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[Orange][Open][Social]Magnolia Inn Party

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[Orange][Open][Social]Magnolia Inn Party Empty Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:13 am

The young hunter tread lightly, a dark dagger in hand. A branded coat and brandished mote of darkness and light's frost for the road. A node in the void, a bone in the light. To avoid the devoid of the droids of the night. Kuvakiri made her way through the area most swiftly. She practiced her balance. Weapon in hand, bunny band atop head, she dredged forwards and onwards quickly, no time for the dead.

To be dead? Hm, no not yet. A thresh rife in the night, a dark passage and culling to bring rife and twilight. A dark frosty nature and no friends from outside tribe, she set out for her journey, having made way through the night. With moon's light and moonlight and stars from above, the lanterns of streetlights gave way to the cove. A dove of light turned to raven of dark, a crow in the winter's frost churned steps in the yard. On cobblestone pathways Kuva set out afoot. She danced and she darted, silently, a padfoot to be hardened. She made way through the alleys and stalked through the night. The dark should fear her indeed, a twilight hunter in blight.

Still, it would be good to make friends. Who knows, perhaps she would make plenty. Who was to tell? After all, their was so much presently. Magnolia was large, a great city for sure. A large contrast from the small town tribe of Kuva, to be true. Truly it was a new sight to behold, she did enjoy it at night, that much was foretold. Her oracle had seen it, back home in the circle. The frosty visage tribes elder had seen it before. Kuva would learn from new friends out in yore. Away from the tribe, out into the world. A new journey set forth, for the Frost Hunter adjourned.

Kuva moved now, her gear equipped tightly. She moved on tip toes, she tread oh so lightly. She made way towards a library, closed for the night. Oh well, she supposed. She'd check it in light.

Next now she moved onwards to an inn just nearby. The smell of nice foods and calm musics, no yelling. How quaint and nice. This met her just fine, she supposed to herself. She continued not flat footed, a death elf in night's knell. She made her way towards the door, she knocked on it lightly. She pushed it then open and examined it silently. Her bunny ears caught looks, but she paid it no mind. She looked about the room and took in the view, gazing upon the individuals about the room. Her weapon was out, she'd seen the bounty posters. She was a hunter, it was quite obvious.

She wasn't malicious, thought she was quite lonely. She asked for a room. "Are you here for the party?" The innkeeper asked. "Yes, Lunar New Years." She gave with a nod. "On the house then." With a wink. "From the Frost." Kuva smiled. "Thank you for your hospitality." She paused for a moment. "Is there a back yard?" She gazed around the room as the keeper handed her both the key and the response to her inquiry. She tossed him some jewel and she took a drink of rum. An entire, very large bottle. She opened it with her dagger and took a swig and gazed about the room and listened a bit. More people arrived now. The festival would soon begin.

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