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Feed The Fish [Quest|Rishi]

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#1Rishi Namatzu 

Feed The Fish [Quest|Rishi] Empty Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:51 am

Rishi Namatzu
Rishi Namatzu

Today was another calm day in the town of Hargeon, a white haired young lady walking down the street, her feet gliding along the floor and her eyes darting back and forth, making sure not to hit anyone. She had been in a hurry today, as she had found out that the quest she had taken was today and she was going to be late, which she really did not want on her reputation at all. She had been doing another request for the scientist named Raina, which she wasn't too excited about due to their last encounter. Sitting through hours of complete silence almost drove her insane, and she made sure that her request today had absolutely nothing to do with indoors today. Right now she was on her way to a warehouse to pick up some fish food. Her request had been to help Raina feed the fish, and to be honest, she couldn't see the point of this. This lazy ass woman could get up and do it herself but she doesn't want to so she hires someone to do all the hard work for her as she just sits around and does all the easy stuff. Last quest all she did was sit at a table for hours and write some numbers down, while Rishi and Hiroshi had to walk all the way across town to get the water and then walk all the way back, just to sit in silence for hours and leave. She didn't completely understand the point of this but all she cared about was that the job payed and that she got it done nothing else.

She walked into the warehouse after another 10 minutes of walking and told the man at the front desk Raina's name so that he knew what to grab instead of her having to describe it, as it seemed the fish food she needed had already been in the back waiting for her to pick it up. She thanked the man and walked out quietly, now on her way to the shore, which was all the way on the other side of town. It really did make her mad that she had to do this instead of Raina doing it herself, and she hed thought about how much she just wanted to punch some sense into her. Most people would say slap some sense into her but Rishi had been so mad that she had past the point of peacefully slapping altogether. She wanted to hit her so hard that she would get knocked out, that's how much sense needed to be knocked into this woman. Then again she told herself when she was just a small girl that violence was never the answer. Now she can't believe she had ever even thought about telling herself that, as now those words were just a pile of bull. She had nearly reached the place before she had to stop thinking about that and put a smile on her face, fish food in hand, ready to greet Raina.

Tags: @solo
Word Count: 510/1,000
Notes: Let's all be friends, ne?

Feed The Fish [Quest|Rishi] Untitled_drawing
#2Rishi Namatzu 

Feed The Fish [Quest|Rishi] Empty Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:22 pm

Rishi Namatzu
Rishi Namatzu

She had waved to Raina just as she had arrived, as the scientist had already been there waiting for her. She handed her the fish food and the two of them had gotten in the boat, and Raina had told Rishi to start rowing the boat and she would tell her exactly where to go. UGH! This woman was going to drive her nuts. She just wanted to yell at her and say "Damn it bitch do this shit yourself!" and get up and leave but she had to be kind about this if she wanted to get that money. All she had to do is hide the fact that she wanted to strangle this woman and look like a kind-hearted person and everything would go perfectly fine.

She started to row the boat straight out into the water, and it had been a lot harder than she was expecting. There were a lot of technical issues that she couldn't fix so the boat sort of only went to the sides, and never went straight. Now that may sound like it made it was a big problem, and the way she had thought about it in the beginning it was. Then again, it made it easier to steer around rocks sticking out of the water and it was quite easy to steer around without going straight.

Soon enough they had reached the spot where Raina had told her to go and just waited there as she talked to the water for a bit, looking quite crazy. She looked like she had been through some kind of bad trauma, and had just gotten some side affects afterwards. The two of them had been sitting there for a while, Raina looking for fish to feed and where she needed to sprinkle the food. Rishi handed the flake - like food to the woman and she slowly sprinkled the food into the cold and blue ocean water. Immediately the fish started to pop out of the water, eating the flakes of the surface of the water, and them slipping back down into the deep waters. She stayed silent as Raina had started babbling on about how she hated it when people polluted the ocean. She was starting to get rally annoyed with this woman and she was so ready to get off the boat and away from this crazy woman.

She sat there and ran her fingers trough her hair, as Raina moved her fingers back and forth through the water. She wondered what the woman had been doing, as it had seemed the fish had left and there was no more food to put in the water for them to eat. She sat there for a little longer before telling Rishi to row back to shore and she did it fast, now being able to control the direction of the boat. They had arrived on shore and Raina handed her some jewels and Rishi took them thankfully and ran off, ready to get home and write a few things down.

Tags: @solo
Word Count: 1,017/1,000
Notes: Let's all be friends, ne?

Feed The Fish [Quest|Rishi] Untitled_drawing

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