this to another level in which he wears whatever he believes to be needed for said job. An example of this being dressing like a beggar to do some sort of reconnaissance on the street, or dressing in all black if he needs to do something at night. He is not afraid to make a fool of himself or get himself dirty in the act of making an outfit or disguise, making him willing to do almost anything to his own appearance, short of injuring himself or permanently changing his hair.
Extra: N/A


Vyrst is a man that exudes confidence with every fiber of his being. From his demeanour to his body language, every action that he makes seems to be one of utter certainty. This is not to say that his actions aren’t thought out of course, but rather that he is very sure of himself in making them. It is a confidence that he has in himself that allows him to morally justify any actions that he might take. It is not a blind arrogance of course, as he feels that it is a bit ridiculous to see himself as superior to everyone that he meets. He is aware that he hasn’t even reached the level of being a big fish in a small pond, let alone a monster among monsters. Though he is aware of his current weakness, he is not phased by it on account of his belief that he can surpass anyone he chooses to, so long as he puts in enough work, and so long as he builds himself the greatest possible foundation that he can. Traveling frivolously down the path of power is a fool’s game, and Vyrst does not see himself as a fool.

To Vyrst, following the whims of his heart is of the utmost importance, and to his heart, pursuing goals with no thought and no enjoyment will lead to ruin. It is because of this that as he travels his path to power that he takes the time to meander about and act on a whim. He does not do so without any thought, but rather leaves his travels to chance, so long as there is not some specific thing that he has to do. So long as it is something enjoyable to him or something new to him, he is apt to take a chance to experience it. He sees this sort of wandering lifestyle as a method of tempering his spirit and further building on the determination he has for his path in life.

Vyrst desires to be free from the influence of destiny and desires to reach a level of power that allows him to live his life without there being anyone who influence him without his express approval. So long as there is someone strong enough or with enough influence to affect him, he does not believe that he has become strong enough. This is why he wishes to build a strong enough foundation for infinite growth potential, as he has no way of knowing how strong the most powerful being in the world is. Perhaps there are gods of some sort, but regardless, Vyrst does not see himself as inferior to them in the long run.

His beliefs about morality are sketchy at best, but he doesn’t see a problem with people acting upon their own desires as they see fit. One could think of him as a self indulgent anarchist, who feels that everyone should live their lives by their own standards. Vyrst’s beliefs bring with him a somewhat disturbing lack of care for when people commit heinous acts, so long as they are following what their heart truly desires. He is willing to take most jobs regardless of the contents so long as he finds them interesting enough to be a good distraction or if they are able to temper him in some way. The point where he draws the line is where children are involved, as they have not yet lived long enough to act upon what their heart might desire. Violent actions against children can be considered a sort of taboo for him, and if he has the power to help them then he will do so. He is most happy when he sees people indulging in pleasurable activities like eating great food or embracing a loved one.

While he feels very satisfied when he sees people enjoying life, his greatest satisfaction comes from the thrill of a fight. Whether it is watching a battle or taking part in one, Vyrst is very happy to take time out of his day to experience the joys of battle. He sees it as one of the many distractions in life and as a necessity to assert one’s detachment from destiny that one fighter imposes on the other by winning. To Vyrst, winning a fight just reaffirms his belief that his current path is the correct one, and in the instance of losing a fight, it just means that he needs to alter his own path to make it better. Even though he enjoys fighting and is happy to indulge someone so long as they are at least close to his level of strength, he is also content to just stand at the sidelines and observe a great battle. He has no qualms with killing the people he fights with, as he feels it is just the result of their destiny or of not training themselves to the utmost. As he trains himself in such a harsh way, it is unnecessary for him to hold back much in a fight if he has the intent to kill his enemy, so he tends to use his full force and capabilities when fighting death matches. Showing mercy to enemy is just asking to be killed, and if he wishes to continue far on his path then he does not feel that he should be merciful to someone who also wishes him dead.

Regardless of such a ruthless outlook, Vyrst loves to make friends wherever he goes, disregarding their affiliations or actions in most cases so long as they aren’t counter to his own personal goals or beliefs. He enjoys experiencing the many different outlooks on life that people have, and is fine with forcing people he has beaten in a fight to sit down and have a drink with him to talk about themselves, provided they are still not trying to kill him of course. After listening to people speak about himselves he likes to consider their ideals and views on life, assimilating the views he finds good and discarding the one’s he doesn’t find logical or desirable.


