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Tempest [Selena]

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#1Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:03 pm

Assama Sinclair
Something was off. At first, she couldn't quite put her finger on it, but the more she walked around, the more she realized that what was causing her to feel like something wasn't right was the scent in the air. It wasn't a foul odor but it wasn't an overly pleasant one either. It just smelled... familiar. A strange familiarity. Sometimes it was weird being a Dragon Slayer. For all she knew, her senses could just be messing with her, but her curiosity begged of her to find out what it was. Giving in, she started to follow the scent. Unfortunately, she couldn't pinpoint it.

It was annoying. She had no idea how long it took her, but Assama was pretty sure that whoever she smelled was that blue haired girl not too far from her. The smell became strongest whenever she was close to her, but for all Assama knew it could have been someone else. That girl just stood out from her blue hair. Perhaps she was someone she had met but had forgotten. Nevertheless, she still decided to tap on her shoulder and ask, "Excuse me, have we met before?" Though she was almost certain the answer was "no," she could have just been momentarily blanking out on someone she met when she was younger. Maybe this girl would remember. If not, oh well.

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#2Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:50 pm

Selena Maelstrom
Selena was walking around Crocus. She could see why it was called the holy capital because holy he'll the place was busy. No matter where she went the streets were crowded. Luckily she had decided to wear her top showing off her guild tattoo. She loved her tattoo at times, and today it was more than useful. For one random stall merchants wouldn't just run up to her and ask her to buy some stuff and secondly from her mere presence any shady looking person stupid enough to look at her would be sent flying. Sadly however none had decided to make eye contact so Selena was kind of bored. Yes she was happy that no one was idiotic enough to steal something while a Rune Knight was on "Patrol" but also annoyed because she was itching for a good tussle. One thing however also pestered Selena and got on her nerves, but it wasn't the lack of entertainment. No it was this persistent smell that kept coming to her.

Selena figured she was smelling herself sort of. It smelt familiar but not quite right. It was as if she had smelled this fragrance before but for some reason she just could not connect it to anything in her mind. All she knew was it was sort of giving her a head ache. Stopping to rub her head to try and remove any trace of the incoming headache, Selena felt a talon her shoulder. More than lily a trouble civilian Selena put on her "On duty" face. Despite the fact she was on vacation she would still be more than happy to help anyone in need. Selena was however met with a girl, slightly smaller than herself with long pink hair. The girl asked if they had met before somewhere. Very confused about the question, and also about the smell, Selena looked at the girl for a moment. "I can't say that I have..." Selena said, her nostrils flaring slightly. Slightly annoyed by this smell she decided to ask this girl. "I'm sorry but do you get this weird smell? I dunno how to describe it but it kinda smells like me, but not me." She said turning her head up, furrow in her brow as if to concentrate. Realising the stupidity of her question she looked back at the girl with a silly smile. "Sorry that made no sense." Selena said fixing her hair. "My name is Selena Maelstrom by the way, Rune Knight. Was there anything else you wanted to ask?" She then added braising her mark for confirmation.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#3Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:39 pm

Assama Sinclair
Assama gave a slight frown when the blue haired girl said that she didn't know her. Great, now she just felt stupid. She knew it was just her senses acting up. Fall allergies were probably just messing with her. Assama was about to apologize and walk away when the girl asked Assama if she was getting a weird smell. What was more surprising was that she described the same scent Assama was smelling. She then gave an unnecessary apology, saying that it probably made no sense. But it made perfect sense, at least to Assama. The girl then proceeded to introduce herself as Selena, a Rune Knight. Another Rune Knight in Crocus? She assumed that this was just purely coincidental. Surely there were plenty more Rune Knights stationed in Era right now.

"I'm Assama, a member of Lamia Scale, but anyway, I actually completely understand the whole familiar smell thing you're talking about. I was thinking that it was odd too and... wait. Are you saying that you can smell people?" Could it be that Selena had the same enhanced sense of smell that Assama had? It would be strange if she did, because Assama had never met or heard of anyone in her life who had the same abilities as herself.

