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The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S]

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The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2019 3:24 pm



“Hahahaaa!” A rare chuckle escaping the lips of the luscious young lady known as Nikki Marcello as she fell out of a door at a time that was after midnight, though usually when this happened she was a little disappointed to be doing so without a little company to warm her up later on, upon this occasion her mood was surprisingly buoyant. Afforded enough from her various hunts to enjoy a nice night of drinking, while the locale she had found herself rooted in was lacking a little in the way of ‘talent’, she had enjoyed it well enough and for the most part been given the time to brood and even mellow out a bit as well, with the aid of alcohol of course.

“I should… Heehee, head home?” The sweet poison known as alcohol seeming to have relaxed her and melted away some of the tension that seemed to permeate her fine form on an almost permanent basis, as the mind of the minx remained somewhat slow and quiet she gave a soft giggle and decided that it was probably time to find her bed, since she would not be sharing anyone else’s. In the opinion of Miss Marcello there seeming to be nothing quite like a good dose of the demon drink to help one sleep after all, if she wasn’t careful she might just end up snoozing on the floor, and really those days should be long behind her.

“Which way was it again?” So with a mind to rest her head on something a little bit softer than the stern slabs of pavement along which she dragged her feet along, Nikki lifted her finger to her jaw and tapped her lip, finding only one obstacle to this plan. Arriving in a state of far greater sobriety and the memory of the mistress somewhat muddled, she knew that her bed was in a particular direction from this place, but with a whole compass of options, which specific one it was seemed to currently be eluding her…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2019 10:29 am



Yeah, this is the way, I’m sure of it… The steps of Miss Marcello still rather sedate as the moon hung over her head, while the warmth of the summer meant that she was none too chilly in her rather revealing bar girl outfit, there was still a briskness to the air that had actually proven just a tiny bit beneficial to the beauty who basked in black. The intoxication which she had brought upon herself seeming to be eased just a little bit by the coolness of the air around her, with the fog that affected her mind lifting enough that she felt a little bit less lost but not so much that the sense of mellowness her drunken state had inspired had disappeared with it, the crimson eyed coquette was fairly chilled out by her own standards at that moment and happy to dawdle her way home in a direction that she still was not totally convinced was the right one. For the moment at least.

“W-Wuh!” Unfortunately those mellow moments coming to a rather abrupt, and somewhat painful end when the wandering woman found something that looked like a dog nearly knocking her over as she sauntered along, as something speedy shot past her with a capital swoosh, the swagger of the siren turned into a stumble which was only made worse by the next little ‘intruder’ that Nikki came across only a moment later.
“Whoa!” This particular entity far easier to spot in the bright white colour they wore and yet also far harder to avoid as well, as the fiery femme swayed from one side to the next in an off-balance fashion because of the beast that had nearly swept her legs clear out from under her, she found herself spilling right into the path of a person who seemed to be running at full pelt. As one might have expected the following collision knocking both people onto floor in something off a heap, the mix of drunkenness and sudden disorientation left the lass with her head spinning, and also her mood quickly souring as well…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:50 am



“Uuuurrrghhhh…” A strong and sturdy girl for the most part but even then the fact that she was caught off guard and off balance meant that Miss Marcello’s crash was somewhat discomforting, and despite her state of semi-inebriation it actually felt almost painful. Collapsing to the ground as some food barged straight into her and then had the gall to fall on top of her as well, after groaning for a second the feisty femme found her fire seeming to spark back up within her, and she balled her fist to deliver a little bit of ‘punishment’ upon the idiot that had hit her. However, once her eyes were able to focus, something stayed her hand.

Who the fuck? Looking up from the flat on her back position she had landed in and then down to find something a little bit scrawny resting with their face on her nice, full chest, while initially the battling beauty thought she had been rammed rather roughly by some rapscallion, as the soul with whom she had become entangled looked up the hint of attractiveness she saw told her this was no dumbass boy, but rather a slightly cute girl.

