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Is this what I am? [Jeeroy]

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#1Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:45 pm


Even with all my memory, I still don't know who I am...

 Screams, pain and in the midst of night. Arisa bent down to her knees as her legs grazed against the cement in some dark dirty alley. Her head was tilted down to where her raven violet hair was hiding her face in complete darkness. Her heart was pounding as her body was taking a rather turn and strain for the worse in her opinion. She wasn't sure on what was happening, but she did know she was scared. Her back felt like it was burning and something was carving her back into some sort of design. Not only that, her back itched at the same time. ''UUuuugh!'' she screamed in the middle of night, far away from the homes of people and by buildings that were deserted at this time. The sky was darkening, moon was covered by clouds as it rained hard. She could hear rats running for some cover as she wasn't so far from trashcans and some old boxes. Where she was at right now - in her little circle, there wasn't any trash.

Her teeth started to grit and her body tipped sideways as she curled up in a circle, trying to endure the pain of some invisible lazor beaming into her skin. As it was doing this, hair would slowly change into a vibrant magenta, her body would become more proportioned (in the right places) as her body grew taller. Her bones felt like cracking, breaking as they were forcefully changed. 'W-what is happening?' she cried out in her head as tears fell out of her right eye. Her teeth were gritting as she bit down to hold the pain. How much longer will she be able to handle this? Compared to what she was, she was turning into some amazonian built woman as her outfit was becoming torn up. Her dress was now up to her upper thigh and the sleeves of it was completely ripped.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP

#2Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:43 am

Jeeroy Lenkins



Is There Truly Magic Hidden Within Me?

With head held high, Jeeroy walked down the streets of Hargeon dressed in a simple yet elegant purple dress shirt and black dress pants, with a black tie to accompany it.  He had left his armor and weapon at home for the night as he was not on duty and not in the mood to run into trouble, and if he did, he would handle it swiftly with his hands or words.  The night belonged to him to see what kind of trouble he could get into without the weight of being a Rune Knight on his head.  He had recently made a breakthrough with his latest problem in wanting a type of magic for himself.  He could feel himself becoming more and more in tune to the magic of the world around him.  He knew for a fact that one day he would have his own magic, he could feel it stirring inside of him, he just needed a bit of help letting it out.

As he was walking down the empty streets in the dead of night, Jeeroy suddenly heard a cry of pain...one so agonizing that he knew he had to help whoever it was that was making the noise.  He could sense a person near him moving, and so he followed that sense and soon found his way to a dark alley by a bar.  A figure stood in the distance, writhing in what seemed like pain.  Upon closer inspection, he soon found it was a woman...not just any woman either, a woman he knew.  Arisa sat in the alley crying out in pain as her body seemed to be distorting in some type of way.  Something major was happening to the woman, and Jeeroy knew he needed to help as he considered her a friend.

As he got closer to her, he made sure to make noise, alerting the woman of his presence in case she was frightened by him in her current state.  "Arisa," He would say quietly as he approached her ever changing form.  "Arisa are you alright?  You are hurt, what happened?  What is happening?!  How can I help?"  He would inspect the woman, finding no signs of blood nor anything that could lead him to believe that she had been attacked.  He had no clue what was happening to her, yet he was going to be there to help any way he could.

#3Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:09 am


Even with all my memory, I still don't know who I am...

The pain became slowly numb as her body was getting use to it by now. The pain felt like the sun's ray beaming into her skin to create a tattoo on her back yet the beam wasn't visible. Her tears became black as they dropped into the puddles of water like some black sprinkling rain. Her vision started to blur, hearing started to be deafened as well as her touch. Her senses slowly started to dull as if they were all sinking into the depths of the abyss of the unknown like her soul. Her heart rate slowly was dropping as her energy was being sucked out by whatever this was - the beam. As her body was about to give out she would hear a voice that sounded so far away. ''Who's there?!'' she cried out with her voice crackling as if she's been in ice water for hours and mouth being dry. Her eyes were all blurred like a cat's with indescribable goo liquid in its eye. Her hands pressed against the rocky cemented ground as she tried to push herself up. Her head weakly looked around like some lost cat to see a tall bulky man standing not too far from her. Her sunset brown eyes would squint as to detail out the person's identity.


