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Together they Come (Private)

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#1Tenshi † 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:10 pm

Tenshi †
What a wonderful turn of events it had been.

Finn had been depressed about his loss, that much there was no more denying. Nothing confirmed ones beliefs and thoughts like conquering them once and for all. Jake had been completely right- What he needed was the dungeon. Not only did he have an amazing new sword, but an amazing new realization. He was right in leaving his team. There was nothing to be gained from leading others when he himself was still confused and unaware of how to progress. What he did need to do was find a team that would grow along side him. They might be in Blue Pegasus, or they might be elsewhere. Regardless, he'd find them no matter what.


Snapping from his thoughts, he flashed a smile downwards to his older bother. "Yeah I heard you. Don't worry, I really am fine now." Together they had made their way back to the front gates of Crocus. The dungeon was now behind them, its entrance sealed and its treasure plundered. Stopping just short of the front gates, Jake looked over to Finn again.

"Wanna head back in?"

Shaking his head, Finn plopped down in the grass near the main road leading into, or out of, Crocus. "Nah. Lets enjoy the weather some before we go back."

Together they Come (Private) D09aavQ

Together they Come (Private) Empty Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:15 pm

Uchida found himself on the outside of Crocus after a brief turn of events. Something about some rich noble's son starting some conflict him and him resolving it in a rather ludicrous manner. He decided to lay low by staying outside of crocus and changing his attire. He walked over to an empty field where he could remove some layers of his clothing. He was covered in tar due to events he does not want to recall at the moment and removed his buttoned down shirt, throwing it over his shoulder. He mainly got most of the muck on his shirt and some on his pants but his pants were still wearable given it's dark property. He decided to clean himself up the best he could before sitting himself down in the grass and sat there to ponder on what he'd do next other than sit and wait to air out the pungent smell of tar. He decided to look around a bit.

He stared at the main gate for a bit to see if anybody was pursuing him. He say a few personal guards looking for him but he was a bit out of sight for them to spot him. Assuming they didn't smell the tar, Uchida sneered and laid down on his back just in case. If he can see them it wouldn't be long before they saw him. After waiting a couple moments, he had sat up and looked around. They were all gone and their was only the usual gate guard standing their doing his duty. Upon further inspection, near his own position he spotted a familiar body structure he had met previously. He'd recognize that thing anywhere after seeing it once, his so called "brother". He forgot it's name but he thought it wasn't that important. He thought about approaching them but there's no real reason to at the moment. He decided to lay back on his back and stare up at the sky.


Together they Come (Private) Empty Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:40 pm

Noah was in the process of looking for his friend Vincent when he noticed upon an individual he had recognized from his brief time in the guild house. He approached him stealthily, albeit unintentional and kneeled down before him. He made the shape of a fox's head with his hand and held it over the man's face as he looked up at the sky.

"Kyuu~" he playfully said as he rested his head in his free open palm while his arm rested on his leg. Despite his playful voice, his expression seemed lacking, a sense of boredom exuding from his presence. "What brings you here?"

Nero's Statistics:
#4Vincent Tehda 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:28 am

Vincent Tehda
Having one of those days where you just couldn't find your own spot to relax and be alone, was hands down one of the worst feelings in the world. If there was one thing Vincent desperately needed every day it was that alone time. Truth of the matter was, that he really just didn't enjoy being around large crowds of people. Situations like that didn't give him the peace necessary to relax to some music maybe get out a picture or two. To this end, getting far out of the city and into the forest, tended to be one of the best ways to clear his mind and figure things out. It's one of the best things he can do to pass the time, unless of course for reasons unknown everything and it's mother decided to mystically appear and break the silence. No matter how frequently it happened, it never became an experience he could just shrug off. When he fell into his own world, something pulling him out of his felt like a mental kick to the jaw. Threw his senses into chaos for just long enough to be memorable and unsettling. So knowing that, it is possible to understand why he became more irritated the more people that arrived. It was supposed to be a meeting with a single person, far from this moment. It was intended to be a spot with low traffic just to make it so that he wouldn't have to deal with this, and yet here we were. Eventually just resigning to his fate, Vincent dropped his sketchpad to the ground, and glared at the small collection of eccentric individuals that had just gathered a few meters in front of where he was sitting propped up against a tree. Somewhat passive aggressive yes, but maybe if he stared long enough they would go away for a few more minutes.

