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[Travel] Port Astera to Era

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#1Shimura Shigaraki † 

[Travel] Port Astera to Era Empty Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:00 pm

Shimura Shigaraki †
With the recent dismantling of Phoenix Feather, and the destruction of the guild hall. Many people from the guild fled Port Asteria and flocked under the banner of Fairy Tail in order to seek protection or purpose. Admittedly, Shimura was a shame and frustrated that he was not there to aid his guild members, and while he did plan to join Fairy Tail as some sort of way to find peace and protection, he was more concern about his own power, and finding himself after such an embarrassing event. Therefore, Shimura decided to travel to Era in order to lend a hand there, just so that he can feel helpful.

Shimura under the darkness left what was his home, and made his way to Era, the heart of Fiorie. Hopefully, Shimura would be able to find some sort of comfort there, or well at least be useful to the people there. Shimura was admittedly embarrassed at the events that transpire, and wanted to find something to do, something tat would make him feel better and useful. Era was the place that Shimura thought he could find that need, and like a coward he went to moap and lick his wounds

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