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No Answer [Alek]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:43 am

Lee Nakamura
Savaged by the her own rage, this was a rare consume for her to allow. Did she ever rarely loose her cool. Hans, a tall kitsune dressed in a steampunk outfit, stood on the sidelines ears flattened, but staying rather cool about it. The redhead never lost her temper, but when she did a whole town would burn. It was one of the things Hans prevented her to do, most of the time. Just why? The inner demon was now taking control of her mind as she became more and more disfragmented from reality. The kitsune did nothing. It was probably best to let her snap to get things off your chest. The forest was quiet and nothing seemed to disturb it. Her blood literally boiled as her body temperature rose.

She paced back and forth as Han's had his eyes watch her closely. "People are nothing but horrible beings. Trying to find one answer. ONE FREAKING ANSWER!! Where the hell is my mother? No. No one seems to care" she said. She screamed so loud the birds flew out of the trees. It made even more angry. "Hans. Why...just why? Everything I do does nothing. My brother, my own father, my family ignores me either they are too busy or just plain ignoring me. Obviously, Uncle Tyler and Dad are ignoring and Hikaru I understand, but still. It...is..." she said. A flame extinguished from her palms causing forest damage. Hans had a cold look on his face, one he doesn't normally give his fiance. "All must burn!!! she hissed a little bit scarier.

The happy expression on his face was flushed out to ice. A force made her quiet as Hans simply stuffed her face full of meat. What kind of meat? You really shouldn't know. The taste savored her taste buds. A taste most wouldn't be able to understand. Slowly, she quiet. One of hte many things to get her to calm down, She lowered to her knees in defeat. She was tired of not getting anywhere to find her mother. Only she held this goal. None of her comrades, captains, or family seemed to want to do anything about it. Only Hans took a personal interest. That's what mattered. "Are you better? You nearly lost it there" he smiled. Drastic mood change. The female suddenly just stayed quiet not saying a word. Naturally, she clammed up, even to Hans at times. "Perhaps, no. Finding your mother will take some if not a lot of time. you will eventually have an answer, just not now. I understand more than most would think. You're family just has a hard time picking themselves back up from something like this. At least, you are doing something for them. Isn't that the whole reason why you joined the Rune Knights in the first place" he said. He had to remind her of it. The diamond encrested fox ring show on their ring fingers. Again, another time she had to be reminded that things take time. Silently, only noiseless air replied to his small speech.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:16 am

Aleksandr Sokolov

No Answer

Aleksandr was just roaming around Crocus, he . was patrolling today. He charged himself with protecting the people tonight which he was doing with full devotion. That was until, something caught his attention. A fire in the nearby, surrounding forest which wasn't looking that good to him as it could spread and kill the wildlife. Lucky for him, he didn't wear armor. He was in athletic clothes. As soon as he saw the fires, he made his way running towards the fire's source. The fire was a mile away, and running at an average speed he would reach it in 7 minutes. Soon, he had got to his destination.

To his utter surprise, a fellow lieutenant was one spreading the fires. She was his Captain's sister, LeeAnn Nakamura. He was quite shocked by her immaturity towards her job and her spreading destruction in the forests. But from what he knew, Rune Knights weren't that destructive in nature. He thought that he should just stay quite for a few seconds until the situation calms down and she isn't out of her senses. After it had calmed down, he made his way towards her and spoke calmly "Miss LeeAnn, what has happened?" were his only words with a tinge of curiosity and care for her soul because she didn't seem mentally stable before. He would then proceed to wait for her reply in order to craft something up.

#3Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:50 am

Lee Nakamura
Hans stood there behind her. He was talller than most humans standing at 6'5". His snow white kitsune tails swayed in a downward motion. In a defeated state, she remained silent. No emotion. No sound. What only lied was a cold stone face as if nothing had happened. LeeAnn kept things hidden very well in front of everyone. They saw a strong, confident woman who could hold her own. Though, inside was a scared, unstable little girl. Truly, was just going through a lot. Hans was the only one keeping her sane. Lovingly, he hugged her tightly as his tails wrapped around her. LeeAnn hugged him back. Hans was a very clingy guy and hated to be alone so it worked out for the two of them.

