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Reborn Contracts [Training]

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Reborn Contracts [Training]  Empty Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:47 pm


Naryuu had just entered the Fieros Girdle and was already feeling the heat. His black clothes clung to his body drenched in sweat. But this was training none the less as he had mana flared to keep him from being burnt up by keeping the mana he needed for his spell at the ready. After an hour or so of running he found a decent and open space before sliding to a halt. " Devour , Gluttony Incarnate." His hand shot out reaching for an invisible knob. A magic circle appeared before him as he roated his wrist as if turning this knob.

The magic circle roared to life as a spiraling inferno uprooted from it and a glowing form took shape at its center. The dark flames burst out and faded leaving only before him a elemental wolf who howled and bowed before Naryuu. Drawing his blade from his back Naryuu nodded and called for the massive 1.7m wolf. " It's time to train Gluttony" the wolf nodded in response. "Follow!" Naryuu called as they both broke into a run. Fundamentally a Summon has to follow all commands from the tower. So they would be training their coordination as such. "Halt!" Naryuu would always call the command before hand to make up for the delay it would take to render it. He was also able to control his spirits with his body as well but not practical when fighting alongside them.

However from a distance it was tolerable. However other skilled fighters would be able to make do in reading signals therefor it was a skill to master. Both Naryuu and Gluttony would slide to a stop before they completely ceased another command was given.
"Scatter and pounce!" The directive was given without haste leading them both jump away from each other. Both of their bodies kept poised and faced towards the front. Naryuu readied his blade as Gluttony already began its pounce. Naryuu followed right behind moving with a quickness. The path the two would created an x with two slashes coming after another. "Guard." With this Naryuu jumped back 1.5m as Gluttony moved in front of him.

The pair were both stacked with Naryuu guarding with the flat side of the blade and Gluttony in front. With this command his summons would know to reform and protect them. Since they can be called back if they end up destroyed. As such there was much potential in decoy tactics and sacrifices at the cost of his mana. "Calvary!" With this command of Naryuu's Gluttony took off with a few small leaps as Naryuu jumped and landed on its back. Grabbing on to its shadowy fur they too rode as Naryuu let his blade hang behind him in his right hand. Gluttony started to get comfortable in its stride as such found a comfortable zig pattern as Naryuu adjusted his weight to help maintain the balance.

Pointing his sword forward Naryuu set the intention for them to attack an upcoming rock.  Gluttony mid run would jump into a lower position before digging into the earth and bounding forward. Locking back his elbow Naryuu kept the sword read before waiting for the final impact.Squeezing his thighs to stay mounted and not fall off. Gluttony would jump one final time for the charge as he rammed the blade forward. With the added force of the two the rock burst into pieces before scattering everywhere. Naryuu skillfully sheathed his blade back into the sheathe on the small of his back. Gluttony laid down so he would hop off before swiping his hand across the air as Gluttony faded into flickering flames.

Gluttony Incarnate trained 600 wc [Int 121 40% off ]



Reborn Contracts [Training]  Empty Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:47 pm


Feeling the effects of the loose fire mana in the air Naryuu threw off his shirt as he was drenched. "Tower, Pride" Repeating the same action Naryuu grabbed the air and twisted his hand. Another magic circle and another rising column of spinning flame. What came bursting out was now a giant elemental bird whose screech pierced the air around it. Naryuu didn't flinch and stuck his arm out taking control of the bird. Pride and wrath were some of his difficult summons to control by far. The rest were accepting but if he showed weakness with them they would most likely turn on him and try to kill him.He would spar Pride to affirm his dominance.

"Spar me Pride." With a quickness the bird swung with a wing Naryuu countered with a kick but was still knocked aside. Pride took the opening and stabbed at him with its beak. Naryuu while mounted was sliding out of the way of every strike. Pride was really going out trying to kill him which made him smirk. Anticipating the next strike Naryuu rolled over and would sweep its leg before getting back to his feet and retreating.  Naryuu began circling Pride who was now standing tall and screeching. The size different made it hard to dive in unless he would blitz with speed.

Lunging upward Naryuu was just about eye level before he drew his blade. Whipping it around he spun his body to smack Pride with the flat side of his blade.Pushing through the momentum he was able to land another spinning heal kick.The blows were solid but he diddn't have enough power to one hit tap anything even with his blade. However amongst most summoners he was still stronger than average. Naryuu was always fluid as he continued to set himself up. He pulled his sword in front of him as he landed on the ground. Jumping back he watched as Pride was still recovering.