A girl?! The sense of confusion that she felt seeming to be stayed by this fact, as the stranger seemed to struggle with her new position and then shine a brilliant blue eye toward her, something about that gaze and the eyepatch that the little chicklet wore seemed to quell a little of the fire that the fox felt in the moment. There something about the hard expression she wore even in this kind of situation that seemed oddly familiar, though Nikki was certainly annoyed to have been knocked over like this, for some reason she also seemed to feel a sudden urge to restrain herself as well…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:14 am


WORDS: 306 | TOTAL: 1273 | CLASSIC

“Jeebus girl, ya ran right into me!” Some of the fire that the fox felt quelled but not all of it, after looking toward a blinking blue eye for a second the fist of the femme relaxed a little bit, but that did not stop it thrusting all the same. Not exactly happy to find herself being ‘humped’ by a stranger in a situation like this, while the face of the femme who had fallen onto her might have been cute enough that she might have liked this in the right situation, in this one all it did was irritate Miss Marcello and make her push the slight and light frame of her fellow femme off her own.

“S-Sorry, I’m chasing something… Sorry!”

The slim thing seeming to get the hint quickly, however and at the nudging of Nikki make an effort to climb off her fine form, though she seemed that she was somewhat winded by the clash that had occurred between them and also rather weary, the youngster dragged herself off the buxom body of the black haired beauty and forced herself back to her feet. Offering only a scant apology as she did so and then not even sparing the time to dust herself off before she was off running again, the feisty femme watched as the figure in white dashed off in the direction the dog had before with only a few frantic words and plenty of haste in her bearing, before disappearing from her.

“Always in such a rush, young ‘uns these days…” Miss Marcello in far less of a hurry to get back to her feet given the fact that her lingering tipsiness meant that she still felt just a little bit dizzy from her fall, she sat up and did take the time to roll her hands down her frame to eliminate any debris without thinking, but as she did found something that for a second sent a shiver through her…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2019 12:02 pm


WORDS: 278 | TOTAL: 1551 | CLASSIC

What is that…? The hands of our heroine rolling down her body as she tried to clean herself off and maybe check herself for signs of hurt, as she slid her hands down the sizeable endowment on her front and then the firm set of abs beneath it, Miss Marcello found something that felt wet and just a little bit sticky clinging to the latter, which chilled her to the bone.

“Blood…?” That moist and messy feeling something she had experienced countless times before, after leaving her digits to linger for a moment on her discovery the black beauty lifted her hand up to confirm what was smeared upon them, which she did by both sight and smell. The light that was offered by the moon seeming to be enough to show the crimson tinge that matched her vivid gaze and raising the substance close enough to her nose that she could sense the subtle scent of iron in it, confirming her suspicion and sending a shiver through her as well.

Did that bitch…?! Perhaps the next instinct that was shown by Nikki something that alluded to the rough life that she had led up to this point, as she found her body with a nice patch of wet blood on it, the first thought of the femme lurched toward her own injury. Specifically seeming to suspect that she had been unknowingly stabbed by the scrawny girl who had rammed right into her there, the hands of our heroine sprung onto her abdomen and probed it, looking for signs of pain or a gaping wound to confirm her paranoia, as she found herself panicking over the idea of dying in a back alley like this one…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:11 am


WORDS: 323 | TOTAL: 1874 | CLASSIC

“Thank fuck for that…!” No shortage of relief setting in for Miss Marcello when she found she was not the proud new owner of a gaping hole in her stomach, as she felt that wave of liberation that took away the tension that she had been caused the fiery femme flopped backwards onto the ground and let out a long sigh, looking up at the stars for a second as she continued to explore her shapely abs before lifting her hand back to her eye line and looking at what stained it.

So it’s hers? The only other person who it could belong to being the blonde and blue eyed brat that she had bumped into there, since it certainly hadn’t been present when she left the bar, the fiery femme frowned as she focused on her fingers and felt her sense of respite easing away from her, like a tide draining away.
And she’s still running around like an idiot? It certainly seeming to explain why the youngster had looked so wobbly when she had gotten up, while the woman on the ground had no idea what exactly had happened to lead to her bleeding that way but assumed it probably had something with the dog she had been chasing, the mind of the minx moved on to something else she had noted about her.

