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Port Astera to Marigold [Travel]

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Port Astera to Marigold [Travel] Empty Sun May 31, 2020 12:11 pm


Another day another place, the past few months had been but a blur for the mage of the sun. Missing Sage, fighting demons, mastering his magics; everything was so new and so vivid. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so reminded of his existence everyday, and it seemed he wouldn't be having a moment to 'chill' either. Instead he was on his way to Marigold to handle some guild business and integrate himself with the rest of his peers.

His walks over the lands were long and strenuous, but he was used to working himself in such a way. Sometimes he would opt to fly with is wings of solar magic instead and others he would move into a light jog to work up a sweat. Until he managed to find a stead he'd wanted he was content with getting to where he needed on foot, unlike most other lazy magi.

It was several more hours and two rest stops later, and Amen'ra found himself getting lost in a song that would loop in his head on repeat. Humming the melody as he soared above the ground patiently, despite how fast his body was propelled. Amber eyes looking out into the distance until Marigold would fill their view.

He hadn't been there in a while, and it would be nice to catch up on the cities affairs considering he'd been traveling. On top of the fact that he was a kid the last time he touched foot in the lively area, and he was anxious to meet the rest of the guild. It would be nice to see what other talented individuals had managed to get into the rankings, and it would also be great to meet up with Kazimir and Sage. They could all go out for drinks or something fun, he didn't mind what as long as they were together.

Snapping out of his trance of thought, Amen'ra realized he was closing in on his destination and smirked. Now he wouldn't have to hope for a reunion and instead he could live it as he flew closer and closer to stone path leading into the village. He would rejoice with the sound of his feet pattering lightly onto the ground, black shoes and matching black clothing gracing his form.

Amen'ra would begin to quickly pat and adjust his hair as he looked like he'd just left a wind tunnel and he began walking to enter the city. His guild tattoo proudly on his hand as he garnered several looks with his passing, statuesque and darkly clad with a sunny disposition. He was anything but easy to read.

His weapons and belongings stored in a several storage lacrima in his knapsack, he didn't have any issue getting with the borders and continuing his journey. He would need to get to his inn and set up shop before he was completely done with his travels, ready to relax and plan out his hectic week in a quiet room.

Happily strolling through the streets, Amen'ra would walk up to the first inn he'd seen and maneuver to the front desk. A smile on his face and a small tapping on the bell to summon someone for assistance, he made short work of the front desk woman who'd taken his room request and was now on his way to bed. Opening the door with the key procured to him he would toss his bag onto the bed, close the door and lock it tightly and finally throw himself onto the bed. It was time to get some rest and wake up ready for work bright and early.

she wants to
dance like uma thurman
bury me til i confess

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