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Bucket Race (Hot Fiorian Summer)

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Bucket Race (Hot Fiorian Summer) Empty Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:26 am

Bucket Race

Reward: 4 Posts.
Group/Solo: Solo.
Location: Azure Beach, Hargeon.
Participants: 4.
Description: It's already difficult to run on the beach, but what if you have a wobbly bucket full of water on your head as well?

  • The users must enter this topic.
  • The topic may not be entered if there is already an ongoing game.
  • Everyone doesn't have to enter the topic at once. Users can enter it and chill at the beach till enough participants are in the topic to play the game.
  • Once the topic has 4 people, the game can be started.
    *]Each participant posts how they have a bucket of water on their head in their start post as a magical shot indicates that it is time to run to the other side.
  • Each participant posts how they are running on the beach to the other side with a bucket of water on their head while rolling the dice. The roll is increased by 1/4 of their Speed rounded up.
  • The game ends with the last person sprinting and rolling.
  • When everyone has pulled and rolled, the numbers of each participant are added up and the person with the highest total value wins.
  • When the game has concluded, a Moderator will confirm the name of the winner in the topic after which everyone is considered to be automatically kicked without the need for an exit post.
  • Each participant only has 24 hours to reply. If they do not reply within 24 hours they're considered disqualified and may not enter the other games in the event anymore.

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