Dumb kid… Lowering her hands to the white crop top she was wearing that was practically her signature by this point and giving a sigh as she dabbed her fingers on it to try and wipe the worst of the blood off, Nikki couldn’t help but feel her mind lingering on something she spotted in that second or two they had been entangled, and for some reason it made her stomach feel cold. That blue gaze that the girl gave off icy in more than just a sense of colour, there was something about it that felt so very familiar and also made the grounded gal feel just a little bit angry as well…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:50 am



Damnit… Here I go again! No longer with her back on the ground but rather the soles of her chunky red shoes hammering against it, though a part of Miss Marcello wished that there was some way she could have stood up, dusted herself off and headed home to clean herself up, she couldn’t. Instead finding that she had been possessed by a sudden and rather overwhelming urge to beat the pavement with her feet as she sought so very desperately to catch up to the girl who by now would have had no small head start on her, our heated heroine found herself hoping that her body had enough speed in it to catch up to someone whose name she didn’t know, but in a way she felt connected to all the same.

Fucking… Hope I don’t hurl my guts up! The eyes of the stranger seeming to have that hollowness, that dimness about them that seemed to guard something, they were how hers used to look back when she was younger and still sometimes appeared now, on her worst days. And she hated it, really. Perhaps there a little bit of irony in the fact that such an aloof and icy gaze seemed to have inspired such fire within the femme, even though she still wasn’t wholly sober after her night out Nikki knew she couldn’t just ignore what was going on. She couldn’t just ignore that girl, and there was a big reason why. She was that girl!

Ah fuck it, even if I do, better that than let her lose her actual guts, huh? Maybe not having that bright blonde hair, that skinny to the point of scrawny frame or those sapphire blue eyes but certainly having one big, undeniable quality in common, once upon a time Miss Marcello had that guarded gaze that the girl seemed to flaunt so effortlessly and she hated that. She hated the fact that someone else had been through something that made them like she was, and wanted to do something about it. Anything she could, really.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:29 pm


WORDS: 309 | TOTAL: 2499 | CLASSIC


The heart of our heroine hammering and her lungs heaving as she drove her heels into the paving stones in her desperate search for the bleeding blonde, whether it was with the blessing of luck or some grim omen, Miss Marcello turned her head as a groaning cry rang out through the silence of the night and provided her with a rather handy little indicator of the direction she should be heading.

It’s like I’m chasing down screams every night in this place… A wicked sense of déjà vu sparking in the girl as well as she heard that howling yelp, the battling brunette shook her head and rolled her eyes as she realized that once again she was dashing through the streets in the direction of a damsel in distress, which seemed a discomforting recurrence given recent times really. It feeling like it was only yesterday that she had flattened a couple of thugs who had been getting a little overly friendly with a young lady who clearly wasn’t interested, it seemed that the life of a badass bitch like Nikki happened to be was rife with chances for rashness like this, so much so that it was almost becoming habit really.

I should start wearing a fucking cape by this point? Honestly feeling that  if she wasn’t careful with these habits then she could well end up with some kind of vigilante fan club or something of the sort, while the woman didn’t mind an eager eyed groupie or two who was oh so willing to let her indulge their appreciation, she would not be all that happy being viewed as a hero or something of that sort. Certainly not that type of person at all, and only tending to help out idiots who got themselves in too deep with fool’s business like this, Miss Marcello didn’t want people counting on her to save them or looking up to her in any way. That all felt so stifling…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:10 pm


WORDS: 303 | TOTAL: 2802 | CLASSIC

There we go, another girl who seems to be biting off more than she can chew, such a pain in my tight little ass! Rounding one corner then the next then finally managing to spy her proverbial ‘prize’, as she blundered her way into what looked to be a half wrecked warehouse or oversized shed that seemed to have seen much better days Miss Marcello laid her ruby red eyes upon a set of golden tresses that had stuck out in her memory, and felt the heat of her emotion rising up behind her as she did. The girl who she had bumped into in the street on her back and trying to fend off the wicked beast that had also given a go at knocking her down, the fiery femme grimaced as she watched the way the dog or whatever it was seemed to have her pinned down with its mouth and nastily sharp front teeth trying to gnash at that pretty face, and knew she had to act.

