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Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2]

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Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 12:49 pm


Walking along the coastal path with the picnic basket filled her with both a clear sense of joy and nostalgia. After all, they were heading toward a secluded spot that carried a lot of sweet memories for them. Esperia couldn't help but find the joy manifesting physically even in the form of a smile and joyful humming as she had insisted on using her remaining hand to hold Priscilla's.

She had even cleverly ensured the children were safe, Lily was keeping an eye on Hasani and she even had asked Bart, the child she had played Chess with to come over to play with them, thinking it might had been a nice idea for Hasani to meet someone of his own age.

Meanwhile Esperia gestured at the secluded cove up ahead. "There it is darling~ Still as pretty looking as last time~ I'm really surprised there aren't more people using this spot~ Not that I'm complaining~ A secluded cove with a wonderful view of the sea, a peaceful and tranquil beach all for ourselves and not a single soul in sight~ Perfect for a romantic date!"

As she happily exclaimed the last part the Demigoddess started to hum a song, although she was likely a bit too embarrassed to sing the lyrics out loud, but judging from the overal tune it might had been a love song?"


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Fri May 20, 2022 10:41 am

The walk and the quiet way towards where they were going seemed to always make her mind feel normal and some what. Even if only temporary she had her mind off of the children and any worried that might befall them for a moment, one of the few times she could have it happen in her mind but something she might never want to happen openly again for it made her feel on edge. While Esperia seemed delighted and settled with the situation at hand, Almost as perfect set up from her if she had to guess it might be something she had cleared out a few days before hand.

It would something she had to assume at this point to be in this area again."How clever and interesting."She mentioned to Esperia while they were getting to the point of arrival."Almost like some one spend a bit of trying to find this area again."she could casually laugh about it for a moment, Since it was a good clear of mind moment for her. Then again she had to ponder what she would plan here was all up front or not, Eventually maybe to come forth eventually.

Now she had to ask."Well what is to eat then, Or is this something else entirely to sweeten me up for something else?"For now she assumed it was a trap for something out of old habit Esperia's done before. So she had to make a joke about it."Or did you manage to remember what to bring to eat?"The correction to what to bring to eat was generally any kind of food, since she never mentioned any kind of favorite food as far as she recalled ever in life, there was no right or wrong answer.


Last edited by Priscilla Ivalice on Fri May 20, 2022 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Fri May 20, 2022 11:16 am


Priscilla's laugh earned a brief blush from Esperia who awkwardly fidgeted on the spot. "I swear I simply thought of this spot because of the happy memories~ This isn't like a : the culprit always returns to the scene of the crime~ Situation" A soft chuckle followed as she started to slowly unroll the blanket she had brought along for the picnic and while humming playfully started to address her lover: "A bit of A~ and a bit of B~ I did bring a long of delicious sandwiches with me! and some drinks, including a few different wines to sample if you're in the mood for them~ I actually made the sandwiches myself~ Now that I can taste again, I can at least ensure they are edible~"

Esperia chimed happily as she sat down on the blanket and gently patted the spot beside her. "I actually like to come here when I try to think on certain things~ Like for example the reason I been wanting for us to train~" She paused, gesturing at the beach while she continued her explanation. "While Hargeon is peaceful, it is always possible someone might threaten our peace, so I want to ensure we are both capable of standing side by side to defend our family~ No more me running off to play the lone hero. I will always be at your side~"

WC: 230


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Fri May 20, 2022 6:05 pm

It seemed it was marked already one to the flustered Esperia, She already got that way."Uh huh, considering our last piece of conversation here, I am starting to wonder if it is an ambush."She was laughing about it for a reason, Harmless for the most part."I am kidding, I assume harmless things for the most part here."Then would just continue casually walking. But everything seemed to work as they were in fact here for harmless reasons, it was wholesome and she loved it. Since it proved even if she got use to one thing, Esperia made her realize other things still could happen.

With that she just sat down as she went on."You know, the most you go on about this. The more I could start calling this doom speak."she did mean this slightly as a joke but most likely had an entire point about it, Even if it meant things important."But you do have a point, Almost like it is something that we are working on currently."seeing the entire point of it. It was not just mindless doom speak, But something generally to have on the mind for the moment.

