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Poropo Soft Palpation [Training]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Soft Palpation [Training] Empty Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:58 am

Poropo Poproporp
Poropo was within the Fieros Girdle the day after having summoned a whopping five Immortals! The devote yet exhausted monk needed a break from summoning so many in one day, so this time would be a different prayer to the Iron Deity. The monk clasped his hands in prayer and asked, "Oh Iron Deity, allow me to summon Immortals from your lower ranks - I am tired, but I still need more magic to help me...please." Poropo sat down and meditated near the fiery volcano, hoping the summons would come sooner rather than later. Much to the monk's luck, they did show up soon - the first to show up from a tiny magic circle was the one and only First Immortal! "Hello, First- uh? First Immortal is not your name anymore? You name is now Immortal Ring? A promotion? But you do not seem any different than before, hah hah hah!" The Immortal Ring did not take kindly to being insulted - he earned his promotion and felt he deserved respect.


The Immortal Ring left in a huff and burst of light as Poropo watched another, tiny magic circle appear where the Immortal Ring once hovered. This burst of light condensed into a much less familiar shape - the monk was not familiar with this shape, even after seeing the full form of the small Immortal hovering before him, "Hello, my name is Poropo Poproporp. What is your name? The Immortal Candelabra? An interesting name for another unique angel! I am happy to meet you." The monk and Immortal Candelabra talked a little about the promotions every other Immortal received during the restructuring. A lot happened while the monk was unable to use magic, which likely explained why the monk was not able to use the new magic gifted to him until recently. "Hopefully I have not rushed this restructuring in such a way I have actually weakened the Iron Deity's Immortals...anyway, thank you for your presence, Immortal Candelabra." The Immortal Candelabra left in a puff of light as all other Immortals seem to do.


Poropo watched the Immortal Candelabra leave and be replaced by a tiny magic circle, as normal, with a burst of light condensing into a shape. This shape was not familiar when thinking about Immortals summoned thus far, but the shape was familiar to Poropo in another way, "is this a wheel? How interesting." The Immortal Wheel revealed themselves to the monk, indeed being a wheel as the monk had predicted. The Immortals of the Iron Deity's ranks all seemed to have some common theme thus far - man-made objects such as furniture or other useful things. Poropo greeted the Immortal Wheel like he usually did, attempting to be kind rather than accidentally rude. The careful monk show his words, had a conversation with the Immortal Wheel, and eventually said goodbye. The day was finished for his training as he still felt exhausted from the prior day - summoning a total of eight Immortals for the first time over the course of two days while meditating within a field of lava was barely what the monk could handle at the moment.

450 words (750+ Intelligence [-70% WC])

Trained Immortal Ring, Immortal Candelabra, and Immortal Wheel.


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