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Tristan Cyrus

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#1Tristan Cyrus 

Tristan Cyrus Empty Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:30 pm

Tristan Cyrus


Name: Tristan Cyrus

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Class: Trickster

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Orange on left thigh

Face: Ren Jinguji from Uta no Prince Sama


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190 lbs.

Hair: Golden blonde

Eyes: Blue

Overall: Tristna is a slender and toned muscle built that is slightly taller than the average male. His skin is fair and flawless as the touch. He can be seen wearing a long sleeved white collared button up shirt with a black vest, kahki pants, and black shoes most of the time. On other days, he wears thick-framed black hipster glasses as a style. Sometimes he would have his hair up in ponytail wear some nice shirt with a pair of jeans and tennis shoes of any expensive brand. Most of his clothing is always matching and in style. He always wears a silver necklace that his sister had given him.

Extra: None


Personality: Tristan is definitely a ladies man from the looks of it. He knows the ins and outs of charming a lady and being a gentleman. He would always hold the door for a woman no matter what age or looks. He will take the time out of his day to help a fellow woman in need of anything and to flirt with a few while he has the chance. Tristan is rather sweet and a gentleman as some may say he is a womanizer. The man does have a policy when it comes to women. Beauty is within the heart, not within the face. Search for their response and not at their eyes. He is extremely romantic which draws a lot of woman to him knowing how he could soothe a woman's desires with just a few simple words and actions. With these great gifts comes a great price, Tristan is well rounded person in personality with interests in a little bit of everything. He is naturally a creative person manly writing songs and performing then on stage or just in private.

While this being so, Tristan may seem flawless, but he has a few flaws. One being extremely stubborn and wanting to do everything himself to provide for his guild and friends. He wants to be the one that everyone depends on. Tristan cannot learn how to accept help when he really needs it most unless it on his terms. He does not give in easily or give uup. No matter how hard the fight maybe he will tread through the deep, dark waters to finish his goal. There are certain subjects that trigger his anger easily. He turns snappy and cold from his fun, loving self. When he is in this state, he makes the worst decisions. Tristan is vulnerable to being emotionally broken down. Art is his escape and always will be.


  • Music: Music has always been apart of his life. He loves writing lyrics and making his own melody with no restrictions. He spends much of his letting his creativity flow.  
  • Women: Typical of a man to enjoy the company of a lady. Though, Tristan searchs more than looks in a lady.
  • Playing the Saxophone: He has musical talent and in his free time he loves to play his saxophone for the world to hear.
    He is also a natural born singer as well.


  • Alcohol: First off, he is never really fond of the taste of certain ones and second Alcoholism runs in his family. After one night he regrets all of what had happened and since then he has not touched a drop. He's against himself drinking it knowing he is going to do stupid things.
  • Rude People: He is not a fan of those who treat others like they are on some pedestal. Manners are everything in society in order to get places and make a person's day. Tristan is a very sympathetic man and wants to help people. Not hurt them.


  • To Find out what his Sister was trying to say: In his sister's note left to him, she mentioned a few strange things along with the necklace gave to him. He personally does not know what the heck is to or what it even stands for. All he knows its a rare antique.
  • To protect the ones he loves: Magic has always been his strong suit. He wants to become stronger to protect his sisters and friends. Ever since what happened to Laella, he swore to himself he would not let any of that happen to anyone whenever he is around.


  • Loud Noises: Tristan has been traumatized by the terriosts bombing back in Hargeon after what had happened to his sister. Everytime a loud noise from a pan hitting the ground or slamming of thunder, he freezes and cries for it to stop.

  • Being Insignifcant: This fear can go a variety of ways for him. First off, he does fear of not being important in anyone's life and have no meaning. He desires to be important in people's lives, at least ones to those he cares about such as friends, guildmates, and family.


Magic Name: Fox Fire

Magic Element: Fire

Magic Description: The origins of the kitsune where this magic came from. It is based on the lore. This magic is ran on pure mana ad is more of a spiritual fire. It's not your typical "burn the world" fire. Fox Fire is a gentle nature type of magic users use who's personalities are more calming and soothing. This brand of magic is weak against Water, but good against Frost and Nature elements.

Spell Types: Offensive, Supplementary, Defensive, Self-Buff: Speed


History: Tristan was born in a rather large family with a single mother. He was the middle child of five children and the only male. His biological father was no where to be seen in the picture. Him and his two older sisters shared the same father as his two younger sisters only shared the same mother. He was the only boy in the family and grew up with being his sister's doll practically. When his mother married his step father, his two younger sister's biological father, it was a new thing for Tristan to have. The man's name was Adrian Cyrus, a rather rich man who took his wife's three children as his own. He loved the girls, but was rather fond of Tristan since he never had a son before.