That fucker doesn’t seem to have though!  Not even breaking her stride as she sped across what time had turned into an half-open space for her, while the task of blasting the bugger might have been easiest with a well-aimed blast of her trademark fire the position of the pair robbed that option from the running rescuer and forced her to act in a speedy but simple fashion. Hand to hand combat always her favourite anyway, even though it might have been nice to see the plundering pooch being done extra crispy by one of her spells, Nikki was adaptable and knew she would feel no shortage of satisfaction in swatting the creature with her body alone anyway. Sometimes the old ways were the best ones, as they said, and in this case that certainly seemed to be rather true as the manic mutt’s body buckled beneath the force that the black beauty placed upon it like a balloon being pressed against a wall.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:41 pm


WORDS: 315 | TOTAL: 3117 | CLASSIC

“Get the fuck… OFF!” Gritting her teeth real tightly as she skidded into place next to the pair and then swung her foot right from the hip in a low but arcing roundhouse motion that showed little regard for the exposed state of her underwear, for a second the sable saviour smirked as she felt her toes digging into that furry form like an axe or something of that nice hammer sort, Miss Marcello was even happier when she sent it rolling away and right into the rubble nearby with her raw physical might. It really was the best feeling a girl could get to know she could send monsters flying with simple bodily strength, aside from the obvious of course, the fiery femme could help but smile as she watched the mutt disappear into a heap of bricks and timber before being buried in dusty smoke, before turning her attention to the girl on the floor.

“Don’t get too excited there kiddo, just cause you got a front row seat to my underwear there…” Perhaps that lingering sense of intoxication or that hint of camaraderie that she felt with a fellow ‘broken girl’ like he was seeming to curb her usual red hot temper toward women who needed saving by her, while Nikki struggled to really be truly kind and gentle with people, she settled for playfulness in its place to try and soothe or distract the girl. Leaning down to check on the chica after pushing her hand back through her hair, it spoke volumes of the sympathy that the tempestuous temptress felt that she wore no kind of scowl and not even a frown, and instead it almost looked like was giving a gentle smile. Almost. Instead offering what seemed to be something between a smirk and a poker face as she tried not to let her sense of irritation show too heavily on her face, while caring and concerned was not her natural rhythm, the girl was at least doing her best.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:00 pm


WORDS: 330 | TOTAL: 3447 | CLASSIC


Perhaps the most painful thing about the rescue, at least initially, being in the response that Nikki got from the floored femme, even without meaning to the girl did something that while accidental stung her just a little bit. The look in her blue eye of the blonde one of sheer disbelief and almost denial at the fact that she had been saved by someone, the recognition of this and the knowledge of how it felt to find it a shock to know that you didn’t expect anyone in the world to care whether you lived or died hit our heroine right where she lived, and sent an agonising throb through her.

“Yup, me.” Sometimes it was hard to have a sense of empathy, especially when the feelings one could share with others were the worst in the world. Tough and jaded and hating to let herself feel vulnerable, while all these qualities might have done a good job of guarding the fact that beneath it all she had as much of a heart as anyone, every once in a while even this raging maiden could be hit by stuff like this and it usually hit harder than any foe could.

“Seems you’ve sprung a bit of a leak there, lass, so here….” Not showing this of course as it would have made her feel far too vulnerable to reveal in any way she was capable of being hurt, Miss Marcello hid this pain and the internal rage she felt at knowing someone else could have felt this way behind her best poker face, as she focused on the injuries of the girl as best she could. Somewhat Spartan in her manner and not exactly a nurse let alone a doctor, really the best that she could do was find the nastiest wound that the girl was afflicted with and try to staunch it in some way with what she had at hand, or in this case saying what she had at bust might have been a better description of what she did, really…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:58 pm


WORDS: 317 | TOTAL: 3764 | CLASSIC

“Put some pressure on it with this…” Not even wasting a moment as she saw that the girl needed a dressing and providing one in a sense that some might have found rather provocative, maybe on some level Nikki was glad that even on a night out she had worn a nice and sturdy sports bra to keep her gals under control, though given the size of them that tended to be something of a necessity. Showing no sign of flinching at all as she peeled the white tank top she had been wearing off her body and exposed the brassiere and beyond beneath it, the brawling brunette felt no shame in exposing herself in a manner such as this even when she was safe and sober, so in this situation was more than happy to make her priority known. After all, no matter how big they had gotten, people really did make too much of a thing of exposure. It was up to her if she wanted to whip those tig biddies out, wasn’t it?