She also had sandwiches, so she had to ask."Which kinds did you make then?"She would not try and cheat and use her werewolf sniffing powers,It would be fair to do that. Sitting on a blanket, a bit under some shade able to see the so many things with in the beach. It was good set up for sure. She could see why Esperia wanted to return to this part of the beach. Then well she seemed to not think about it much else for this moment of time for it was just the time in her mind to not do that.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Sat May 21, 2022 4:05 pm


Esperia's cheeks turned scarlet, shaking her head firmly. "I don't think there are any suitable hiding places for an ambush~" Yet fortunately Priscilla soon expressed the fact she had been joking, making Esperia let out a breath of relief as the topic turned toward sandwiches. "I actually made several different types! I know you and Hasani got an appetite for meat, so I included several sandwiches that have different types of meat included~ For example there are some that have ham, others that use the finest parts of a chicken, overall lots of yumminess~"

Esperia pulled the cover from the basket, revealing the collection and picked a sandwich out of it that contained cheese in it. "Hehe~ I really like cheese~ Cheese sandwiches with a cup of cold milk is really nice~ But in terms of favorite meat I do enjoy chicken a lot~"

As she explained those parts with a bright smile the young Demigoddess took a bite from the sandwich and gazed at Priscilla, clearly waiting to see her reaction to the food."

WC: 170


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Sat May 21, 2022 6:00 pm

It did seem to impress her entirely what Esperia did plan up."Huh a clever one and a delightful one. good thing I am married to you or else I would assume your trying to hit on me."Yes it was a joke. But rather then laughing about it since while unpacking the sandwiches out. She just sat close enough to Esperia and put one of her arms around her waist.

Then she could also mention."Even if I never mentioned my favourite meat to eat either."But she took at least one so far, It would be the ham she took but she was not looking at all. She seemed happy at least."I still am failing at weapon shopping, I do not know why i keep putting that off." Sure it was something that it was easier to do, But she did not know why she was getting lazy about it right now.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 3:26 am


A gentle smile lingered on her lips as Priscilla gently wrapped an arm around her waist, leading to the Demigoddess to chime happily in response: "Just because we are married doesn't mean I will stop trying to charm you~" Indeed, in a way her playful charm attempts and seductive tries were all part of what Esperia considered a part of her nature, that playful side to her that helped keep their relationship so fresh and lively~

"Exactly~ Which is why I picked several types of meat, helps increase my chances~" She giggled softly as she took a bite from her sandwich, enjoying the flavor of the cheese while nodding her head in acknowledgement to her lover's plight. "I guess we can visit one of the blacksmiths and see if they could forge you a proper weapon~"

She had just finished her sandwich, leaning against her lover as she whispered playfully. "Or could it be that instead of thinking about weapons your mind is instead occupied with thoughts about-"

A light shift of her body and she had been straddling her lover, her lips curved up in a tender smile as she embraced Priscilla. "Me?" And with those words she gently pressed her lips onto those of her wife.

WC: 210


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 5:54 am

It seemed maybe she had to make sure at this point because it was not on her mind, Just maybe the situation happening now was partly worry and slight guilt."Here, I am starting to ponder if i am not putting in the effort in return these days."Even if it might not be an exact worry of Esperia. It was entirely showing she knew how Esperia's effort seemed to be taken to heart. But she would be sure just be sure to give her a light kiss on the cheek."For it seems you never really need to charm me for much dear."But she would take a bite of her first sandwich as a means to take in the moment.

But as normal the jokes sneak in quickly at times."It is okay, I like the options. At least my wife isn't considered an actual meal."She had to make that joke about how long part of their life was Esperia as a Vampire solely feeding off of just herself to get back, It was not anything she considered degrading in anyway."But you have not changed much since then, I still love you for that."Maybe in the end the wall situation could have been handled differently. But they moved on for the moment.