The redhead heard a voice that asked if she was alright. Her senses were off and she would usually notice if anyone was watching. Her mixed matched eyes flared up alerted and broke the hug between her and Hans. "How long have you been there" she asked out of shock. After while she would simmer down to a meer temperature f coolness. "I'm sorry about that. You just startled me is all. As far as your question goes, I'm alright now. I just got angry and frustrated with my life at the moment is all. I come out here to not destroy a town. Safe precautions" she said. LeeAnn noticed this was Konstantin's brother, Alek. The other Lieutenant on the team. She said nothing regarding who he was, but she thought it would be polite to. "So...you're Konstantin's brother? Just outta curosity, how much of that did you see and hear" she asked.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#4Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:45 am

Aleksandr Sokolov

No Answer

There was a apparently a man with her, a tall man. Or to be quite precise, a fox. Kitsune was his guess at that. They then hugged, Aleksandr was feeling quite embarrassed to witness almost intimacy between two partners and looked at the ground so not to witness it. Then he heard LeeAnn say out of shock that how long has he been there and the it was just out of shock and sorry for that. It was good that he turned his back and wen He replied to her in a calm way "Well, I came here seeing the fire in the trees and smoke that was rising from it. I just arrived right now and I wanted you to calm down before I would talk to you, so that I do not offend or hurt you in any manner or vice versa. I saw most of it and  I'm sorry for interrupting your moments but I was concerned about the wildlife that resides inside the forest, after all its their home while even if they are in less numbers here and well always keep the precautions with ya' cause people might get the wrong image of a Rune Knight and are you okay now?" It was his output for the first two things she said and it was in a very respectful, dignified manner which was the signature of a Rune Knight.

She then asked if he is Konstantin's brother, oh well he was Kon's younger brother and asked out of curiosity that how much he heard of that "I was just standing a few meters away from you, you can say I heard all of that." He was quite embarrassed by this.

#5Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:12 am

Lee Nakamura
She could only let out an annoyed groan. It was bad timing someone just had to show up. Now she was going be reported and charged for forest damage. So much for saving the town form her anger. Hans listened as so did she. Hans looked back at the site. "Well, at least its not a whole town of Clover like last time. I mean we came out here to prevent that from happening guess my idea didn't work. Whoopsies. You can blame that on me actually. We'll fix it. Be right back" he smiled. He grabbed a hose from his tuxedo. LeeAnn blinked. "Where did you get that" she asked. Hans blinked.

"Get what?" he replied. She only sighed not wanting to question it. "Never mind" she would reply. Hans put the hose around his arm. He would go a nearby stream and place the hose in it as he would use science or something to emit the force for the water to come out of the hose enough to have the fire dwindle down a bit. He came back with a large smile. "There you go! Those cute animals should be saved...for now" he smiled evilly. Hans would scatter off to go hunting for food. LeeAnn would go back to something serious.

She looked a bit worried now that someone was going to bother her and asked if she was alright. It was hard for her to accept help. "I guess, I mean...I am going through a lot right now and actually having therapy done for about two years now. So you tell me if I am okay or not. Guess you seen and heard all of it, huh? Well...this is just great, me and my big fat mouth" she would sighed. Lying against a not burnt tree, she would sink down as her head placed against the rough bark as it scratched her back. "I'm sorry, none of this is your fault. I'm...not good with talking about my problems is all. But whatever you heard does NOT get repeated to the rest of the team! That is an order! I dont want them to find out about any of my issues otherwise I will...be a burden and more of a concern to them. If anything, I dont like to be center of attention. No pity. Nothing like that. Just please, from Knight to fellow Knight. Please dont tell the others. This is something I personally need to tell them if and when I feel like it" she would asked. Just at that moment, a large bison carcass was being dragged by Hans as he had a huge smile on his face.

LeeAnn could only facepalm. "You would not believe this, a bison nearly killed me. If it weren't for him running into a tree and my swift fox skills I would of been a smash up little Hans! This will fill us up for weeks. Not as heavy as the giraffe that I accidentally killed or that wyvern that I followed for weeks" he said then near the end spoke to himself. LeeAnn look at Alek who was probably confused. "That's normal for him dont worry. Its Bison hunting season! He follows the laws....most of the time. Just...go along with it. He's a kitsune. Its his nature" she would say.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#6Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:07 am

Aleksandr Sokolov

No Answer

"Don't worry, Miss LeeAnn. I am not charging your for this if you help me clear this mess, while I care about my duty I also care about the reputation of our team and I thought that to save you might be better off for our reputation and don't think I'm doing this out of pity, it's for our sole reputation and because as a team mate I am worried about your health because it might be a big blow to our team as you are an integral part of our team and I am worried about your personal welfare" He said this while keeping his body language and back straight and with eye contact, that he meant all of that and he said that after Hans had said all of that and then she said she is going through therapy and a lot right now, he replied to her "I understand you, Miss LeeAnn." and then she said that all this should not be repeated to their teammates "You have my word, Miss LeeAnn. But can I please just call you LeeAnn seeing as we're gonna be team member and all? You would not be burden to any of us, you're stronger than that. You are indeed one of the strongest on our team, just you have my word. I won't tell anybody about this."

