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Potion Parcel - [Quest/Solo]

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#1Odin † 

Potion Parcel - [Quest/Solo] Empty Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:34 am

Odin †

Being a dark mage, especially one like Odin who belonged to a guild no one currently knew about and acted on his own for the most part, one always came to know certain names in the black market industry: where you could get certain items, who you could get them from, and whether or not their wares were worth your money. Naturally, Oak town was a big place for underground market dealings, due to its already dark nature and the fact that it was well out of the way of the Council's grasp with Phantom Lord being proof of that, and it was in Oak town that a certain Doctor lived, a man that went by the name of Dr. Stephan Mabuz, an otherwise unassuming magic shop owner that hid itself in the simple streets of Oak. His shop wasn't visited by many, but that didn't bother the old doctor, who specialised in the... less than legal items on the black market. He was a well known and well respected name in the underground, a man known to be able to sell anything for the right price, and a man who has anything and everything a dark mage could possibly need, be it poisons, potions, hexes or anything else a man could want. He was certainly a useful man to have as a friend, which certainly piqued Odin's curiosity as he saw the man's name etched on the bottom of a request, a request that was instantly claimed by the young dark mage.

Well that was the plan at least, but there seemed to be another, much weaker mage, that was planning on taking that request, picking up the notice before Odin was able to grab onto it. A big, burly man that looked like a pathetic mage and couldn't stand up to even someone like Odin, who was currently standing at the man's shoulders. The man was not a smart one by the looks, and clearly had no idea just who his client was. He was just a foolish man looking for money, a man who Odin was not about to let take his Quest away from him. Provoking the man was an easy feat, it only required the Grimoire Heart mage calling the man out as weak in front of the other dark mages, whic resulted in a poorly attempted punch to Odin's face, which he grabbed and countered, popping the man's arm out of place before walking away with the notice, ready to complete his quest while leaving the other dark mage to pick another quest, or cry about his arm, whatever he wanted to do.

Having collected his parcel and now being on his way to delivering it, Odin stood outside the great Castle Phantasm once more, this time not there on official business to aid the family iteself, but more on business for their aid, not that odin knew exactly what was in the parcel he had been given. Having felt it during his walk, it was indeed a potion of some sorts, but there was no way of knowing exactly what it was that this potion would be capable of doing. Walking up to the gates of the Castle, the young dark mage was stopped by the guards only briefly. They looked him up and down but at the mention of Servas Phantasm's name, and clearly knowing that he was expecting a parcel, the gates were opened and Odin was free to walk around the castle unattended, a strange feeling that made hi want to drop the potion for a bti and explore, but as he was here on business (not to mention the Phantasm's reputation for dealing with snitches and sneaks) the thought was pushed far to the back of the dark mage's mind for the time being. For now, he had a job to complete.

The castle was as large from the outside looking in as it felt walking through it, larger even, with many corridors and rooms, most of which locked to the general public. The castle was known for being somewhat open to the public, but mostly the public consisted of dark mages from all over Fiore coming in to complete jobs for the family. It was not a holiday home, and it was most certainly not a tourist attraction. Only permitted entry was allowed, which mainly attributed itself to the workers of the castle and the mages looking for work to do, of which Odin was the latter.

After around ten minutes of aimless wandering around the castle, as Odin had not been given direct instructions on how to get to the office and had been using that as an excuse to find his way around and get a feel for the castle a lot more, he himself was approached, something that had yet to happen since the guards and maids were all busy completing their own tasks to bother with some child walking around with a package. However, the man that approached Odin was neither maid nor guard, rather it was someone the Grimoire mage recognised: Sirius Phantasm, a previous client during the job in which Odin had rooted out the snitch, and so someone that seemed to regard Odin as, at the very least, a useful mage. The frown that seemed constant on the man's face was evident, as he asked what Odin was doing in the castle. After a brief explanation that he had a package to deliver to Servas, Sirius eyed up the parcel, and took it off of the dark mage's hands, presenting him with the reward that Dr. Stephan Mabuz had promised Odin would receive from the family. Bowing his head slightly by way of farewell, Odin turned the other way and left the castle, having completed his mission and received pay, as well as having re-met an old client, one who could potentially ask for Odin's help in the future. With his job complete, Odin simply went back to his room at the inn, satisfied of another day's work.


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