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Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah

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Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:15 am

Saewoo stood on the arena, as the crowd roared below. They were waiting for the match to begin. Saewoo waved his hand, addressing the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you, the first round of the Martial Arts Tournament! Our contestants this match are.. Hikaru and Jeremiah!"

Saewoo then hopped off the arena, allowing the contestants to come up.

  • Standard site-wide combat rules apply.
  • Post participants have 48 hours to initially post in this thread, then 24 hours every post after that. Should a participant take any longer than this, they should be disqualified. In addition, a substitute may also step in in the event this happens, but only at the first post of the match In the event neither post within that time, both are disqualified and substitutes will advance to the next round.
  • The first post should be both participants entering the arena, and starting the match on the second post.
  • The arena is of solid stone, and circular, with a 20 meter diameter. Ring outs, however, are not in effect. The arena elevates off the ground roughly 2 meters, and has stairs leading up to it.
  • All other tournament rules as detailed in the event page apply.
  • Good luck, and have fun.

#2Jeremiah Ali 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:33 am

Jeremiah Ali
With a yawn the Fairy Tail mage walked up the stairs that would lead to the arena. The stage was big, unless of course this was a magical fight - which it wasn't. The young mage knew who he was fighting thanks to the loud ass announcer and it was Hikaru Nakamura. Rumor has it that Hikaru had power that rivaled guild aces, but alas rumors were only rumors. Who would win? The Fairy, or the Rune? Despite the rumors about Hikaru, he was going to make sure that he fought his best. Win or lose, meeting this man was probably a blessing. He was apart of the Rune Knights so if he was old enough there was a chance that he knew his father. Right now wasn't the time to think of things of that nature though, he had to focus. Once he entered the Arena he was on his guard. His eyes remained forward at the place where his opponent should be making an entrance. This wouldn't be an easy battle and hopefully his body didn't halt on him like it did last time, that'd be embarrassing. Regardless of who won tonight he and everyone else in his guild knew he wasn't weak and he'd ultimately destroy anyone who had the audacity to - Focus That was the first time the Phoenix spoke in about 3 weeks. His voice comforted Jeremiah,... let the battle begin/

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Haki10
#3Hikaru Nakamura 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:05 pm

Hikaru Nakamura
Hikaru took out his emblem watching it glow. A deep sigh happened as he was now teleported to the stadium. He looked around curious as to where he was now. It was the tournament grounds. He was curious to how far he would make it. His first opponent, Jeremiah. The man was a Fairy Tail Mage from what Hikaru heard and Hikaru figured he wasn't particularly the strongest since he hadn't heard of him but he had strong doubts that he was the weakest. Fairy Tail itself was an odd guild to Hikaru. Rumors had it they were chaotic, rowdy, reckless but with that, they were nonetheless Kind, compassionate, and loyal.

Hikaru walked on the stage hearing the crowd cheer waiting for the battle. Hikaru looked and peered into the eyes of his opponent as he approached the arena, the focus was on him. He walked up the stairs that elevated the arena. Hikaru continued to walk until he reached 2 meters from the center. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Upon reopening his eyes he took his right leg and moved it further back toward the right. as if it was one motion, his right fist moved toward his stomach, and his left hand straight pointed at a 45-degree angle. His form looked strong and it was more of a defensive approach hoping the other man would attack first. Hikaru couldn't help but smirk at him. Though there was no words spoken so far between the two, the smirk was all that needed to be done. It was Hikaru telling him to come at him.

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah HikaPlzSiggyJpeg
#4Jeremiah Ali 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:35 pm

Jeremiah Ali
False. Jeremiah wasn't going to fall into the whole "Come at me bro" thing. To be quite frank, he was going to be playing the defensive role something he usually did unless The Phoenix controlled him. With a smirk he got in battle position in the same instant his opponent did. The Arena had a 20 meter diameter. His opponent was now standing two meters from the center which meant that he was 12 meters away from Jeremiah. The bronze mage wouldn't say a word. Instead he would wait for his opponent to make the first move and he didn't seem to be on the offensive side either. This match looked like it would take a while, but he didn't care. He wanted to win. Jeremiah couldn't take another L on his belt. He was representing lame ass Fairy Tail even if he didn't want to, and Fairy Tail was an icon. How would he look if he lost to someone? Even if this man was a pretty well known mage, that shit didn't matter. Truthfully, the young man knew he would enjoy the battle regardless of the outcome but even then that wouldn't be enough to satisfy him.