She no longer could hear a voice in her head like she once use to. Where did the voice go?! She had other things to worry about as well, like this stranger in front of her. ''I-I can't see... Barely can I hear you...'' she spoke with tears in her shining sunset eyes. Her lips curved into sorrow as she would clench her nails into her own palm, feeling the pain more as it was 'finishing'. The only reason she knew was because she knew where it began. She once again heard the voice, saw the person go closer as there was only one person as tall, as bulky and even if her hearing made the person's voice quiet, she could hear the tone. Not only that, he knew her name. ''J-jeeroy?!'' she started to cry more. She didn't like people seeing her like this, mainly those she knew - her as weak. ''Take me to the hotel please...to-to the one by the beach... the suite roo-'' she was going to continue, but alas she fell and collapsed. Her jacket was thankfully covering her back and the glowing of it that the tattoo was giving. There would be no way for anyone to see it of course unless her jacket was mysteriously taken off. Her dress was short to her upper thigh and now she was about 6'4 tall and her body was more/well proportioned.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP

#4Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:30 am

Jeeroy Lenkins
Jeeroy Lenkins wrote:



Is There Truly Magic Hidden Within Me?

Jeeroy had to admit, Arisa looked...different.  She looked much better, the blue tint to her skin nearly gone and her assets had surely changed.  Jeeroy was not sure how the woman had managed to grow in every way in the matter of nearly a few minutes, but she seemed to have.  Jeeroy would have to ask her later, but until she was feeling better, he would leave the issue alone.  He managed to try and help pull her to her feet.  "You want me to take you to a hotel?  What room, dear?  I could not really hear you.  We should get you into private and try and figure out what is going on where I can help."  Jeeroy would say in a calming voice.  He luckily had a few joints rolled up in his pocket as it seemed like the woman would need one after this experience.  Jeeroy could feel a different type of energy radiating off of the woman.  She certainly seemed to be more powerful than she had been the last time they had met.  Something inside of her had shifted and though he did not know if it was good or bad, he was sure he was going to find out soon enough.

#5Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:48 am


Even with all my memory, I still don't know who I am...

 As she fell into a sleep she would see darkness. At first it was pitch black till she was somewhat sitting on a cloud. In front of her was a man who was crossing her legs in a criss-cross fashion. His arms wrapped around himself and he was rather scruffy. Who the hell was this guy? Behind him though were wings, six or so of them. Suddenly his eyes opened and looked at her. His eyes were weird, like hers they were sunsets and they gazed at her without blinking. ''It's interesting to see a new face here...'' he spoke quietly and calmly yet for some reason it was echoing. She just sat silently on the cloud of white as the area became a light blue. A small smile appeared on her lips as she saw her family behind him. The ones that died that one tragic day/night. She then wondered in her head if she was dead or not. ''No. You're well alive, but right now your friend is carrying your body to the hotel. Maybe i'll help out.'' he spoke calmly yet again. With a snap of his fingers a keycard fell from her pocket that had the Finest suite hotel number. '420'. It was a really ironic number, but it was it. Honestly the room was made just for her as well due to her problem with the counter man she almost beated the shit out of due to disrespect. By now Jeeroy would be at the hotel and hopefully he knew.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP

#6Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:55 am

Jeeroy Lenkins



Is There Truly Magic Hidden Within Me?

Jeeroy gathered the woman who had fallen unconscious in his arms and began carrying her towards the hotel that she had stated.  It seemed like pure luck that her key card fell out of her pocket onto the ground allowing Jeeroy to pick it up and find the room number as he reached the hotel.  Her room number was 420, quite a laugh in his opinion as he had the joints in his pocket that he planned on sharing with her later when she woke up.  The hotel workers did not seem to care that a Rune Knight was carrying and unconscious girl up the stairs to the top of the hotel where the master suite was.  As he opened the door he saw that she had quite the nice set up.  Placing her form down on her bed, he watched her closely, thinking about what could be happening to her.  He grabbed a rag and dampened it with some cool water before walking over to place it on her head, hoping it would relieve some of the heat stemming off of her forehead at the moment.  Jeeroy could tell she was dreaming, but about what he did not know.

#7Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:37 am


Even with all my memory, I still don't know who I am...

 She would look at the guy, tilted her head a little in wondering on what he did. She couldn't really see literally as she only could see what was in front of her. The man, the family - it was all weird to her. She would tear up a little though yet as she felt a warm sensation inside like relief to see her dead family alive in whatever place this was. The tattoo that was so painful to received turned into six wings, one after the other. Top being bigger than the other two, middle being medium sized and the bottom one being smaller. They were blazing white as they shined so bright. ''It's okay Ari-nee... We'll be waiting for you when your time is at its end. We will all be waiting... for the chosen one out of us.'' they would all sync in their own tune, looking at her. With that she would wake up and suddenly her body would shoot up to look at Jeeroy. Wings were out, shining up the room as she would see that her wings tore up the back of her dress and jacket. Quickly she covered up herself with her bed sheet and lowered her gaze, able to see clearly now. ''Thanks for taking me back here.'' she spoke softly and quietly yet still sounds dry due to not drinking anything for awhile. ''I didn't interrupt your night, did I?'' she questioned worrisome and looked at him.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP

#8Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:49 am

Jeeroy Lenkins
Jeeroy Lenkins wrote:



Is There Truly Magic Hidden Within Me?