Together they Come (Private) My-fall-image-attempt-2_zpslto9d5qi
#5Tenshi † 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:41 am

Tenshi †
Finn had been unaware of anyone near him other than Jake. The knowledge of there being a shirtless, tarred and potentially kink driven associate of his nearby was something unbeknownst to him. The man with the sketch pad was another factor that he couldn't have expected, nor did he notice the man when choosing his spot. Even the approaching acquaintance of his from Blue Pegasus was someone that he didn't expect, nor did he see them coming.


Sitting up quickly, Finn's head would graze just in front of Noah's face. A few inches further, and the adventurers blond hair may have been soaked in crimson. Jake busted into laughter, paws going to his stomach to emphasize the humor in the situation.

"Who in the-" he began, looking and finally taking in the appearance of the new arrival. For a few moments Finn was silent, taking in the appearance of someone who seemed familiar, but eluded any sort of identity. Finally the memory was found, giving Finn a "Eureka!" expression. "Noah! Blue Pegasus! Hey! What's up man?"

Together they Come (Private) D09aavQ

Together they Come (Private) Empty Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:11 am

Laying on his back, Uchida was starting to get into a comfortable state. He still smelled of tar but it was air out quite nicely. He decided if he took a little nap, it would help him forget about the smell by the time he woke up. His eyes started to droop slowly before closing them completely. Before he could drift off to sleep, a rather obnoxious sound came from from somewhere near him where he was laying.  Opening his eyes quickly, he rolled to the left before getting up, dusting himself. "What the hell is that noise?!?!?!?" Uchida had exclaimed. Another unknown had appeared. It seems this was beginning to become common practice around these parts but he wasn't exactly thrilled about it either.


Together they Come (Private) Empty Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:10 pm

Noah smiled lightly at the child mage before him. The atmosphere around the two always seemed so joyous and lively, he envied it. "Looking for Vincent," he replied as he took a quick look around hoping to locate the person in question. As he spoke he seemed to catch sight of him and nodded to himself for a moment before turning back to Finn. "I have 'material' for his work." He patted a small satchel at his side that contained photos and art from his travel that could hopefully help him out. But it was still surprising to see so many Blue Pegasus members all gathered in a place that wasn't the guild hall. He hadn't neglected to take notice of the man known as Shichiro as he looked for Vincent, god knows he was loud enough to draw attention to himself. Noah however chose to ignore it, preferring to question Finn instead for an explanation. "You?"

Nero's Statistics:
#8Vincent Tehda 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:03 am

Vincent Tehda
They say time just feels like it's moving slow when you are waiting for it to pass. That is probably true, but in all honesty knowing that doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. There was going to come a point where he had to give up being a petty little child and walk over there. At this point he was going to have to deal with this whether he wanted too or not regardless. Even if Noah left now they would just end up having to meet back up in a few minutes anyway, so time to get this over with. His expression transitioning from a blank smile to something much more neutral, Vincent closed off his book and put his music away for the time being. As he stood up, the thought to just walk away did run through his head. Fact of the matter was, that there was a talking animal in that general direction, and if possible he really didn't want to deal with that. Last thing he wanted to do was walk over there and find out that one of the flowers next too him was hallucinogenic or something. Still for now he was just a little trapped, he had to get his stuff from Noah regardless and probably get started on working if he knew what was good for him. Rent wasn't going to end up paying for itself and the street was rarely a nice place to end up spending your nights. Dragging his feet through the dirt over to the group, Vincent quietly motioned for Noah, in a way that was quite clearly asking if he brought what he was supposed too. Carefully keeping a wide berth from the Alice in wonderland, guy standing next too him.
"And there, went my nice nap, up in smoke."
The sentence was concluded with him making a motion with his hands symbolizing an explosion.
"Hey did you have a job already, if not I could probably grab one for us both on the way back. I'm a bit low on funds."

Rude? a little bit, but he was only really talking to the person that knew him thus far, and given his mood at the moment was prioritizing being on his way as fast as possible.

