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(Quest - Ko Lesalt) Renovations: Look At The Size Of My Deck

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#1Ko Lesalt 

(Quest - Ko Lesalt) Renovations: Look At The Size Of My Deck Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:06 am

Ko Lesalt

Storms were amazing things. On one hand, they could be beautiful examples of Nature's Majesty, bringing new life to arable land and joy to people as they curled up inside their homes to watch the rain come down. There was a word for that, Ko recalled, but the word itself escaped him. Unfortunately, on the other hand, a Storm could also bring misfortune and devastation. Marigold had been met with the latter most recently, and even Ko was still recovering from it. It had been a scary occurence.

The damage to the town had been extensive. Many homes and businesses had been destroyed, their livelihoods blown away on the wind. Ko had actually been contemplating leaving town after that. Work seemed unlikely to crop up with everyone struggling to rebuild, and he couldn't expect to eat when everyone else was barely eking out a living. To his surprise, it was Syllas, the town Lord, who came up with that solution. Rather than lose all the potential workers in town, he'd offered to pay them to help rebuild homes and businesses that needed the assistance.

It was an amazing show of generosity on Syllas' part, although Ko could see the reasoning behind it. If the citizens couldn't make a living or continue living at all, they couldn't pay taxes or contribute to the economic health of the region in general. Not to mention, it seemed like storms of this intensity weren't quite so rare as it seemed at first glance. Regardless, Ko decided to put his travelling plans on hold. After all, doing building rennovations was mostly just hard labor, and Ko didn't mind doing hard labor for money. If anything, he could use it as an opportunity to do some body training, and try to build up some of his endurance at the same time.

Yeah, getting paid to workout seemed like a pretty clean deal to Ko.


#2Ko Lesalt 

(Quest - Ko Lesalt) Renovations: Look At The Size Of My Deck Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:28 am

Ko Lesalt

The very next day, Ko joined the renovation efforts in earnest. They put him to work in the lumberyard once they knew his magic wouldn't help with anything useful. Ko didn't have much to argue with on that front; his magic was for hurting people and that was it. In the lumberyard, men and women were hard at work stripping logs down and splitting them into workable lumber intended for the market district specifically. It was incredibly well organized, much to Ko's surprise. Marigold always struck him as having that sort of small town charm. As in, not quite so sophisticated.

Of course, Ko's predilections or not they put him to work quickly. He spent a good long while just hauling freshly hewed lumber into organized piles, keeping count of each piece so that every pile was both even and had the same number of pieces in each one. It was back breaking work, but Ko couldn't say he didn't enjoy it. The people weren't nearly as surly or downtrodden as he would have expected.

In fact, most of them were happy. They were smiling and laughing, throwing jokes back and forth as they worked together to measure logs for cutting and the like. Around the time the sun started getting high up and some of the men started taking their shirts off, Ko even heard some cat calling going around. It was mystifying. Even he got a few appreciative whoops, despite his obvious scars and pale skin tone. For someone like Ko, who had been wandering for so long on his own, the sense of community going around was a beautiful thing he'd never experienced.

It didn't last forever, however. Once the allotted amount of lumber was accounted for and sorted, it was time to start hauling it into the town proper and start getting things set up. Ko had to admit, despite the simplicity of the job this time around, he couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed a job that didn't involve combat as much as this one.


#3Ko Lesalt 

(Quest - Ko Lesalt) Renovations: Look At The Size Of My Deck Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:40 am

Ko Lesalt

If Ko had thought that the job of organizing and stripping down the lumber had been slow and plodding work, putting up the actual framework for the new buildings was like night and day. Skilled workers directed the efforts of the amateurs like himself, and all around him buildings were starting to come together so quickly it seemed like magic. The air was full of the sound of hammers striking nails, almost sounding like a rain of hail all on its own.

In Ko's case, he'd been directed to work on a larger building that was intended to be a market storefront. They'd assembled the frame for the building so quickly that Ko hadn't even had time to get an idea of the layout before it was already up. After that he was put to work hammering in nails for the planks that made up the walls. The entire time, one of the other workers took it upon themselves to fill the relative silence of the job with stories about their lives in the town.

The man on Ko's left was a divorcee who's wife had left him due to an extramarital affair. It was an unusual thing for someone to open up about, but the man seemed genuinely contrite, and did his best to make things up by being present for their children whenever she allowed it. The older man on Ko's right had been living in the Town since he'd been born, just like the rest of his family for generations. He had 4 children and 7 grandchildren, as well as 3 great grandchildren. Ko had to concentrate very hard not to hear the man talk about the Granddaughter he had that was Ko's age. What was it with this town and trying to hook him up with someone?

Regardless of the oddities among the townsfolk, before sundown the building they'd been working on was finished, for the most part. All around it, Ko could see other buildings that had been put up, like an entire town built in a day. It was an impressive show of community solidarity. They all showed ample gratitude for his assistance as well, thanking him in person and making all sorts of invitations. Ko took his money when it was offered. At least that didn't make him feel conflicted about taking it.



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