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Foot travel to Marigold

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Foot travel to Marigold Empty Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:33 pm

Cosmiare was all alone like always and once again she was traveling. She wondered when the day will arrive when she'll have someone to travel with. Her golden bright wide eyes would look around everywhere as she would see the forest that was on its way to Era. She had a scheadule in her head, it was here, Era and then Crocus after she was done with Era. She was sure there were people there to help and so she would go do so. Her lips would smile as she skipped around the forest with a basket of goodies. She wasn't going to run into any baddies or probably any wolfs because she would most likely use her mightly red spear to spork them to death. Her outer appearance looks rather innocent, sure, but she wasn't mentally like all people that she seems to find. The only normal one that she seems to find was probably Froctis. He seemed normal, right? He sure did in her eyes as she would remember how sweet it was. He was tall and sure enough his out fit was somewhat like the out fits from her Country in which she is starting to not even remember. A small frown would appear on her lips as she misses her mother and father. Where were they? Was she ever able to find them and see them? OR so that's how it was, now it was then as she was going to go past all those places again. Hargeon, Mag, Era and etc. She felt like going back to Marigold. She remembered the last trip she had to here from there though. There she goes, away from what was somewhat fun. She got to beat a sea monster and it felt really fun! Oh yes indeed it was fun. Her golden eyes were looking forward to see what was in store for her there. A bright smile was on this kids face, oh yes. her red hair would sway as she would skip along to the next area. Magnolia was heard to be quite relaxing as well as Hargeon was. 'This aught to be fun.~' she thought as she would stare around upon the nature with her golden eyes. She could smell the flowers - so pure, so nice. She wondered what it was like to be super girly, look really girly with the hair, the outfit and appearance. She was alone in this world though so it didn't really matter. Cosmiare's little arms dangled against her sides as she skipped along. Her heart was beating nervously as she wondered if those people at Mag that gave quests were going to be really judgemental too. When was she going to meet someone older than her that wasn't going to judge her? A small frown went upon her face as she would think of how judging some are. At first she would leave Hargeon and after that there was some town she never really noticed before, Dahlia. What the hell was this? It was all dark and cloudy and fog on the lower grounds. The place had creepy people, but thankfully there was a safe route as she went around it. Why would she even dare to go right through it? Her golden eyes were curious though so it didn't stop her from peeking in the town itself. A smile of relief would escape her lips as she would see what was next, Magnolia. The name sounded like some type of cheese which was weird, but she would soon enough get there. As she was walking towards there and thinking of such things, she was finally in Marigold. ''I'm back for now!~'' she yelled and went to find some place to stay.



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