Together they Come (Private) My-fall-image-attempt-2_zpslto9d5qi
#9Tenshi † 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:03 am

Tenshi †
Finn's head tilted to the newcomer. Judging by Noah's reaction, he had known of Vincent's presence all along. Glancing to Jake for a confirmatory head nod, he assumed that the man had indeed been there since before they had all arrived. This man was another newcomer to Finn. It seemed like every travel he made to the capitol rewarded him with new acquaintances, whether he appreciated them or not at the time was another question.

"Ah, sorry about that," Finn began, his hand moving to the back of his head and running through his hair in a slightly embarrassed way. Turning his attention back to Noah, who'd just asked him a question, Finn pointed to the sword on his back. "Went on a dungeon run, found this cool guy there. So me and Jake took it after clearing out the beasties." With a quick fist bump from his dog brethren, he turned his attention back to Vincent.

"Nice to meet you by the way. I'm Finn, Noah and I know each other from Blue Pegasus. Who might you be?" With that, Finn would extend a hand for a proper greeting.

Together they Come (Private) D09aavQ

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:04 am

Uchida was looking around in a bit of a panic. At first, he thought he was hearing strange creatures approach and next, he thought he was being pursued once again by guards but that wasn't the case. He had remembered before he was drifting off to sleep, that he had saw Finn off in the distance. He decided to take a look in the direction Finn was in previously. It seemed he was now greeted with some newcomers he hadn't have the pleasure of meeting. The smell of tar had finally faded away to a faint aroma but the stains still show, of course.

Uchida sat in the grass, wondering if he should approach them. He didn't really like being around very many people but three seems to be around the amount of people he would like near him. He decided to suck it up and approach them. Of course, he had this tendency to speak less and less the more people were around so he decided to approach them quietly, attempting to mask his presence and stand there a few steps from Finn, wondering what to say. He decided to come out with a simple call of attention. "Yo."


Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:24 am

Noah waved lightly at the two who had now joined in on his conversation with Finn. Granted he had already been well acquainted with Vincent, but Shichiro was someone he had never really had the chance to talk to. Noah was a bit of an outcast to begin with so he preferred to remain silent and merely smile while the rest began to chat. However when Vincent proposed a job for him Noah had to ponder for a moment. He hadn't really done too much lately, food and money were things he didn't exactly need but could find useful later on. He replied with a light shake of his head. "I dont. Please do." Noah had grown used to Vincents habits and already knew how to reply to him.

Nero's Statistics:
#12Vincent Tehda 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:05 pm

Vincent Tehda
And so that was hopefully the end to that entire situation. Faster the two of them got back and signed up the faster they could get paid. Besides, he wasn't trying to get stuck with some crap job that found him caring for some peoples dogs for the entire day. Anything but animals, animals were just something that a person shouldn't have to deal with unless they well and truly loved them, something Vince here really did not. Just before taking his leave from the impromptu meeting he would make a final scan of the area, taking note of the other two individuals who he did not expect to see here. For a quick moment he thought about properly addressing the person who spoke to him, but truth be told he just wanted to leave. "Name is Vincent, another BP mage yaaaay!!" his tone betraying his words as he oozed sarcasm. Following that with a quick sigh, he let Noah know that he could sign them up to do the mission with them if they were interested. The more people involved meant that there would be more money, all the better. With that Vincent began to take his leave to more pleasant places.

Together they Come (Private) My-fall-image-attempt-2_zpslto9d5qi
#13Tenshi † 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:25 pm

Tenshi †
As Vincent said that he was a Blue Pegasus mage as well, Finn's eyes immediately shot over to Jake's, who had already looked up towards Finn. The two of their gazes met in silence, but there was a communication between them. Finn had been waiting for some sort of sign, something to prove that they would be ready to move on and for Finn to begin growing again. He had left Odyssey, yes, but it had not been because of a dislike of the team. Rather, in a team that was made for him to teach others he did not feel would help him grow.

This was just too great of a coincidence though. The opportunity to bump into others from Blue Pegasus, all outside of Crocus, and right after he finished his dungeon no less. To make sure that they were on the same page, Jake spoke first.

"Finn, does this mean..?"

Rolling to his back and kicking his legs up, Finn's body would go airborne and twist to land on his feet. A kick up was normal for him, but the others might be caught off guard by his actions. Looking to them, Finn smiled.

