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Foot Travel to Hargeon from Orchida.(Travel)

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Foot Travel to Hargeon from Orchida.(Travel) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:07 pm

It felt as if so much time had passed Waylon was unsure how much time fully had went on around him, Waylon had been a just relaxing feeling like he had been spoiled being around his mother for as long as he had eventually his mother mention she wished to be home with his father, as much as Waylon did not want her to go, He had his life and his mother had her own as well, it seem as the time to pack up and go was sorter then the time staying in one spot, mostly filled with Waylon reflecting on the younger years of himself.

Years so long a go it seemed like almost he could image it as an old story book, or a pop out book...he would enjoy the pop out book more if anything else, smiling to himself about it in his thoughts about it, Remembering a time he was much smaller, how different his sister Judina was.

Being that small blue haired little girl in a very long, bright yellow sun dress, smiling and laughing as she walked with their mother with his older brother watching not too far behind then, it has been many years since he had seen them both. It was still a thought, much like many he had in his mind. It was so long a go so many things had changed since then. He would deal with packing up his stuff by his mother's side, the quiet was broken by his mother saying something to Waylon to remember.

What these words were seemed for now in his mind,Since she seemed more worried about her kids of late, Waylon did what he could to reassure his mother, Telling her Judina, his older brother and Arisa would be okay, He truly did not know he knew he could easily lie to his mother if something else was true about it but Waylon just said it for the moment to keep his mother happy, so she had peace for until family was around again.

His mother was much quicker to pack up and be ready to depart, watching the sky like she did normally, Picking up her things she walked over to Waylon and seemed to hug her son in the almost dead quietly that felt uneasy with her, Like with even Waylon assuring his mother she felt something was wrong, But they both could not say what they felt was wrong even with Waylon's face was a peaceful smile.

After also assuring his mother that he would travel safe, as well as having clothing and food for where he traveled next too, After trying to talk his mother out of pack his stuff for him Waylon saw his mother wave good bye and walk off on her own, eventually his mother would be out of seight of Waylon and he would continue packing his stuff up and getting ready to head off.

Where he would go he had no idea he had a small idea, but in truth he lied to his mother and had no idea were he would end up, just that he would be safe which even if he assured Waylon knew he traveled often enough that anything could happen on the road. He just knew how to be careful and how to stay safe for the most part.

But with being all packed up and ready to go Waylon would head out to his next destination, unsure when he would stop he just knew he was ready to go and set out walking out of Orchidia.

Wordcount 603/600


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