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Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest] Empty Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:40 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The rotund monk preferred easy jobs and had a hard time being taken as anything other than tough - the plate armor tightly hugging Poropo's form was making the monk seem tougher than is true. Those who look tough mist know how to fight, but Poropo does not want to fight so he turns down job offers.

"At least I have the luxury to turn down offers - joining the prestigious guild, Fairy Tail, has opened up the world for me." With a gentle smile, Poropo waddled up to the next, vague job request.

"Hello, are you here to help me with my request?" The well-worn man looked Poropo up and down, seeing the monk as a sturdy mercenary capable of helping. Poropo felt the gaze od acceptance radiat from this stranger and knew some violent job awaited him.

"I need you to make a business transaction for me - simple enough." The friendly young man smiled a normal grin which Poropo interpreted as a cheeky smerk. Without another job lined up and the possibility for this job to remain simple pushed the desparate monk into accepting the request.

"Thank you, kind sir. May the Iron Deity bless you and this job." Poropo strode out of the office and headed towards the two whom the young man could not defeat.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:30 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Poropo waddles through the streets of Magnolia in search of the meeting place - the job was to meet some suppliers, purchase the supplies with the money provided by the monk's employer, and give the supplies to the employer. Easy, thought Poropo, but he was hired because he is known as a mage capable of defending himself. This job initially pointed to non-violence, but the skeptical monk knew there would be violence involved.

"Maybe I should not have accepted so easily - I may have heavy armor over my body and the blessed magic of the Iron Deity, but I am not a fighter..." The nervous monk could do nothing to reverse his fate aside from quiting the job, but Poropo was not a quiter! If he did not get those supplies then hos employer would need to - with the prospect of violence, the kind monk did not want to subject hos employer to hardship.

"My employer is a kind person - he is paying very well for a job and was almost truthful about the possible violence...almost truthful...he could have said something more directly." The lamenting monk eventually found the meeting spot for the supply exchange - a moist alley with two men waiting foe someone to exchange with.

#3Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:45 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The men in the dank alley looked shady and no-good, at least next to the normally jubilant Poropo. The anxious monk looked down the alley and said, "I am here for an exchange of goods - am I in the correct location?"

The men looked Poropo up and down, slowly walking towards him. They stopped halfway and the red-headed one responded, "depends... do you have jewels?" Their response told the monk what he needed to know - they were here for an exchange.

Obviously the pair of shady gentlemen were here for an exchange, but their words felt sinister - the e.phasis of jewels made Poropo believe a swindle might happen, but the monk wanted to remain open minded and kind so Poropo would give the men a chance. The monk walked the other half of distance and presented a bag of jewels, "I trust you have the supplies my employer requested."

The older, dark-haired man seemed entranced by the sack of jewels and leaned closer, but the red-haired man put his hand up and said, "we do...here." A sack with what sounded like the correct supplies was presented to Poropo.

The monk let go of his sack and expected the same in return. With a swift snatch, the dark-haired man took the dack of jewels.

#4Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:55 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Unfortunately, the method of exchange was not pleasant - instead of letting go of the sack of supplies, the red-haired man pulled back and violently swung the heavy bag at Poropo's body! Poropo shouted, "Waah!" and took the heavy back to his chest, blocked by the plate armor known as Rhadrian's Shelter! With the monk still standing, the red-haired man tried again, but this time Poropo was ready to retaliate.

"First Immortal!" shouted Poropo, putting a hand to a piercing and the other hand out in prayer. The metallic angel came forth from the magic circle in front of Poropo and was immediately defeated by the swung sack of supplies!

"What was that!?" The red-head was stunned for a second - fighting a mage was not what he had bargained for. Meanwhile, the dark-haired man started to stuble away with Poropo's sack of jewels, but the equally stunned monk was not about to let himself be swindled!

"No! First Immort-! Wait just a minute! You are not going anywhere!" Poropo thrust his heft at the dark-haired man and flatted the poor soul - Rhadrian's armor was heavy, allowing the monk to easily defeat his weak opponent. However, now Poropo was prone on the ground - an easy target!

#5Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pestering Scammers [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:16 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The red-haired man swung his bag at the defenseless Poropo, but the monk knew he would be in a precarious situation so he clasped hos hands in prayer and used Steel Body to defend himself! The red-haired man learned the plate armor was too hard to attack, but now nothing on his target, Poropo, was open to strike! "Damn you, monk! Give those jewels or die!" The red-haired man had enough and began repeatedly trying to beat Poropo with the sack of supplies.

Each swing chipped away at the monk's defensive spell, Steel Body, until finally the spell broke - the monk was prepared again and shouted, Iron Body!" To keep defending himself. However, Poropo would have to take an offensive stance to get away unscathed - still fully defended, Poropo got up despite the repeated swinging by the enraged red-head and flung his heft!

The red-headed man felt he was tougher than his drak-haired partner and took Poropo's weight head-on! "Hrrr! Huuu!? Aaaaah!" Thankfully for Poropo, he was too heavy thanks to Rahdrian's Shelter providing a significant boost.

"There, I will joe take the supplies and-!? Coal! You dirty swindlers - you never intended to exchange in the first place!" Poroponopened the sack of supplies and discovered coal instead - by now Poropo should have realized he was being swindled, but the sight of the coal was the final nail in the coffin. Thankfully, the monk's employer was generous and let Poropo keep the sack of jewels as payment for teaching the pair of thugs a lesson.

1,000/1,000 words

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