Maybe it was just the nature of the situation even if Esperia was just being herself about it."The weapon is to help you in the event I need to, So yes in a way I am thinking about you dear."But she laughed about it slightly because it was just her making sure to settle down and be casual about it."But i could just be over thinking stuff as always these days."she admitted even if she was happy.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 1:56 pm


Esperia couldn't help but giggle softly at Priscilla's words, shaking her head with a little smile lingering on her lips. "You charm me in your own ways~" Of course, as she started to playfully slip her hands into those 'teasing pillow cases' of her lover, the words that followed made her body freeze up for a moment. "Unya~ If that ever changes, at least eat me the fun way then..." Still, the words that followed made her face turn scarlet, her hands instinctively making a soft squeeze into those pillows she adored so much. "I love you too~"

She did adore saying and hearing those words, yet as Priscilla mentioned the weapon thoughts Esperia giggled softly. "So by proxy I'm on your mind~ I don't mind if you think lots and lots about me~ Especially if those thoughts involve a lack of clothing~"

And indeed, just as she started to work her way onto stripping her lover of her top a voice could be heard singing in the distance.

"I wanna have sex~ on the beach~ Every monster wants it~"
"They really don't have sights like this back in Tartarus~ I hope we won't find our target anytime soon!"

Yet the sound of the voices made Esperia smile twitch slightly as two small creatures popped into view behind the rocks.

"Look, is that what I think it is?"
"No, it's our target!"

Leaning upright as she straddles Priscilla, Esperia sighed loudly. "Couldn't you have waited like, a few hours before popping up?"

To which the two monsters chimed in response: "Is it a bad time for you? We can come back later if we are interrupting something--- nice pillows by the way missus-" While the other monster shouted in response. "NO WE ARE DRAGGING YOUR ASS BACK TO TARTAROS!"

WC: 311


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 6:04 pm

It seemed no matter what she had to considered it was easy to get Esperia with in that kind of mood, which was not entirely a bad thing but there was a time and place for it, in which even if it could be sneaked in now, it was not an area she wanted it to be in, Along with other things about to happen."No dear, im not going to turn into a full werewolf and eat you like food then."It was not entirely serious in anyway it was purely sarcasm as she did not sound serious with her mention at all.

As for the moment there was other things to do. It was not intended to be too rough but she did just kind of put Esperia off of her to get on her feet, even if anything was already slightly undone it did not bother her in the slightest because now there was whatever these things where to beat up.

So she would just let out a sigh and punch the one who shouted out in the jaw aiming to punch the teeth out."You do know it is rude to stare...and to spoil a date."Even if she said that, She was not too upset by it, Grabbing the one she just punch by whatever she could get her hands on, She just forcefully threw it into the other one she had seemed to be watching. Then she would take a few steps, feeling like she hit something with the heel of her foot. Then she would lean over tug on it slightly.

Pulling out a massive sword, One a person needed two hands to wield, That had a hole near the tip of the blade. She would brush some of the sand off of it, It seemed she found a new thing to use, Even if there was still blood on it from who ever used it last, It would have to be cleaned off later another time.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 26, 2022 2:03 am


Esperia puffed her cheeks up into a playful pout, retaliating with a teasing: "I didn't mean THAT type of eating~" Yet before things could get truly steamy she was gently rolled off her lover, making Esperia blink in bewilderment as Priscilla decided to quite, skillfully and brutally tended to the two monsters. Meanwhile as Priscilla picked up the sand-concealed sword, one of the monsters had recovered enough to try to lunge at the werewolf, but before he could even get close to her a fiery meteor collided against his body, sending him flying backwards into the sand.

The one who remained staggered backwards in disbelief. "J-Just admiring the sights mylady, It's not often you find a goddess and her pillows relaxing in the mortal realm-"

Yet those words seemingly caused something to stir behind Priscilla, for a lower voice muttered behind her. "Those... are... my wife's pillows... AND I'M THE DEMIGODDESS HERE!" Protesting in what seemed to be a childish tantrum Esperia raised her golden bow toward the creature, an arrow arching high into the sky as a collection of meteors started to reign down from above. The poor monster cried in panic as he tried to dart around to avoid the impact of the meteor shower. "Mercy me! Nobody told me Hargeon had no fury like a lesbian scorned!"

The other monster, who had been punched away by Priscilla earlier, and then shot away by Esperia tried to go for a third charge. "Hades didn't tell me about this!"

WC: 257


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 26, 2022 2:58 pm

Needless to say it seemed the fact they both were unhappy with this situation might show how they bonded together as a couple. Esperia might be mad at other things, But she was mad that she could have just been eating food and cuddling. sure it was going other place during that moment and well now it was entirely in a different place but that was the problem of the monster about to be hit with a two handed sword covered in sand and dried blood.