Well that was until her partner, the kitsune known as Hans brought back a Bison and made up a story that the bison was gonna kill him and that bison ran into a tree which was already given away by the smile on his face. Aleksandr decided to keep quiet not because he didn't understand it but not give away anything at all that would offend them as he loved animals. LeeAnn apologized to him, he replied "It's okay."

#7Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:53 am

Lee Nakamura
A wave of relief was seen in her eyes. She felt a lot better hearing that from Alek. The redhead laid her head back on the tree. Now she felt as if her whole body was now sore from anger. "That's a relief. Thank you!" she would say in relief. The last time she had seen this man was at the mandatory meeting that her brother demanded she be at. It was rather bothersome for her sometimes to force her fiance to follows rules yet alone she barely did that herself at least on the destruction side of things. She managed to do things legal just breaking minor rules comparing to murder. Hans yet again simply dragged teh bison back into town where no one question his methods. She only sighed. "Okay looks like were gonna have to follow him. Come on Alek, let's just..hang out for a bit. I like the company of another person" she offered.

They both would catch up with the tall kitsune with the enourmous bison on his shoulders. It was then she forgot about the meeting with her uncle in a little bit. "Hans what in the world are you going to do with that bison" she would ask. The kitsune smiled back. "Bison burgers what else" he smiled. There was a long pause in between them. "Well we have to meet with my Uncle about my progress and possible leads. Duh? Come on, Alek, come. You could probably be assistance in this" she said to the kitsune. He looked at the bison and smiled. "Okie dokie lokie, come on Lee, let's go twinkle toes let's MARCH" he smiled, still dragged the bision behind him.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#8Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:40 am

Aleksandr Sokolov

come away to the darkness

LeeAnn looked like she was relieved or something, a weak smile appeared on Aleksandr's face while looking at LeeAnn something told him that they would get along good. Hans started to drag the bison into town as LeeAnn said she liked the company of another person and that they should hang out for a bit. Without hesitating, he went ahead and said "Yes, of course. Let's go." he said that because team members had to bond and had to give some time to each other or so to say hang out for a bit. He then started to walk with LeeAnn and a while after they caught up with Hans, who was having the bison on his shoulders. This man or Kitsune, had some good raw strength of his own.

Hans said that he was gonna make Bison burgers out of that Bison, there was long pause in between them after all of that when LeeAnn said that they had to go to his uncle's and asked him to come along and he would of course say that "Why the hell not?" as he would shoot a smile back, this time a stronger smile than before. As Hans said that they should now twinkle toes let's march at which Aleksandr would have almost laughed but he didn't and controlled his laughter and would start to walk beside LeeAnn once she started to walk and tried to make a conversation "So, I guess you know my brother, right and you also know the other members of our team good, well not so lucky I am."

TAG: @LeeAnn
WORDS: xxx
credit to nat of adoxography.

#9Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:57 pm

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn was assumed that she already knew Alek's brother, Konstantin, as well as the other members. It was just by coincidence they stumbled upon each other and formed a team. "Yeah, but it was just by pure luck that I knew them. My brother of course I know him, but the other two I ran into them few days before the meeting. I guess it was meant to by, don't feel bad" she replied. They would walk back to the Station where the Rune Knights were suppose to be. It was a large building that was old like rest of the town and held a lot of history. Inside, were Knights of every rank and some Holy Knights as well. LeeAnn walked to the front desk. "Is Captian Tyler McDoulglas in his office? If so, I need to speak with him on some other terms" she asked. The receptionist looked at a planner looking to see if he had an opening. She glanced up at Hans and just stared. "The kitsune is with me. No need, he's harmless as a fly" she said. The lady returned to her research. After a few moments, she gave another risky look up. "Why yes he does, I shall page him that who is coming?" she asked.

"LeeAnn Nakamura, his niece" she replied. The receptionist paged her uncle as he agreed to see LeeAnn and the other two. A small bow of thank you and she followed to his office. "My uncle is only nine years older than I am and a Captain. He is an important figure. It's probably best that get to know him Alek. The more you know in the council the better" she said.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#10Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:21 am

Aleksandr Sokolov

No Answer
The Pandaman is the supreme authority

Aleksandr wasn't feeling bad about it, it was just that he didn't get time to meet them and talk with them. But anyways, there were on their way to meet LeeAnn's uncle so it was best he be formal so when they reached the station, it was revealed to him that her uncle was a captain as LeeAnn said to the receptionist. He would just stay there standing uptight and keeping his body language straight and formal in front of the many officers and his juniors there. She would then assure the receptionist that Hans is harmless and won't do anything or cause any trouble.