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#4Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:52 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"Nice to meet you Assama." Selena replied, her "On Duty" face falling to a simple small smile. Assama said she was in Lamia scale. Well at least Selena didn't have to worry about her trying to steal anything from the stalls since she was in a light guild and all. But even so Selena's initial reaction towards her was that she was a concerned citizen not some low level thief. What surprised Selena more was that Assama said she actually got what Selena was talking about. Selena Cobalt eyes brightened at first but then we're clouded by confusion. Assama seemed confused too as she trailed off wondrous if Selena could smell Humans too. "Well not just Humans, everything really in greater detail. But if you can too does that mean..?" Selena too trailed off before coming to a quick realisation. "So Assama about we go get something to eat and talk more.. privately." Selena shot a few looks around to see if anyone was watching them, but aside from the odd glances there was nothing out of the ordinary. "There is a quaint little restaurant not too far from here. I've heard great things about it." Selena then looked Assama in the eye, as if trying to communicate with her without moving her lips. Selena had a fair idea she knew what she was. Something similar to herself no doubt. And if that were the case she did not want to openly talk about it in a place crowded with pedestrians. Selena stood there giving the same odd look to Assama as she waited a response.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#5Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:03 pm

Assama Sinclair
Selena seemed glad at first that Assama understood what she meant, but soon became just as confused as Assama was. When Assama questioned Selena being able to smell humans, she replied saying that it was't just humans. She could smell just about anything in great detail. She seemed to connect the dots and drew the conclusion that both of them had the same ability. Selena then seemed that it was a good idea for them to go and talk somewhere privately. Assama couldn't have agreed more.

Selena mentioned a restaurant not too far from where they were. "Sounds great," was all Assama said, still trying to wrap her head around the whole situation. Surely she couldn't be a Dragon Slayer. Assama hasn't even heard of one other than herself. But for now, she would let Selena lead her to the restaurant and then they would talk.

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#6Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:09 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"Great let's get going then." Selena then said guiding Assama beside her with her hand, looking over her shoulder just to make sure no one was watching. The two were barely walking a minute as the restaurant was literally around the corner from their current location. Selena was usually quite a literal person but this even took her by surprise. "Well here we are, told ya it was just around the corner." Selena said with a faint smile.

Taking a second to see how full the restaurant was from the outside, Selena could see that the place was kinda quiet for the size of it. The restaurant was quite big and rather popular but considering the time of day Selena wasn't overly surprised about it's lack of people. Getting closer Selena could see the sign on just to the right of the entrance written in chalk.

Brunch Special!

The message was quite vague and caused Selena ask ask herself out loud "Wonder what makes it special?" Half disregarding it for the time being she would lead Assama in. AS soon as they passed the threshold the two mages were greeted by a man with an almost comical looking mustache. "Seat for two please." Selena spoke softly and clearly, yet despite this the mustached man still did not hear. He help up his hand to his ear wanting Selena to repeat herself. "I said TABLE FOR TWO!" She said her tone quite a bit louder than what she had said before. The mustached man looked as though he was struck with an enormous amount of magic and was about to die, yet he still brought Selena and Assama to two free seats, the best looking in the place too! When the mustached man was about to leave Selena simply said "Menus?" The mustached man looked back and gave them their menus along with a nervous smile before fleeing from them both. "He was weird. Anyway, now that we aren't going to be over heard yet in a public place, why don't we talk about our magic, and let's be straight no point in pretending." Selena said her voice more serious now. They both knew what kind of magic they both have and what one could do with such a magic, but neither of them knew what the other was going to do. It was crucial to find out what the other was doing. The power to slay Dragons is great so great some who poses it only want to cause harm with it. So Selena needed to make sure that this girl wasn't one of those.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#7Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:25 pm

Assama Sinclair
When Selena said that the restaurant was right around the corner, she didn't think that she meant right around the corner. Typically, Assama took that phrase for being a little further than right around the corner, but it seemed that Selena was being very literal. The restaurant looked nice though and it wasn't too crowded, which meant that there wouldn't be a lot of noise, unless Assama and Selena happened to be unfortunate enough to sit behind a family with a loud or restless child.

