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Safe Haven (D Rank/Solo)

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Safe Haven (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:56 am

As Mielle stepped into the hallowed halls of Magnolia's Kardia Cathedral, the lingering scent of incense and the soft murmurs of prayers surrounded her. The serene ambiance, however, was disrupted by the sight of Father Jerad, a young but devoted priest, who lay bedridden, weakened by an illness that seemed to defy conventional remedies according to rumors.

Approaching the bedside, Mielle noted the weary but determined gaze in Father Jerad's eyes. "Greetings, Father Jerad. I heard of the ailment troubling the residents here. How can I be of assistance?"

Father Jerad, despite his weakened state, managed a warm smile. "Ah, you've come. The Blessia Flowers you collected have proven invaluable. I've processed them into a potent liquid. But the task remains to administer it to the residents. Would you be willing to help?"

"Of course," Mielle responded, a sense of duty woven into her porcelain features. "What should I do?"

Father Jerad explained, "Take this vial containing the Blessia flower's nectar. It holds remarkable healing properties. Walk among the residents in the quarantined area and offer it to each one. But remember, many are anxious. Your comforting words may ease their worries."

Taking the vial, Mielle nodded. "Consider it done, Father Jerad."

Word count: 202


Safe Haven (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:57 am

The quarantined area was filled with hushed whispers and the occasional cough. Mielle approached each bed, her movements delicate and her voice soothing. "Greetings. Father Jerad has prepared a remedy from the Blessia Flowers. It holds the power to heal. May this bring you comfort and restoration."

As she moved from one bed to another, Mielle's gentle reassurances played a vital role. She took a moment to engage with each resident, offering not just a remedy but also a comforting presence. Some faces brightened at her words, while others shared their fears and concerns.

Among the residents, a child hesitated to accept the remedy. Mielle crouched beside the bed, her eyes reflecting understanding. "Hey there, little one. I know it's scary, but this magical liquid is like a superhero for your body. It fights off the bad stuff so you can feel better. What do you say we give it a try together?"

With patience and care, Mielle managed to coax the hesitant child into accepting the Blessia flower's nectar, their small victory echoed in the grateful smiles of the other residents.

Word count: 182


Safe Haven (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:59 am

Returning to Father Jerad's bedside, Mielle offered a reassuring smile. "All done, Father. The Blessia flower's nectar has been shared with everyone. They seem comforted, and some are already showing signs of improvement."

Father Jerad, visibly pleased, sighed in relief. "Thank you, Mielle. Your presence here has brought solace to both the ill and myself. I couldn't have asked for a more compassionate helper."

Mielle, despite her doll-like features, managed a warm expression. "It was my pleasure, Father Jerad. If there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

Father Jerad's gratitude overflowed as he continued, "In appreciation of your efforts, let me offer you this vial. It contains a unique blessing to amplify your capacity for aiding others. May it serve you well on your journey, and as a token of gratitude, allow me to reward you with these jewels."

Accepting the vial and the jewels, Mielle bowed slightly. "Thank you, Father Jerad. May the Blessia flowers continue to bring healing to those in need."

With a final exchange of gratitude, Mielle left the hallowed halls of the cathedral, the echoes of prayers and newfound strength resonating within her porcelain frame.

Word count: 194

Total word count: 577

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