The receptionist would proceed to ask that who is gonna met him, Captain McDouglas of course. LeeAnn would reply that she, her niece as the receptionist lady would be paged with Lee's uncle having agreed to meet her, Hans and himself. LeeAnn followed to his office as Aleksandr went beside LeeAnn and started walking with her as she would speak that her uncle is an important figure and it would best to know him as Alek would give  a simple nod to his fellow officer and teammate, they reached the room as they would stand outside for some seconds as they would ask if they could come in. He would speak to Lee "So, on which matter are you to meet your uncle? Or is it just a casual meet and greet?" He would then sort his hair to a more formal hairstyle and take out his frame-less specs (eyeglasses) to give him a more formal look and would sort his clothes.

TAG: @Lee
WORDS: ###
credit to nat of adoxography.

#11Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:57 am

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn made her way to the door to his office. It was always the old oak wood door with lots of nicks and scratches due.to wear and tare over the years. Most of.it was from her. She was asked what sort of manner should he address her uncle. "Take those things off. He's always informal but just be formal like always you never know what he might do" she said. She opened the door to see a man flying a paper airplane and watching it fly. It.flew last their heads. Both Alek and Lee looked at him. He smiled. "Hey kids what's up? Lee who's this" he asked.

"Alek. Apart of.a newly formed team Hikaru thought of. I'm Co-captain. Also is the same rank in magic and status of the knights....sir" she said with a pause. The redhead stood.there stiff as if.she.was.on duty. Her.uncle laughed. "Kid,.relax. Both of you. I am not that kind of guy seriously.but I am though concerned.with your fox friend being on the ceiling" he said.pointing to Hans. The.kitsune.stood on the ceiling without any problem. He waved as LeeAnn gave him a look. "Hello, nice view though I think no will take a seat here" he said sitting in a random chair on the ceiling. Her uncle questioned how he did that and where he got the chair from. LeeAnn only sighed as this was a daily thing for her. "Anyways, good for you LeeAnn. Glad you got that potision and made some new relations. So Alek, has LeeAnn been any trouble for you?" he asked with a smile knowing about the forest fire.

No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#12Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:26 pm

Aleksandr Sokolov
LeeAnn said that he should take his eyeglasses off as he did what she said as he hanged them from his outside breast pocket and sorted his hair before going inside the door as a paper plane flew past his head, it brought some memories back for Aleksandr. He used to do that in his school days and the teacher would punish him and tell him to stand outside the class, but it was good fun anyways. He looked at the man and said "Good evening, sir." as the captain would ask her that who is Alek and she would reply that he is part of a newly formed team that her brother thought of and she is co-captain of and also said that he is the same status and rank as her.

The man would then reply and say that they should relax as Alek took a breath of relief because he  was tired of being formal to everybody met, it just wasn't him because it was him on duty but now it seemed that the captain is not that kind of guy, but then he said that her fox friend is on the ceiling as he looked up to see that he was standing on the ceiling with no problem at all, it was a bit surprising for Alek to see someone walking like that on the walls. He looked with a bit of awe, it wasn't daily stuff for him to see people walking on the walls but then he remembered that LeeAnn's fiance is a kitsune. So maybe they could do such things, right? But thinking that it did not matter as of now, he looked at the captain again to catch him saying glad that you got the position, Lee. Of course he was, then he asked if Lee had been any trouble for Alek. He would speak to him "Not really, sir. Though I was a bit surprised at first seeing a Knight burning down a forest but it's okay now."

#13Lee Nakamura 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:14 pm

Lee Nakamura
Tyler had only nodded. He knew his niece could be very destructive and not watch her surroundings when her emotions get the best of her. The officer motioned the two to sit down. "Like always, Ciar would override her...accidents. You will again have another meeting with him LeeAnn and be severely disciplined" he said casually. The thing is he took this whole thing lightheartedly. Tyler was not much of a worry wart like LeeAnn's parents or Ciar, a family friend. LeeAnn sat down as he smiled at her then at Alek. "That's it? Do you take anything serious, Uncle Tyler" she asked. The blonde headed man only shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "I mean I try to not worry about a lot of things because its not worth my energy. Things happen" he said. He seemed too relax about any of this growing tired of him already. She got up. "You know what I will just talk to Ciar. Come on Alek and Hans were getting out of here" she said suddenly.


No Answer [Alek] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#14Aleksandr Sokolov 

No Answer [Alek] Empty Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:57 pm

Aleksandr Sokolov
The Captain nodded and said that Ciar would override her accidents and next time when she will meet him she will be severely disciplined. This man took her medical condition too lightheartedly and just shrugged it off. He wasn't a bit serious about it and seemed that he did not care about it, then LeeAnn would say that does he even take anything seriously, seemed the answer was no. He said that he tries not to worry about things and that its not worth his energy. He doesn't care about his nephew? Oh wow. Then Lee would abruptly say the she will just talk to Ciar and that they should go. He didn't like this man anyway,so good that they exited and as she said that they should go, that moment the three walk out.


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