Selena and Assama walked into the restaurant and Selena asked for a table for two. When the man with the mustache didn't reply, Selena said it much... louder, causing Assama to wince at the sudden rise in volume. The man too, was taken back by Selena's loudness, but nonetheless escorted the two of them to a table. He must either have been new or just wasn't a good waiter in general because he almost forgot their menus. Luckily Selena reminded him. He rushed off and swiftly returned with their two menus. Selena commented that he was weird. Assama nodded in agreement and Selena continued on with her sentence, picking right back up from where the left. Selena cut straight to the chase and said for them to start talking about their magic and that there was no point in pretending anymore. "Yeah... you're right." Assama quickly scanned her surroundings to see if anyone was near, and when she saw that nobody was within earshot, she started talking to Selena again. "I'm the Sky Dragon Slayer, and you?"

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#8Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:56 pm

Selena Maelstrom
A small smile appeared on Selena''s face. Good she was direct and too the point, no need for any unnecessary information. Staring into Assama''s green eye's with her own Cobalt ones, she could see that she was serious too. Assama then said she was the Sky Dragon Slayer. Selena''s eyes glint ed at the sound. Sky huh? A rather rare for of magic. Wind magic was far more common while sky, depending on the caster could have far more versatility with spells and types of spells than most. Despite her having a fairly well know magic, Selena was not sure exactly who Assama was with her magic, after all the magic of a mage often determined their personality. Selena was a perfect example. Water could be harsh and violent, but also soft and soothing. Assama also asked what element did Selena specialise in. "Water~" Selena said with a trace of her smile still on her face. Selena then looked a little more seriously as she thought of her next question. "So.." half choking on her question, Selena coughed to remove the catch. She realised that Assama could have possibly had the same experience as her as to how she awakened to her powers. "How did you become a dragon slayer?" Selena finally managed to say. Although she found it hard to say her face would stay rather serious and still looking into Assamas eyes. Selena wondered what her answer would be.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#9Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:31 am

Assama Sinclair
It turned out that Selena was actually the water dragon slayer. "That's very suiting, considering all the blue," Assama said, gesturing mostly to her hair, but also to her cobalt eyes. Selena seemed a little apprehensive to ask Assama a question, but ended up asking her how she became a Dragon Slayer. "Oh, I just got a lacrima put inside of me. You see, I come from a long line of mages but by some kind of fluke, I was born with an extremely low aptitude for most magics. My parents would do anything to get me magic and that included getting me a lacrima. How did you get yours?"

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#10Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:49 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"Hmm?" Selena looked to her outfit. It was fairly blue all right, but it as a good color hat barely clashed with any thing! She then looked to her hair, also blue, and in the election of the glass table she caught a glimpse of her cobalt eyes shining back. "Never thought about that, but I guess you're right. Heh" Selena said with the small chuckle. She hadn't really been amused by the comment such 's that for the while. It was omething about his girl that made her easy to talk to. WAS it the fact that he was a slayer too? NO it was more emotional. SHE seemed more down to earth and not afraid to express herself, a little like Selena. "To be honest you could be any slayer you anted to with such lovely oink hair, but I guess your greenish eyes kinda say nature? Either way my first guess wouldn't have been Sky" Selena said placing a stray grand of hair behind her ear.

Assama then went on o explain how she got her dragon slaying powers. The way she got her magic was far more tame then the torture Selena had to endure. IN fact, Selena wasn't overly sure about Assama's answer. Maybe she was lying? A possibility, but an unlikely one. "Oh yeah, mine as imilar too." Selena said looking away, half dodging the question. SHE wasn't lying, but there was far more to her obtaining her powers than just wanting them.