He felt his mana burn up as Pride called forth a magic circle. Naryuu took a knee and fought back focusing he shut off the supply of mana.Pride burst out in a weird rhythm of caws which could only be described as a menacing laugh. "Don't play too much Pride." Naryuu spat with a twisted smirk as the two readied themselves but howls picked up in the distance. Some magical beast it seemed like. "Pounce!." Pride got low and burst through the air slamming into the formation of the beast.Some were sent flying and others dodged out of the way. Naryuu capitalized on the opening and dived in with a quick step. He slashed from right to left hitting  at least 3 as the effect from  his deafening sword would kick in. "Devour!"  

Pride pierced the first downed beast with its beak piercing his throat before tossing it in the wind and moving to the rest. Naryuu trusted Pride to handle them while he dealt with the now three blind creatures. His deafening sword make whoever he struck deaf for 18 seconds just about allowing him to overwhelm his targets. Running through his last target Pride was in the middle of tossing the last beast up into the air. "Platform!" Pride out stretched and spread his wings as Naryuu dashed and ran up his spine. Grabbing the blade with two hands Naryuu timed his strike for when it started falling back down through out the air. With a hefty swing steel met flesh as he cleaved through the monstrosity as Pride came jumping through the air to catch Naryuu and set him down.

WC:606 TWC: 1,217

Pride Incarnate trained 600 wc [Int 121 40% off ]


Reborn Contracts [Training]  Empty Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:20 am


After some time Naryuu was able to recover enough mana. As such he summoned Pride and Gluttony as the two stood before him. Calling him forward  Naryuu hopped on Pride's back before channeling magic into him directly. Pride used Naryuu's mana and took it in creating a large purple magic circle behind them. Pride's wings were coated with a flaming back hue that seemed to leak from its body being invigorated. With a heavy flap of its wings it slowly started to fly upward. Rising and rising with heavy waves of winds left behind in its wake before rising to a total height of 5m. "Flight is almost kind of useless huh." Naryuu sighed looking down to Gluttony.

He needed to make the cohesion between all of his summons seamless. "Let's go you two." With a wave of his arm Pride was bounding forward and steadily flying through the air. Pulling his hand back and controlling Pride he would have eased up so Gluttony could bound forward and take the lead as he was slower. Pride was able to maintain his flight and Naryuu his balance on his back with relative ease. Once Gluttony got his pacing Naryuu thrust his palm forward with ease to signal to Pride to speed forward. Naryuu and his summons were coming up into a rock area of the Fieros Girdle which would prove good training.

Leaning forward and laying on Pride's back Naryuu got a firm hold onto it as he guided them through he valley with sharp directions. He could give general directions with his hands like director orchestrating a gorgeous symphony. Gluttony was doing fine so Naryuu put more of his attention on helping guide Pride as its size and current speed was more difficult of a task to manage. While flying with its large body certain turns and tight spaces needed to be planned out ahead of time.

Whether they had to rotate slightly or adjust height and space. Naryuu would even make the giant flame bird furl its wings and spin to properly squeeze through and he himself would hold on tight. He was running low on mana and could feel his strength fading deciding to release Gluttony who burst into flames and disappeared. It was hard trying to maintain multiple summons and their spells all at once but it made for good training none the less. At the rate they were heading a cliff was coming out leading into a plateu.Naryuu's eyes fixated before he screamed out a sudden command."Roll!" Pride simply folded it's wings and did a fininte barrel roll to its right side as Naryuu clung tight to is back and meshed his weight with Pride's. A rising pillar of flame would shoot past them as Naryuu noticed multiple pits in the area acting as giant lava geysers.

He could feel the pressure now along with his draining mana to carefully guide them to safety. Being only 5m from the ground it was easy to spot when things were coming. For the next few upcoming pillars of flames Pride was gradually shifting to avoid making contact without any choppy or excess movements. Making it through the mine field they flew past a cliff before steadily gliding downwards. Naryuu extended his arms as the hot burning wind blew in his face. Still the speed made somewhat of a cooler breeze in his face. The rapid descent was fast and to slow down Pride would fly and go into a aerial flip before flapping its wings to slowly descend as the pair landed.

Soar trained trained 600 wc [Int 121 40% off ]

WC:604 TW:1,821

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