Jeeroy was trying his hardest to keep the woman comfortable as she seemed to be having a dream that was troubling her.  As she woke, she jumped up and wings sprouted from her back, shining brightly, slightly blinding Jeeroy for a moment.  As she dropped and covered herself with the blanket, she thanked him for helping her.  She seemed to be talking normal, like what just happened to her was natural.  "You did not ruin my night.  But...what the fuck just happened?"  Jeeroy asked quietly, trying to understand the situation.  "Did you just...grow wings?  Are you an angel?!"  He was shocked, unaware of what to say or do.  He pulled a joint out of his pocket and put it to his lips.  "Can..can I smoke in here or should I step outside?"  He would light up the joint if she said it was okay and take a long draw before holding it out to her.  "You look like you could use this as much as I could.  This has been a really interesting night.  I have no clue what to say other than that was fucking awesome.  You are beautiful!  Truly and angel!"  He complimented her as he offered her the joint.

#9Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:15 am


Even with all my memory, I still don't know who I am...

 She listened to him as she payed quite a lot of attention to what he was saying. The wings felt weird and she wouldn't lie if he asked, but he didn't really ask her anything of the sort. ''I don't mind at all, but what... is that? Never had one.'' she spoke and was curious. She could smell it as it really did smell good, but it was something new to her. She was questioned on what happened, but how would she answer something she wasn't quite sure on? Slowly she took the 'joint' and inhaled it and held it in after watching Jeeroy do so. Her eyes would wander and then looked at him, coughing. ''Holy crap! That stuff makes me feel... rather calm.'' she spoke all chill like as she was starting to be a light-weight. ''Mmm...how about simple questions?'' she questioned herself towards him as she passed it to him.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP

#10Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:24 pm

Jeeroy Lenkins



Is There Truly Magic Hidden Within Me?

"Simple questions?"  Jeeroy asked her with a grin.  "I do not know if there is anything simple about what just happened, but sure.  This right here, dearie, is a joint.  It is packed with a magical little green herb that causes you to feel really calm and nice.  I smoke it all the time.  So, first question, how are you feeling?  Second question, what are you?"  He became quite after that and hoped it was a simple enough question.  He did not even know if she knew what she was, so he had to take it slow.  She had just gone through a lot it seemed and he wanted to make her feel a bit better before getting into the questions he wanted to ask.  He sat quietly, taking a a drag of the joint once again as he sat at the foot of her bed with his legs crossed.  It looked like he was at a slumber party and it made him chuckle.  This girl was quickly becoming one of his best friends.  He enjoyed spending time with her, questing with her, and just talking to her.  Even though he brought her here to help her, he enjoyed spending time with her outside of questing.

#11Káilètte † 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:41 am

She looked at Jeeroy as she wasn't really sure on what he was going to ask. He could be asking anything yet she was so unsure on what it might be. She was thinking back on what she saw. The tattoo that was so painful to received turned into six wings, one after the other. Top being bigger than the other two, middle being medium sized and the bottom one being smaller. They were blazing white as they shined so bright. ''It's okay Ari-nee... We'll be waiting for you when your time is at its end. We will all be waiting... for the chosen one out of us.'' they would all sync in their own tune, looking at her.  She would look back at Jeeroy and then she heard him question her. ''I'm fine... I think.'' she spoke and put her right hand on her chest. ''For now anyways...'' she spoke once more as she would then sit to where her knees were against her chin. ''I don't know what to call myself. Maybe as the time goes by, i'll find out. For now... All I can ask is for you to not tell anyone about this. People could haunt me down for all I know.'' she spoke and then looked out of the door that lead to the balcony. It was so dark out...

#12Jeeroy Lenkins 

Is this what I am? [Jeeroy] Empty Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:22 am

Jeeroy Lenkins
Jeeroy did not know exactly what to say to the woman to comfort her.  He was never good at these types of things.  He looked out the window as she did and saw how dark it was outside.  He knew he had a long journey the next day, so he stood from the bed with a sigh.  "My dear, you are most certainly an angel.  I shall not tell a soul about what happened here today.  You have my word.  I must be off though, as I am traveling to Marigold in the morning.  Feel free to come find me if you head that way, I am sure we could do some jobs together.  I wish you all the best, dear."  He said and gathered his things before leaving her hotel room and walking down to the front door.  As he walked, he thought about how the girl could have managed to change.  If she could do such a thing, could he possibly have a magic hidden within him?  He felt as if he was getting closer and closer to unraveling the secret within himself as she had.  Perhaps, he would have a hidden secret that was as powerful as she seemed to be.


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