"So peasantries aside... Selena began , bringing her hand together. .. Do you know of the Dragon emperor?" Direct question. SELENA did not want to mess round any longer.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#11Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:00 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

According to Selena's observations, Assama was the opposite of her. While Selena's hair, eyes, and even clothes matched the blue theme of water, Assama's pink hair and teal eyes weren't associated with any element. While Selena said that her appearance could fit any element, Assam couldn't imagine herself using any other element.

When Assama explained how she got her Dragon Slayer magic, Selena said that, that was roughly how she got hers as well, but averted her gaze as if she didn't want to talk about it, which was fine with Assama. She understood if people didn't want to talk about certain things. She wouldn't pressure her.

Selena changed the subject to something more serious. She wanted to know about the Dragon Emperor, or rather what Assama knew about it. "I mean... I know of the Dragon Emperor. I don't know if it truly exists though," she said, meaning she didn't know if anyone learned to harness the power of the Dragon Emperor yet, or if it was merely a myth. It was an interesting subject to bring up, but considering they were both Dragon Slayers, she should have expected it to come up sooner or later.

@ Selena
# # #

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#12Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:35 pm

Selena Maelstrom
Assama seemed to know of the dragon emperor, but was not sure in it's existence. OK a good sign, somewhat. I'm in the same boat as you Assama. All I know is that those who wish to become emperor need to defeat all other slayers." Selena said looking back at Assama very serious. Now I need to know. Do you wish to become the emperor? If you do I will not condemned you for it. Just one thing." Taking a large inhale she spoke again almost in a sigh. "Please, please do not seek destruction. I know it sounds odd to say the least, but just promise me." Selena said once again remembering why she wasaid given her magic in the first place. Trying to oush those Melrose to the back of her mind, Selena desperately wanted to listen to Assama''s reply.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#13Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:29 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Assama gravely nodded as Selena explained that those who wished to become the Dragon Emperor had to defeat all the other Dragon Slayers. Assama knew this. Why wouldn't she? Would one be stupid enough to become a Dragon Slayer without knowing what was at stake or what the true benefits if being one reaped? The task of defeating all the Dragon Slayers was not an easy one to bear and honestly, it frightened Assama to think of all the Slayers who would do anything for its power.

Selena asked if Assama wanted to become the emperor. If she did, Selena requested for her not to seek destruction. "I wouldn't even think of it," she said reassuringly. She could understand Selena's caution. Just because she was in a light guild didn't mean that she had all the ideals of one. For all Selena knew Assama could have been lying to her this whole time, which she wasn't of course. "What would you do if you had its power?"

@ Selena
1 6 7

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#14Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:57 pm

Selena Maelstrom
A relieved smile crossed Selena's face at Assama''s reply. Selena wasn't overly surprised since Assama was from a legal guild and all, but one could never be too careful. Especially with dark guilds on the rise too. Still, bow Selena knew a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders, no more need to worry about this one cornering her and beating her half to death to become emperor! Assama then wanted to know what Selena was going to do if she got the power. Well, I don't really know. Quite frankly I've never really thought about what I'd do with it." Selena admitted. Giving it some thought her mind once again wandered to her troubled past. They wanted her to become emperor so they could have power and Selena could see that. BUT power for the sake of power is wrong. Looking rather sure in herself Selena answered. If I were to try and become Emperor, it would only be to make sure no one else would for fear of the worst. And although it might sound cheesy, i would kinda ant it to protect people, I mean I am in he Rune Knights in all. KINDA in he job description. Selena said with a faint chuckle. "Now, glad all that's said and done." said selena clapping her hands together. Looking down at her menu scanning the various dishes her stomach began to growl. Lord am I famished, where's that waiter? Selena asked to herself more than to Assama

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#15Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:52 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Assama listened to Selena's reply. She said that she didn't know what she would do with it but thought that it was best to safeguard its power and not let anyone else take the risk of using it in fear of causing mass destruction. Basically. But now, the two of them moved on from the subject of Dragon Emperor. Instead, they were on the subject of food and bad waiters. Assama had completely forgotten that they were supposed to be eating. Given the time they took to talk about all this Dragon Slayer stuff, she too was surprised that the waiter didn't come over to take their orders. Assama scanned the restaurant for him and when she caught sight of him, paged him over.