  • Good Food: Vyrst thinks that good food is one of the many great things that one can indulge in during their down time, and he is always keen to make friends with people capable of cooking good food or at least showing him to nice places to eat.

  • Battle: He enjoys battles of any sort, regardless of whether he is taking part in them or not. They are also another one of the many distractions that he enjoys as he makes his way through life


  • Violence Against Children: People who cause harm to those who have not yet developed the necessary maturity to form their beliefs are not viewed well by Vyrst, and is not fond of letting them do as they please.

  • Laziness: Vyrst has never been the type to buy into the indulgence of doing nothing for long stretches of time. He finds people who are lazy to be wasting their potential and to be wasting their chance at the human experience.


  • Destiny: He wishes to rise above destiny by becoming powerful enough to disregard all other forces in the world, allowing him to indulge in whatever things life provides for him without worry


  • Uncertainty: While he dives into the uncertainties that life throws at him, deep down is he somewhat afraid of whether or not his path his the correct one and whether or not he will be able to reach the peak of strength that he desires.

  • Death: In tandem with his feat of uncertainty, Vyrst also fears dying death. He does not wish to die before having overcome the forces of destiny and becoming someone who can live their life without interference from the influence of others.


Magic Name: Manifest Destiny

Magic Element: Fire

Magic Description: The magic Manifest Destiny is a generic fire magic that allows the user to manipulate fire in myriad forms. The user is capable of manipulating fire to become desired shapes, create explosions, form barriers, trap enemies, burn enemies, and increase the user’s own strength. The magic is capable of utilizing Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, and Strength Self-Buffing spells.


History: Vyrst was born to a family of normal craftsman who lived in a small village far away from the large cities. They were pretty well off for their area since they tended to create and upkeep farming tools for the rest of the farming villagers. The village itself was doing well, as no bad weather systems had passed through the area, blessing all the families that lived there with a bountiful harvest. Having so much food provided Vyrst with a great start to his life, always being able to have the nutrients that he desired. The small tightknit nature of a community such as this was that Vyrst was very close with all of the villagers, knowing each of their names and their personalities.

From a young age Vyrst helped his parents with their work, watching them forge tools and since he couldn't do so himself, he helped them repair tools instead while learning the forging methods. After gaining a bit of weight, Vyrst was able to help forge tools around the age of 10, being a bit bigger than the rest of the village kids on account of his healthy intake of food and physical activities. His life as a child was a very mundane and simple existence, with him learning the values of discipline and the reward of recreation after a hard day's work.

One day a traveling mage passed by and stayed in the town for a day or so before leaving. During that stay he entertained the children by showing them a few fancy tricks he could do with  fire. Entranced by this, Vyrst did everything he could to get the man to teach him how to use such awesome magical powers. The man did not indulge Vyrst in such a dangerous thing, but did give him a hint on how to go about doing so. This hint was in the form of telling him to diligently study the element he wishes to control, and if he is one of the lucky few capable of utilizing magic, then he will one day be capable of doing so. Enthused by the prospect of being able to use magic, Vyrst threw all his free time into studying fire. Such a thing made his parents very worried for him, and after almost burning down a building, Vyrst was reprimanded for his fanaticism. Such an event taught him the importance of a proper foundation, and so he set about trying to learn magic correctly.

At the age of 15 he left his home and went on a journey. He had no destination in mind, but he felt that this journey was necessary to temper himself and awaken his magical abilities. He was not sure that he had the capability of using magic of course, but such a thing did not stop his pursuits. He traveled for quite some time, meeting with all sorts of different people and getting into many scuffles with random bandits until he came upon a desert. It was in this desert that he spent a year of his life, wandering from oasis to oasis until the day came that he was able to manipulate fire via the use of magical power. After having done this he didn’t have any clue where he was anymore, and having no method to find his way home, he just decided that it was fate for him to keep wandering and see where life took him. If he meets his parents again then so be it, but if he didn’t, they were still young and able to have another child, so he wasn’t worried for him. And so he wandered and continues to wander.
Reference: Finn

Vyrst Walken VDAOpvw

#2Venus Rosé 

Vyrst Walken Empty Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:43 am

Venus Rosé

This character application has been approved.

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