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Haki10
#5Hikaru Nakamura 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:37 pm

Hikaru Nakamura
Standing there was going to do no justice, so Hikaru figured he might as well get into the thick of things. He didn't want to do too much at once, and was more of the slow and steady wins the race. He walked slowly taking the approach of keeping his guard up and protecting himself. He approached the man hoping to close out the distance Hikaru was now 6 meters away. Hikaru kept his guard up waiting to see what would happen as he approached the man. He halted at 6 meters away from the man, staying in a position that was easy for him to move in whether it be forward or backward, his legs not too far apart. His left leg slightly forward as his starting leg, but his right foot slightly backward as his back peddling leg.

Once again Hikaru looked at the man and peered at his eyes. It was a look that basically showed Hikaru wouldn't keep playing the defensive game with the man. As it stood the man was on the defensive end but maybe just maybe, Hikaru was hoping he would attack him. There was a calm quietness to the arena, the crowd silent only waiting to see which one of these two would make a move. Hikaru couldn't help but smirk as if he had some diabolical plot going on in his head.

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah HikaPlzSiggyJpeg
#6Jeremiah Ali 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:14 pm

Jeremiah Ali
The Bronze kid was watching Hikaru closely so in the same instance that his opponent picked up his foot to step, Jeremiah ran at max speed. His opponent seemed to be moving slow, probably thinking that he would be able to get to him. Sike. With Jeremiah being in fighting position, his left leg was behind his right, so he would easily propel forward without the need to even position himself accordingly. Jeremiah was pretty swift thanks to all the training he put himself through. He would move at full speed towards his opponent. Regardless if his opponent saw him move or not didn't matter. Jeremiah ran at 15 meters per second and the distance between his enemy was 12, unless Hikaru was tall enough for one step to bring them a meter or more closer. Needless to say that Jeremiah's position made his running happen instantly. The young Fairy made his way towards his opponent, watching everything about him, his eyes never leaving his body. His foot movement, arm movement, or whatever he decided to move would be seen. When he reached exactly 1.5 feet away from his opponent, he would jab his left arm forward - but instead of his hand positioned as a fist, it would be open and aiming for his opponents neck. The reasoning of him attacking at exactly one and a half feet was to ensure his safety if this Rune attempted to dodge and strike, or was even fast enough to react in any way, that way he could successfully counter any attack. In a nutshell, Jeremiah would reach his opponent in less than one second.

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Haki10
#7Hikaru Nakamura 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:39 pm

Hikaru Nakamura
Hikaru came to a halt and didn't proceed to move forward immediately seeing his opponent rush towards him. Hikaru was already in a defensive stance and had his guard up. He moved his arms closer to his body, but not too close, he shifted his arms, his right arm higher than his left, but still his left arm was still quite high reaching about the height of his chin. An aura surrounded Hikaru, one that showed might (lieutenants might) He hoped this wasn't the fastest his enemy was or that would mean Hikaru had the speed advantage. As soon as the man got closed, Hikaru watched as the man's arm came toward his neck. Out of instinct, Hikarus left arm moved to the left slapping his jab away and deflecting it. Nevertheless it hurt his arm, but it was better than taking a hit int he neck. As He slapped the Jab away. Hikaru Used his right arm to quickly counter attack with a right hook straight for the temple If the hit landed, the man would most likely be knocked out, but still it was a combo so Hikaru would follow up with a left uppercut to lay the man out on the ground. After that Hikaru backed away 6 meters from his opponent now assuming a boxing position and staying light on his feet, however if the hit landed the battle was as good as over.

C-rank Damage was Dealt to Hiakru.


Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah HikaPlzSiggyJpeg
#8Jeremiah Ali 

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:11 pm

Jeremiah Ali

Typical. If his opponent would have gotten hit by a simple attack then he wasn't worthy of being a Rune Knight. Jeremiah used the momentum to his advantage. Hikaru's deflection was strong enough to stop the attack, but nothing more. Jeremiah continued moving forward though. He never stopped moving forward and would be too swift for Hikaru to counter anything now. Jeremiah's body would crash into his opponents with enough speed adding to his own strength to knock his opponent down. Though Jeremiah wasn't aware, Hikaru threw a hook punch aiming towards his temple but it would easily miss since he did this while Jeremiah, ultimately leading to Hikaru's fall. Rune Knights had Jeremiah looking like a football player out here. Honestly, Jeremiah had no real reason for winning. The only reason he joined this tournament was to see how he would cope against other strong mages of Fiore. It was fun, but whether he won or lost he wouldn't continue further in the games so in the end, Hikaru would win regardless.