He asked what they wanted any drinks or appetizers to start out with. "I'll take a lemon water... not sure about the appetizers," she said leaving it for Selena to decide. She was fine with having no appetizer. She wasn't that hungry at the moment.

@ Selena
# # #

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#16Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:15 am

Selena Maelstrom
Tempest [Selena] NpSREUp

At the mention of food Assama looked surprised. More than likely at the terrible service. They had been sitting down for a while speaking about their slayer powers and heritage. Assama seemed to catch the eye of the waiter and waved him over. Selena quickly glazed over the menu, not sure what to get at all. Assama said she wanted a lemon water but wasn't sure on appetizers. We can share some appetizers if you want?" Selena asked. Maybe Assama should have waited before calling the waiter over. Neither of them had looked at the menu for longer than a minute. I'll take the deep fried mushrooms for starters and the Sirloin steak special with all the veg for main." Selena said handing the waiter her menu. "That appetizer is quite big isn't it?" Selena asked the waiter. The waiter nodded in agreement. At that Selena looked back at Assama. "We can share that then if you'd like?" Selena asked. Selena hoped Assama would decide quickly, the growing hunger in her stomach began to radiate out with large growls.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#17Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:39 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Selena offered sharing appetizers and proceeded to order one. Deep fried mushrooms and a sirloin steak. Assama raised her eyebrows in surprise at that order. She hasn't even heard of deep fried mushrooms before. Selena asked if she would like to share them. "Sure... but what are deep fried mushrooms like? I've never tried them before." Perhaps Selena has, perhaps she was trying something new. If she was, then she supposed that they were both in for a surprise.

"Now... I'm wondering," Assama began. "Are most Rune Knights in Crocus at the moment, or was it just some coincidence that I saw another Rune Knight earlier?"

@ Selena
1 0 6

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#18Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:53 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"They taste how tbey sound. Mushrooms, deep fried in batter. They taste pretty good and the portion could be considered a little bigger than a starter. Have a taste anhway and of you dont like it, screw it." Selena said. " So yeah get us those please, post haste." Selena said the the waiter handing him her menu. Selena's eyes widened at what Assama asked. So she noticed too. "Well some here are chasing leads in a case, others just are stationed here, but most like me are off on vacation for a bit. Its all kinda been tense since the incident with the cannon, you know." Selena answered as she waited for her food.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#19Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:38 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Selena described the mushrooms more for what they were, not how they tasted. She guessed that she would just have to see for herself. Assama generally did like mushrooms, depending on how they were prepared, but never had she ever had fried mushrooms.

When Assama commented on all the Rune Knights being in Crocus Selena explained that others were stationed at Crocus while she was in Crocus just vacationing, due to the stress from the Etherion Cannon incident. "Oh yeah, a Rune Knight told me about that, though she didn't know much. I guess it's been pretty hushed." Assama understood that it wouldn't be wise to inform low ranked Rune Knights of such important matters, but Assama would still consider keeping the lower ranked Rune Knights up to date on everything. Maybe they were though and the Magic Council just didn't know much about what happened. That was always a possibility.

@ Selena
1 5 1

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#20Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:16 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"Well as hushed as it can be. I mean one of the main defences of the country is destroyed. Only so much you can do and i know there are light guilds and
Eople like you who help against all that, but still..."
Selena said with a cloudy experssion on her face. I mean civilian knowledge is rather limoted, but I wouldn't be surprised if the whole continent found out by the end of the month." Selena then said, shifting her eyes to the cormer of the table. Twiddling her thumbs as she talked she realised she was becoming a little more uncomfortable and was starting to show it. Selena opened her mouth to speak but was knterupted by the clattering of plates. LOoking over the man was bringing over their food. "Oh good." Selena said with relief. THe waiter pladed all the food on the table before bowing and leaving. PUtting her hands together for a quick moment before grabbing herknife and fork "Lets dig in!" Selena then said stabbing her steak with her cutlery and tsking a piece off to eat.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#21Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:47 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

It seemed like Etherion Cannon subject was a tense one to talk about, but for some reason, the Rune Knights kept bringing it up. Perhaps it was to get more people aware of the dangers Fiore was now exposed to. Maybe it was just because they wanted to get the truth out to clear up any rumors that may have started. Assama could see that happening.