Adrian put a lot of time and effort into Tristan teaching him a lot about the arts of history, music, art, and science and math. All the esstiential school subjects. Of course, he made sure his girls got those things too, but he had Tristan as his favorite. He gotten extra attention. Growing up was a little tough, Tristan had more school work than anyone because of the heavy weight his step-father put on him with extra tutoring and not having much of a childhood. During one of his music lessons, his music teacher brought out a tenor saxophone for them to use. Tristan became fond of it and started playing it ever since. His spark of creativity started to florish. In his past time, Tristan would practice his music and try to write his own song whenever he had a bad day. Spending time with his sisters was improtant to him too. He learned a lot of things about women and how to pick them up by his sister's advice. Tristan was often protective of any of them since being trained to be the only man in the household. He had to protect them even his older sisters. In particular, Tristan was close to his second to youngest sister, Laella. They were only two years apart. Laella was much like his brother in creativity and the arts. She was not like her other sisters, who were lady-like and proper. She was a tomboy at heart and played everything rough. Laella looked up to Tristan making him even more protective of his little sister.

When Tristan and Laella were in their early teens, their father signed them up to magic classes. It was a must for all of his children to take a magic class to at least get a feel for what being a mage is like. Tristan and Laella both chose fire, of course. They both excelled in this magical studies to the point where they gotten bored of the class. Their father sent them to more advanced class and even away at an academy for four years. Time had passed as Tristan was turning 16. He finished the magic academy early at the same time his younger sister did. Laella and Tristan decided to not return home and purse into being mages. They promised to be in the same guild or faction of where ever they were. That didn't last long. The Rune Knights reached out towards her for her talents to recruit her as a page. She happily took the offer as Tristan joined Blue Pegasus and moved to Hargeon. Laella the again soare with flying colors as a Rune Knight. They would write letters to each other, but it wasn't the same. Tristan felt a little betrayed by his sister for forgetting their promise, but he was still happy for her. She as stationed in the next town over as he would purposely get jobs in that specific town to see her and make daily trips and have lunch with her a few times a week. He made an effort to stay in contact with her. One day, she said they were stationing her in Hargeon, where he was living. This was excellent news for him. He told her they could live together and that's when they made their promise. Again, she didn't fulfill it, but was staying Hargeon. Laella had a hard time fulfilling promises for some reason. He had heard that there was some sort of terrorist bombing going on or being planned. That was the real reason why she was being stationed along witha  large sum of the Rune Knights preparing for the attack. It really didn't bother him, but he was just happy he would get to see his little sister.

Some of the local mages were even lending a hand in this process. Tristan thought might as well make use of his time. He spent the time training and gathering information with his sister, who did most of the talking since he had no clue what the hell he was doing. During one of these mission runs, the were doing their typical daily runs of gathering info and getting errands done. Tristan noticed something weird out of the corner of his eyes sensing intense magical energy. He had an instinct to run, but it was too late. By the time he would warn his sister to duck, a loud explosion occurred causing him and Laella to fly back. Rubble came down of some of the building. Tristan was lucky to be unscathed while his sister was severely injuried. For a while he would call out her name and dig through the rubble to find her. Finally, he found her as she croaked his name in response. She was covered in scares and blood. Her breath was staggered as she weakly smiled. She would say "My hero...you came" to Tristan. Tristan kept repeating she would be alright and he would carry her to safety. He ran to the nearest hospital along the way she would request him to sing a song. A specific song. The song they wrote together for the first time they were playing musical intruments. It was hard for Tristan to sing at a tragic time like this, but he would figure that he would be the least he could do. While singing the song, she would smile and croak "I love you, big brother. I feel my body going numb...guess this is a good-bye, huh? I can die happy now" were her last words to him. She drifted into the afterlife now going limp in his arms.

Tristan kneeled down crying with his dead little sister in his arms. He reported this to the Rune Knights. They setup the funeral as his family was imformed immediately after the tragedy happened. Tristan could not bring himself to even go to her funeral with the heavy amount of guilt in his stomach. Traumatized and full of hatred at Rune Knights and himself for not doing more. One morning, there lied something on his kitchen table in his apartment. It lied a note and a necklace of a fox. The not was from his sister's last words and was a fox necklace that was a gift to him for his birthday that day. He had never noticed it here. It was Laella's handwriting.

Since that moment of his life, Tristan could never bring himself to really recover from such a tragedy. He wore the fox necklace every single day in honor of his little sister's death and gift at the same time. it took some time before he could pick up the saxophone and to go out on jobs. He sought to himself to just focus on becoming stronger and better mage to live on for his sister. For now, he is just stumbling through life with one moment at a time.  

#2Tristan Cyrus 

Tristan Cyrus Empty Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:21 am

Tristan Cyrus
Bumping for completetion!

#3Bianca Fleur † 

Tristan Cyrus Empty Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:03 am

Bianca Fleur †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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