“Even if it won’t stop the bleeding, it might slow it down a bit?” Not even noticing the way that the blue eye of the blonde seemed to bulge as she exposed the sizeable endowments that good genes had apparently gifted her with, while care and concern were not the kinds of feelings that one might immediately associate with Miss Marcello, she showed rather readily in that moment they were nowhere near as rare for her as she supposed some might have assumed. Gentle even if she was a bit firm in the manner of her speech and clumsy with her motions, almost without meaning to she found her hand running through her hair as the girl beneath her flinched because of the pressure, and quickly pulled it away once she realized. More of a natural nurse than she might have seemed but somewhat defensive about this fact, she didn’t want the world to think she had started going soft, after all…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:38 am


WORDS: 363 | TOTAL: 4127 | CLASSIC


The moment of quiet connection and shameless exposure sadly coming to an end as something in the vicinity gave a hissing snarl, though Miss Marcello thought that she had dealt with the strange animal with the heft blow that she had levied against it, the bizarre beast seemed only too happy to prove that it was simply stunned by her attack and still raring to go.
“Tch.” Erupting from the mess of wood and bricks that it had ended up within with a nasty set of fangs on full display and seeming only angrier for what it had been through, the battling brunette got her first clear view of the creature and clicked her tongue as did so.

Is that fucker made of iron or something? I know I clocked it hard… Truly the gnashing brute something of an abomination, it had a long tail that flapped around behind it like a whip that was replete with nasty cracks for every flick, and was covered in bristly fur that would have looked better on the tail of a squirrel or even a hedgehog rather than whatever this was.  An almost instinctive sense of protectiveness seizing Nikki as she stared at the monstrous mutation that she assumed was some form of mutt, as a beady set of eyes seemed to glower toward her, she swiped her hand on instinct and unleashed a wake of flames more as a wall than anything else.

“That’s one weird ass dog you’re after there…” Expecting that no wild animal regardless of anger and intensity would really want to cross a nice patch of fire without being given a reason to, even if she expected it could probably jump across the burning gulf it would at least provide our young heroine with the time to carry out her next deed, which she set about immediately once the ‘stream’ in front of her was ablaze. Wasting not a single second as she scooped the bleeding blonde into her arms to move her away from the battleground, though Miss Marcello might have said to others she was doing this because she didn’t want the girl ‘in her way’, if anything she wanted to create some space between the youngster and the fight. She didn’t want her getting bitten again by that bugger, after all…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:32 am


WORDS: 329 | TOTAL: 4456 | CLASSIC

“It’s… A rat. I had an accident in the lab and it got free?”

A look of fear in the eye of the fallen femme as she glanced toward the baying beast and finally told Nikki exactly what it was, though she had shown a brave face up to this point in what she had been dealing with and had even been bold enough to tackle it alone, the brunette could feel the horror of the girl as she saw this iron rodent snarling and biting at the fire like it was going to tear it apart. The girl in her arms trembling and this seeming to send a shiver through her saviour as well, though she felt far less fear than the youngster she held onto, the feisty fox couldn’t help but let that dread ‘infect’ her just a little bit. However, that was not something she really chose to show in a situation like this.

“That’s a rat? No wonder it’s so fucking ugly looking, huh?” The sable siren simply cocking her head to one side at the explanation, though she found herself rather astonished that a sewer dweller could grow this big and nasty, she did not doubt the words of the frightened girl in her arms one bit. Supporting the girl as gently as she could and showing as small amount of surprise and alarm at her new enemy as she could, Miss Marcello lifted her brow up at one side and wrinkled her nose, making little effort to hide the disgust she felt at all. That was one gnarly looking rat, after all.

“Well, lucky for you, you found yourself a hungry tigress then, isn’t it?” Moving over to what was another half ruined stretch of whatever building used to stand in this place and slipping the girl behind it to at least offer her a bit of cover when the second round of this battle begun in earnest, though Nikki tended to prefer to trash the skulls of people rather than innocent animals, it seemed she would have no choice here, and so with a few clever words as her bravado she got ready to take the blighted beast down hard.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:29 pm


WORDS: 344 | TOTAL: 4800 | CLASSIC


The combat-loving coquette taking her time to crack her knuckles out as she waited for her enemy to charge her, though she was perhaps lacking for class that did not disparage her capability one bit, yet the blonde still seemed a little confused by what she said.

“I’m saying, I’ll take this fucker out for you…” Maybe the flaxen femme mishearing her or simply in a state of shock and disbelief despite the confidence that Miss Marcello tried to flaunt, after sighing and cracking her neck as well the black brawler turned her head toward that startling sapphire eye and confirmed her intent. Not the type who really liked to run away from a fight on any day of the week and something telling her if this revolting rat was left to go about its own devices things were only going to get worse, while she seemed to have the option of carrying this frail stranger away from the fight and hopefully might escape their enemy, the fiery fox was not keen on that option. Scampering with a tail between ones legs was not her style.