Then preparing a horizontal swing of that two handed sword with as much force as she could."And I am not just merely pillows!"Only Esperia could really get away with that because even if she calls parts of her pillows she did call her actual name more, That treatment of one another is just what she what made that stuff. She didn't close her eyes or anything as at her full force she swung that sword at this monster, Then raising it from a vertical angle she would just swing it downward at it again.

Then she just looked around in case there was other being from whatever it was around, She wanted to just get them out of the way too. Letting out an annoyed remark of."Of all things to ruin a date it had to be this."She did not sound to annoyed just only slightly. But if there was more she wanted to beat them to death already.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 26, 2022 4:13 pm


The swing that Priscilla made came with such force it literally send the monster flying, the creature letting out a pained cry as it disappeared into the sky and disappeared into the direction the pirate coves were at. The other one by now had turned pale, turning tail and preparing to flee as well, but that was not considering the fact Esperia was essentially a walking armory, her bow disappearing into a spark of light and in its place a large club emerged, that as one might had imagined was used by her to whack the remaining minion into the sky like a golf ball!

"Team Hades is blasting off again!"

And with those words the last of the minions had been dealt with. Of course, the damage had already been inflicted, turning away from the scene Esperia could be heard sighing deeply as she started to fold up the blanket and collect the picnic basket. It was clear even she herself had lost the mood, for her expression had turned into one mixed with annoyance and sadness. "Guess we should head back home..." Poor girl, all her perfect plans turned upside down, inside out and messed up big time because of an annoying Sevenese God.

WC: 206


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 26, 2022 5:39 pm

So that is what she thought, Just putting her sword in the ground she just took Esperia's hands off the blanket."No, You stop it."There was not really going to be chance for her to ask much since well, She would even put the basket down.If there was something else she hated more was spoiling a moment that most likely was easy to settle back into, Even if Esperia was more aggressive into these things.

So she was going to fix this by simply just bringing Esperia on to the blanket in a playful forceful nature. Just having to hope no one else would really end up seeing them in the end because it was pretty to assume how it could go. But just to put the point across she would simply just lift up Esperia leg to place them around her hips. then still being some what gentle to taking both hands and placing them upon the blanket. This must be a bit better now. But if she did not make her point enough a few kisses upon the lips maybe did. But the entire point was making to make this situation a bit better for her.



Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Thu May 26, 2022 5:56 pm


The sudden words spoken by her lover had suddenly made Esperia turn toward her, the gentle push as she landed upon the blanket, the playful and slightly forceful nature of her lover that left both her hands pinned onto the blanket, the sudden kisses on her lips made Esperia's cheeks turn scarlet. Feeling her legs hooked around Priscilla's hips the young woman's gaze seemed to drift around hesitatingly as if she was worried a second ambush might reveal itself, but then the kisses...

Being how easily emotions affected her, it didn't take a genius to know what would happen next, for Esperia leaned into the kiss, savoring every moment of it while she whispered gently. "Darling..." A short pause as her fingers locked with those of Priscilla and she whispered sheepishly. "I know our date was interrupted, and you prefer doing this type of stuff indoors where it's just us two but... Would you object to making an exception today?"

As she whispered those words, she looked up into Priscilla's eyes, longing, affection, happiness, desire, it was clear that while Esperia might have been a simple lady when it came to her emotions, she was also very genuine in them. And it was no exaggeration to say that those feelings were exclusively for her wife~

WC: 220


Punting Minions back to Tartaros [Storyline Quest 2] Empty Fri May 27, 2022 9:28 am

She just was going to settle this for now it would be just giving into what Esperia wanted this time. She would just continue exciting Esperia a bit more just so nothing else slowed them down this time, Esperia did throw a fair amount of effort into this."To be fair dear, I was going to waiting until we were a bit more inside to start with."So yes she had something like this in mind just not so open, So who know maybe she would have been a bit more aggressive or completely different over all if it worked in her favour.

Since this situation was going as it was not, It would be a simple agreement."This will be the last time for a so open area."She was going on along with it for now, But Esperia had to deal with her being the leader in this dance, Since well Esperia chose the area but she might be a bit out of luck with other things now. It would for now be a bit of a relaxing and endearing evening at least since they where done, Who knows how long that would be here, As long as they weren't too loud it would be safe here.



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