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Freya Black

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#1Freya Black 

Freya Black Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:16 pm

Freya Black


Name: Freya Black

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Class: Sorcerer

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Upper Left Thigh - Red

Face: Diane - Nanatsu no Taizai


Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 158 Lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Purple

Overall: Freya is a woman of above average build in almost every way. Many are known to comment on her more muscular form and tall stature which cause her to stand out among others. She maintains her hair at a medium length, and typically ties it up whenever she expects any kind of trouble. Her clothing is of a modest type, typically seen as something commoners might wear. As for combat attire, she uses jumpsuits as her go to. She also wears a pair of blue gloves at times in combat. Whenever she goes out in her alter ego as a vigilante type of hero, she opts to wear far more concealing clothing which hides her face and body.

Extra: N/A


Personality:  Freya is a fairly free spirited individual devoted almost completely to the simple idea of doing the right thing. Her interests in performing at peak performance at all times also lends credence to her values, and in some ways makes her stand out among both individuals on both sides of the spectrum. She adheres to a sort of vigilante style of justice, believing that the official authorities that preside over Fiore aren't quite what the people need. Other than her do good style she also tends to be fairly carefree. She doesn't tend to take her choices too seriously at first glance, and tends to act more on instinct than anything else. Her attachment to Blue Pegasus is thanks to the service they have offered. She appreciates how they take action, and supports their agenda through and through. Unbeknownst to many, Freya maintains an alter ego as a vigilante hero whenever she feels the need to work just outside the law. This secret identity, known as Matrona, is how she keeps herself away from the authorities.


  • Chocolate: Freya has a great admiration for chocolate. Any dish containing the ingredient almost immediately becomes her favorite. No matter how much she consumes she never really seems to get sick of it.
  • Stargazing: Despite her affinity for the earth, Freya still has a passion for the stars. To her, the stars are simply bits of the same materials the earth is made from just passing the time far from her reach. She adores the light shows they put on, and tends to stay up late just to catch a glimpse of the night sky.


  • Evil: In any form, Freya despises evil and makes every effort to stomp it out wherever she finds it. No matter what form it takes, she fights against the dark that seeks to consume the world.
  • Winter: Freya has no real love for the cold realities of winter. She tends to be much happier when the warmer times of spring and summer roll around. Often she can be found wrapped up in blankets and coats grumbling about the cold.


  • To Destroy Evil: Freya hopes to aid in the fight against the evil forces that constantly spring up across Earthland. She devotes herself to the cause of protecting others through these actions, and despite how tireless the fight may be she continues to pursue her goal.


  • Affection: Freya is unused to the very notion of someone deeply caring for her beyond a familial tie of guild mates. She finds the concept terrifying, and quickly tries to push off advances. Oddly enough, she does enjoy romance novels despite her fear, perhaps pointing to an underlying desire to be loved.
  • The Ocean: Freya prefers to keep her feet on the ground, and the endless expanse of the deep blue gives her ample cause for alarm. She tends to do fine around lakes and rivers though as she can still get a feel for the earth around her.


Magic Name: Earth Magic

Magic Element: Earth

Magic Description: Freya is able to utilize and manipulate all forms of the element of earth in order to execute various types of spells. These spells can be of the offensive, defensive, supplementary, and self-buff strength variety, allowing her quite the arsenal of spells should she require them.


History: Freya was born to a fairly low class merchant family in Hargeon Town. The family was never truly strapped for jewels, but things were never too easy for them. Freya's mother and father ran a small clothing store that never truly got off the ground thanks to the fairly low brow nature of the materials they used. Freya, and her four siblings, though never given the benefits of a luxurious life, did always remain happy in the face of their adversity. Because Freya was the oldest she often took care of her younger siblings while her parents worked during the day.

However, things began to look up for the family when three of the children, including Freya, discovered that they had the ability of magic. While her younger siblings Enoch and Alice, used their skills to make money in street shows and odd jobs, Freya practiced for a different reason. For many years her parents had been forced to suffer under various thugs and gangs who had taken advantage of the poor and destitute. Over the course of her training, Freya had only one thing in mind, to stop those who were hurting the innocent.

Years after the first discovery of her abilities, Freya and her family, alongside many other families from her neighborhood, had cast out those who did them harm. But, Freya did not see this as the end of her journey. She had come to know evil of all sorts during her childhood, and she wished to combat it even more so than before. Seeing how the government had never offered her family the help the truly needed, Freya opted to take matters into her own hands as a vigilante known as Matrona while maintaining a standing in her new guild; Blue Pegasus.

#2Tenshi † 

Freya Black Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:16 pm

Tenshi †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

Freya Black D09aavQ

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