"This sort of thing can't just be random guys!" His personality seemed to conflict with theirs, but that would be something that could be rectified with time. No one had to change in order to fit better with one another, they simply had to increase their understanding. "We're all Blue Pegasus mages, meeting in the capitol by sheer coincidence. This is exactly what I was waiting for!" Looking to them all one by one, he grinned.

"Lets form a team. I'm Finn Merten, adventurer and registered as B rank. This is Jake, he's my older brother and would be considered S rank if he had gotten measured. Lets form a team!"

Without waiting for them to answer, Finn would continue while his gaze would jump from one to the next. "It doesn't matter what your ambitions are, or what you guys are trying to accomplish. A team would help all of us! The requests, the fact that we have people who have will have our backs. We can pick up each others slack, and it would help each of us in our own goals! There are no drawbacks. Even if you're a lone wolf type, you need to be willing to work with at least some people. What do you guys think?"

Together they Come (Private) D09aavQ

Together they Come (Private) Empty Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:59 pm

Despite approaching the group and greeting them, this wasn't the type of reaction he expected to receive from them at all. It seems they were annoyed that another person showed up from the same guild rather than be surprised or the least bit excited. One didn't respond and another one just remarked with a sarcastic tone. Uchida thought to himself that he would not get along with this person at all. Well, that was fine with Uchida. He didn't really want a fuss over him anyways but he was curious as to what this gathering would unravel.

Shortly after the lackluster meeting, Finn had decided that they should all form a team. The first thing that came to his mind was "Okay, but why though?" but decided not to respond in that way. Maybe it would be beneficial to join a team rather than roam these lands on his own. He already knew one of them but the others were basically unknowns to him. Despite knowing one of them, he didn't really what any of their abilities and skills were other than the assumption of Finn being some kind of beast master that calls animals his brothers. Well, what ever gets them to obey, i guess.

Scratching the back of his head, he had heard the rest of Finn's little speech and shivered a bit. He decided to speak up first since everybody else seems to not have made up their minds yet. "Eh... Yeah, sure. Why not? It's better than wandering aimlessly through out these lands without a clue of some sort. Sure, i'll team up with you guys for awhile. Till i at least know what i'm doing around these parts. Let's.... get along, i guess? " He decided this was the best course of action for the time being or he'd probably be stuck doing random odd jobs and nothing fun that would utilize his skills as a mage or aimlessly wandering the maze known as crocus for an eternity.


Together they Come (Private) Empty Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:23 pm

Noah nodded, he wasn't against having teammates. In fact it's exactly what he yearned for, the fact that Finn took the opportunity to do it for him made him happy. He nodded in response, not sure whether to reply or let his actions speak for him, he simply didn't want to ruin such a good chance so he instead chose to just follow his lead until things were made official.

Nero's Statistics:
#16Vincent Tehda 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:39 am

Vincent Tehda
Well that was the end of that. Atleast with more people to split the workload he shouldn't have to stress himself out too much. Besides it wouldn't hurt to maybe take a second and have a talk with some other members of the guild. Throwing his hands up as if to say how happy he was that things had finally come to an end, Vincent would nod to show Finn that he agreed before walking off. The young man already had his name so, there shouldn't be any need to exchange those for now, and that was the end of that.

Together they Come (Private) My-fall-image-attempt-2_zpslto9d5qi
#17Tenshi † 

Together they Come (Private) Empty Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:06 am

Tenshi †
Finn looked at each of the members in the group as they agreed one at a time. This all seemed very rushed, as if forces behind the scenes had brought them all together with this very thing in mind. Finn knew next to nothing about any of them, save for his sole encounter with Uchida prior. They all seemed unique, so much themselves that he had not idea what to expect moving forward. Noah seemed to be the most chipper of the three. Uchida carried himself like a man who viewed himself as above others. Vincent, well, there was almost nothing to go on with that silent man other than the sarcasm that was practically lost on Finn.

This was much different than his last team. These fellows were all so different, seemingly in it for their own gain. Finn wouldn't have to train anyone. He wouldn't have to look after them. This would be a team of equals, and that was exactly what he felt he needed. Glancing to Jake, Finn would stretch and shift to a stance that would seem as if he were about to excuse himself. "Alright then, guys. I'll do the paper junk. I can't wait for us to get active!" And with that, he was off.


Together they Come (Private) D09aavQ

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