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Victory Road Regulations

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Victory Road Regulations Empty Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:01 pm


Victory Road Regulations

  • In order to play the Victory Road, the user needs to have an approved character.

  • The user can play the Victory Road on all their approved characters.

  • To play the game, the user needs to create a topic in this forum with the following title: Guest's Victory Road.

  • The first post in the topic must be: I am Guest and this is my Victory Road.

  • In order to play the game, the user must click on reply. Quick reply does not work for this game.

  • The user must select the Dice 100 and change the number of dices to 6 as shown in the gif above.

  • Next, the user must create their post. It must contain the name of the Gym that is being rolled for, the roll number (which resets after each Gym), and finally, a link to a quest the user has completed. This quest can only be used a certain amount of times to roll, based on the rank of the quest.
    • D-rank Quest: 1 Roll
    • C-rank Quest: 2 Rolls
    • B-rank Quest: 3 Rolls
    • A-rank Quest: 4 Rolls
    • S-rank Quest: 5 Rolls

  • The user may roll the dice a single time per day without submitting any quest.

  • They may roll additional times by submitting any completed quests.

  • The following quests can be turned in: Good, Bad, Neutral, and Storyline.

  • For example if the user has completed a S-rank Quest, they can roll it 5 times in a day. Though, each roll must be done in a separate post with its number e.g. #4, #5. This way the moderator can review it easier.

  • The message should always be the Gym and the number of the roll, as well as a quest, that way a moderator can easily look it up when the user links to the topic and refers to roll #6 for example e.g. Lucy Heartfilia Gym, Roll #1.

  • If the roll is successful, you will see two posts. The first post is your own with the Gym's name and the roll number and the second being a post made by this account which is automatically generated by the forum.

  • In case you roll six numbers above the required minimum, you may go to the other sticky in this forum and claim your prize there. Fill out the form and you will be rewarded.

  • From that point on, you'll be rolling for the next gym. Your roll count will start at #1 again e.g. Wendy Marvell's Gym, Roll #1.

  • Gyms are completed in the order shown in the Gym Battles topic. Even if your rolls are good enough to clear multiple Gyms, it will only count towards the Gym you are trying to clear right now.

  • Failing to abide by these rules will result in a ban from the Victory Road.

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