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Tell everybody I'm on my way [Travel]

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Tell everybody I'm on my way [Travel] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 9:51 pm

Sometimes the adventurous spirit of a child couldn't and shouldn't be denied. Especially in Kana's case. When the young werewolf child had heard rumors of a group of beautiful and powerful mages dwelling within Hargeon she obviously found plenty of reason to investigate.

Perhaps it was because Koh was intrigued by the rumors, or because she had grown bored of Oak, the child found herself quickly motivated to find a passage to the coastal city. For the time being it seemed she was going to be able to book a passage alongside a merchant caravan who was willing to take her along since they presumed she wasn't much of a problem and even had jewels to pay for the trip.

Nonetheless, the caravan was ready to depart and like a well-behaving little werewolf she took her place alongside one of the wagons. The driver of the wagon seemed quite amused by her presence, the genuine interest and curiosity she expressed at the journey earning a smile from the old merchant.

Indeed, the changing of the scenery, the sights that rolled past the caravan as it traveled along the road. It was such a peaceful trip that slowly Kana felt lethargy settle over her.

She had decided to take a nap, curling up on one of the haystacks and soon dozed off while the wagon continued its journey.


Tell everybody I'm on my way [Travel] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 9:57 pm

How long had it been since that fateful encounter? Even now she couldn't remember how long she had been in the void, or even how she came to be there. All she remembered was that she had been there, an emptiness that shrouded not just her mind but also the rest of her existence. She was nobody, she was nothing.

At least until she met him... The void was a mysterious place, and even there- no especially there the law of the strongest was in effect. The strong survived and the weak became prey. Even despite that rule she had found herself surviving, perhaps because she felt nothing, or had nothing to lose did she never hesitate to lash out at the creatures that attempted to feed upon her.

But this one was different. She still remembered how she was on the verge of losing consciousness, the battle against several powerful foes having left her exhausted and battered when he appeared. At first sight it looked like a massive centipede, but there was something different about it. Rather than feeding on her the centipede nudged one of the corpses of her slain foes toward her and looked expectingly at her.

He was encouraging her to take her prize, the spoils of the conflict. As she gorged upon the flesh of the fallen she felt her strength renewed and the centipede smiled satisfied at her.


Tell everybody I'm on my way [Travel] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 10:02 pm

Over time the centipede and her developed a companionship, a kinship if you would call it such. He seemed genuinely interested in observing her actions, and in return she entertained him. He gave her a name, an identity to call her own and soon she started to gorge upon the fallen not out of hunger, but out of greed. She desired their power, their prestige, their glory.

With each foe that fell she felt her power grow, but so did her hunger. But at some point that question from before still remained: Who... am I?

A sudden jolt rocked her awake as the light of dawn stirred her from her dream. Lifting her gaze the child learned they had arrived at Hargeon, and upon asking more about where she could find someone who matched the rumors she had heard about, the merchant told her that it was likely the rumors spoke about the Blue Pegasus mages.

It was a thought that clearly fascinated her, if she had heard correctly Blue Pegasus was a guild, and as such she wanted to go and see for herself whether the rumors were true. Thanking the merchant for the information the girl hopped off the wagon and darted into the streets of Hargeon.

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