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Haki10

Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:11 pm


Under review


Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:52 pm

Jeremiah wrote: The Bronze kid was watching Hikaru closely so in the same instance that his opponent picked up his foot to step, Jeremiah ran at max speed. His opponent seemed to be moving slow, probably thinking that he would be able to get to him. Sike. With Jeremiah being in fighting position, his left leg was behind his right, so he would easily propel forward without the need to even position himself accordingly. Jeremiah was pretty swift thanks to all the training he put himself through. He would move at full speed towards his opponent. Regardless if his opponent saw him move or not didn't matter. Jeremiah ran at 15 meters per second and the distance between his enemy was 12, unless Hikaru was tall enough for one step to bring them a meter or more closer. Needless to say that Jeremiah's position made his running happen instantly. The young Fairy made his way towards his opponent, watching everything about him, his eyes never leaving his body. His foot movement, arm movement, or whatever he decided to move would be seen. When he reached exactly 1.5 feet away from his opponent, he would jab his left arm forward - but instead of his hand positioned as a fist, it would be open and aiming for his opponents neck. The reasoning of him attacking at exactly one and a half feet was to ensure his safety if this Rune attempted to dodge and strike, or was even fast enough to react in any way, that way he could successfully counter any attack. In a nutshell, Jeremiah would reach his opponent in less than one second.

Jeremiah is 6 feet tall normal human reach at that height is 2 feet. science stuff.  Mind you he was already sprinting full speed at you and threw a punch for full momentum.

Hikamaru wrote:Hikaru came to a halt and didn't proceed to move forward immediately seeing his opponent rush towards him. Hikaru was already in a defensive stance and had his guard up. He moved his arms closer to his body, but not too close, he shifted his arms, his right arm higher than his left, but still his left arm was still quite high reaching about the height of his chin. An aura surrounded Hikaru, one that showed might (lieutenants might) He hoped this wasn't the fastest his enemy was or that would mean Hikaru had the speed advantage. As soon as the man got closed, Hikaru watched as the man's arm came toward his neck. Out of instinct, Hikarus left arm moved to the left slapping his jab away and deflecting it. Nevertheless it hurt his arm, but it was better than taking a hit int he neck. As He slapped the Jab away. Hikaru Used his right arm to quickly counter attack with a right hook straight for the temple If the hit landed, the man would most likely be knocked out, but still it was a combo so Hikaru would follow up with a left uppercut to lay the man out on the ground. After that Hikaru backed away 6 meters from his opponent now assuming a boxing position and staying light on his feet, however if the hit landed the battle was as good as over.

Jeremiah wrote:Typical. If his opponent would have gotten hit by a simple attack then he wasn't worthy of being a Rune Knight. Jeremiah used the momentum to his advantage. Hikaru's deflection was strong enough to stop the attack, but nothing more. Jeremiah continued moving forward though. He never stopped moving forward and would be too swift for Hikaru to counter anything now. Jeremiah's body would crash into his opponents with enough speed adding to his own strength to knock his opponent down. Though Jeremiah wasn't aware, Hikaru threw a hook punch aiming towards his temple but it would easily miss since he did this while Jeremiah, ultimately leading to Hikaru's fall. Rune Knights had Jeremiah looking like a football player out here. Honestly, Jeremiah had no real reason for winning. The only reason he joined this tournament was to see how he would cope against other strong mages of Fiore. It was fun, but whether he won or lost he wouldn't continue further in the games so in the end, Hikaru would win regardless.

Alright this is tricky cause of how the series of events took place. Jeremiah was charging forward and threw a punch. But hika deflected the punch and countered instantly. No where does Jeremiah actually state he dodges the attack or moves his head. Just crashing into Hika. By saying you weren't aware that punch came before you could crash into him nor did you annotate how you dealt with the said attack. He does have double your endurance with the seated Str buff +25 he activated so Saewoo will handle this.


Round 1: Hikaru vs Jeremiah Empty Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:26 pm


Hikamaru has scored a knockout. Hikamaru progresses to the next round.

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