There were a few moments of awkward silence before their waiter served them their meals. Assama wasn't all that hungry so she was just fine with the deep fried mushrooms which she thankfully found to her liking. However, when she ate her mushrooms, she ate them less... aggressively than Selena. "These are actually pretty good," she said after chewing and swallowing one of the mushrooms. "Now," she said, trying to conjure up a subject to talk about. "What else are you planning on doing before your vacation's up?"

@ Selena
# # #

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#22Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:00 pm

Selena Maelstrom
Assama said the deep fried mushroom balls were to her liking. "Good. NOw we don't have to waste any food." Selena said with a slight smile. SHe hated wasting food and if Assama didn't eat any of the mushroom balls Selena was sure she wouldn't be able to finish it. AS Selena was stuffing her face with steak and mushrooms, Assama asked was she going to get anything else done before her vacation was up. No clue. To be honest I was forced to take time off, so really I've just been winging it." Selena said taking a large gulp. I read, I metup with other Rune knights and I went to the Flower gardens." Selema said listing off all she did in her time off. Oh yeah if you plan on going to the gardens make sure not to use your nosentoo much. I learned my lesson the hard way." Selena then said raising a hand to her nose as if to comfort it. Oh yeah i never asked. Why are you here. In Crocus I mean." Selena then asked Assama.

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#23Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:13 pm

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Assama had never heard of someone being 'forced' to take time off. Selena must have worked pretty hard to have had a forced vacation. She said that she was kind of just winging it, but she did go to the Crocus gardens. She advised her to not to 'use her nose too much.' Apparently Selena learned that the hard way. Assama completely understood. She chuckled and Selena asked why she was in Crocus as well. "I'm here for the same reason you are. I'm taking a vacation. After a lot of training you have to treat yourself, right? Oh, and thanks for the little tip. I haven't been to the gardens yet, though that's on my to-do list. What are the gardens like?"

@ Selena
# # #

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG
#24Selena Maelstrom 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:47 am

Selena Maelstrom
Tempest [Selena] NpSREUp

Assama told Selena that she was here on vacation too, after a long time training that is. She also said sje deserved a treat. Selena nodded in agreement, although she thought what she said was only partially ture. Still Selena just agreed, she didn't want to start anything, especially with another dragon slayer. She then thanked her for the tip about the gardens and asked how were they. Selena's face tured slightky pink. "Well I onky went to the gardens because of theor themed cafe." Selena admitted, taking a mushroom ball. "Although from what I did see it was rather nice. Mind you, the majority of what i seen was hazy tears, cause of all the pollen. But still it was quite nice of what I did see." Selena the. Said popping the ball into her mouth. "Oh I have an Idea!" Selena said with a childish grin. "Open your mouth." Selena said grabbing a mushroom ball. Selena waited to see of Assama would comply. They were going to have some fun!

Tempest [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#25Assama Sinclair 

Tempest [Selena] Empty Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:30 am

Assama Sinclair

the sky is the limit
● ● ● ●
but to me the sky is never the limit
i am the sky

Assama munched on the fried mushrooms while Selena described the gardens, saying that she originally just went there because of the themed café. Assama could see herself doing that. She did enjoy a good café and admittedly haven't been to more than a couple different ones, mainly being because she didn't travel a lot, but that would change.

Selena described as 'quite nice,' and that was it. Not too long after she said that though, Selena said that she had an idea. She took a fried mushroom and told Assama to open her mouth. Gosh, she was childish, but Assama supposed that she could be childish with her as well. "Just don't miss," Assama said as she opened her mouth.

@ Selena
# # #

Tempest [Selena] Xw4RJjG

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