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power to the people

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power to the people Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:08 pm

Inactive: Tomoe, Noel, Tanuki, Ikanbi, Yuurei, Ayaka, Zanes, Atani, etc. feel free to make posts in some zoomer contradiction thing, just doin a swot analysis.
Flakey: Astrid, newish members (Zendreyu, Briar, Vesper, AI (Ixedde-Eelzad-Zerutod)
PD (most activity): Salem, Lumi, Emil, Brone
Devotees: Kon, Erebus, Saturns, Ittindi, Alisa+2 alts, Sofia, Elvhen, 7 Judith chars, 4 Ryuko chars.

There hasn't been a new devotee in years, and a hundred new members have left within months. Old members don't get active cuz of squatting gaslighting by Kon. No one's joined FTRP and believed in his events or pile. It's all coasting based off Kon's popularity and the online list having fakeness no other sites have. People afraid to discuss, suggestion, and hurt one guy's feelings (looks like suppressed discussion, if you hadn't noticed, when FTRP had it before me). You're on a "27,000 member" site. FULL support for Kon, that none of you can do better, nor want better, when NO ONE ELSE has joined this site in years and bought in to what Kon makes. That's Kon's benefit? "He makes good content, he's necessary", when no outsiders agree? That sound rational to you? Talaz Lagaar (it ran a year and then Kon hid again just like Bosco), the Sacrifice (really good for people here "needs improvements"), next is another chance "The Void", the shop, rules.

https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65650-magic-yuan-the-goddess-of-the-mercy not active
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65648-magic-dullahan-the-herald-of-the-void didn't like it if it's an alt
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65113-magic-void-control removed his signature magic, was rping with someone that joined BP that I rp'd with (who then left)
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66392-weapon-shattered-mjolnir gone, was using ai anyway
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64951-armor-tunzach-s-corrupted-power-armor gone, looks like he resold cuz this item was ass
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67493-relic-spinning-scale-of-eternity alt or gone
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65112-relic-collar-of-restraint caca item
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64952-pouch-anonymity-scowl this is a reminder that kon's too lazy to update a staff list out of his favor
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t52425p225-character-bonus-program go up to page 12, count how many of these people are active.

Unclaimed ones, inactive, etc don't matter for my point: the point's NO ONE HAS JOINED THIS SITE IN Y-E-A-R-S and bought in, despite the traffic. It is not Alisa's fault. The last X-ranks are PD, Alaric has been on this site already. The last S-ranks were already on FTRP years (Salem, etc). Grinding was harder the farther you go back (socials, less progression boosts, etc), and yet people were able to become S-rank within months. Not a SINGLE person has done so in YEARS, of varying ages. It's not hard math. Talaz Lagaar = 1 year, and compare the faces 1 year before that, 1 year before then. Not a single new person that's done it, when multiple were before (usually those that became staff).

Same for old members rejoining (like the New Year New Me, mass emails). Not a single one (when it happened before) has gotten to S-rank from D-rank. If Kon's God, no one new becomes active, then why would a site need to be as inflexible as this one is (S a t u r n's words, not mine). Why the lies, why always be indirect, why all the hidden rules? Who does it really serve?

On this point: if Kon and blind belief wanted, go elsewhere with everything. Instead, the reality is this site has traffic (people DO join, Kon has TRIED for YEARS to make people stay), Kon didn't make the site, there's older members Kon did not bring to this site (who would be active if not for Kon's environment, as I showed above, who're older than Kon), Kon is not active (he uses Prosthetics to avoid Activity Checks). Does Alisa avoid Activity Checks? No! Does Karisa avoid Activity Checks? No! I'm justified to speak out and be as insane as I want when the majority of the activity is not because of Kon. Burn this rational post into your eyes, because staff can avoid reality and delete it to hide it. And no one will reply besides to boost their social credit! Plus Kon's mods can't delete posts themselves, if I made more posts. Too scared to be banned in agreeing too. Damn it's like Nazis, everyone gotta gobble up status quo. For what? Does Kon not being admin mean this site has no soul? Is Kon being admin his entire personality?

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