“But this is… My problem?”

The girl seeming to still have a problem properly processing the notion that Nikki tried to raise however, as that brilliant blue eye looked to her in a fashion that seemed almost pleading, our lady lead couldn’t help but get the impression that she was intruding into business that some thought she did not belong to. However, that was nothing new to her.

“Ya reckon? Well, you look like you’re on your last legs and-” Never the sort of girl who really let the opinions or thoughts of others get the better of her, even ever since she was a child with the name of Christina, Miss Marcello had made no effort to follow the direction of anyone but herself. Well, almost no one. Discovering that she did her best work when being guided by her own will and whimsy, even with a sharp fanged bugger like this rat suddenly seeming to leap over the patch of fire and race straight toward her, the black brawler knew she was doing the right thing. Even if no one around her bothered to agree…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:29 pm


WORDS: 326 | TOTAL: 5126 | CLASSIC

Not some scrawny little girl at all but rather a woman who had been fighting all her life, while the rancorous rodent tried to do much the same to Miss Marcello as he had the blonde before, she showed quickly that she was all too different a kind of ‘prey’ to be dealing with. Reflexes sharp from all the battles she had been through that had brought her here, as the snarling sewer scab tried to take a chunk out of her the brunette brawler made sure it paid for its efforts, hard. Spinning on her heel and twisting to guide her fine feminine form out of the way of the sweeping slice those fangs took through the air and using her fluid motions to deliver a counterstrike in the process, the feisty femme flung her fist in a crossing swat that connected with the side of the rat’s head and sent it spilling across the floor in a dazed fashion once more. However, it didn’t last long.

“I’m not sure it’s gonna let me off the hook after I booted it anyway?” The rabid critter already shaking its head to try and throw off the pieces of cheese or whatever else would be spinning around it the second that it landed on the floor, rather than chase the nasty little gnasher down, Nikki elected to instead hold her ground in a manner that was somewhat protective really.

“Besides, dealin’ with rough fuckers like this is what I do best…” Not really liking the idea of shooting after the vexing piece of vermin and then finding herself getting rounded as the rat went straight for the prone figure of her flaxen haired friend, though she was more used to being light on her feet and whipping around her foes while delivering nice knockout blows, the feisty fox was adaptable enough a fighter to be able to respond to something like this. Not a natural bodyguard but doing what she could to protect the blonde, the girl looked like she had been through hell already, and didn’t need someone else’s carelessness adding to that…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:30 pm


WORDS: 322 | TOTAL: 5448 | CLASSIC

Come on then, you furry fucker! Squaring her stance a bit as she opted to take on this battle in more of a protective fashion, the dark defender squeezed her fists into tight little balls as she saw the fuzzy hunter gnash those nasty teeth and then dash toward her at full pelt, taking her a little by surprise really. This skittering little savage certainly rather able on its feet despite the knocks it had taken, it crossed the few meters that separated itself from Miss Marcello in the matter of a moment and left her a little bit stunned, though not wholly overwhelmed.

Ya got speed… The rat certainly blessed in a great number of categories and simple quickness like it’s greatest endowment, though the speedy squeaker had enough throttle to stun the sable siren for a second, it was lacking in one key area.
But you’re just another dumb animal at the end of the day… Certainly surprised by that blistering pace but the methods of the monstrous mutant crude and straightforward, having tackled human foes for what felt like all of her life, the direct and destructive approach that this violent and vigorous vermin exploited was easy to predict, and easy to reply to as well. Or at least that was what Nikki thought at first as she swatted it away again.

“Ah, fuck!” This time caught a little bit off guard as the mind of malformed malady proved to be sharper than she expected, even though Miss Marcello had the opportunity to swat at the abdominal animal again, it proved that it had learned from their last encounter by swatting at her with its tail as well. It unclear whether this was an act of reflex or strategy but the fact of the matter meaning that such details seemed somewhat redundant in the moment, all that the black brawler could think about was the sudden and sharp pain she felt in her cheek and temple as that skinny little whip smacked her upside the head and sent her stumbling to the side.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:31 pm


WORDS: 328 | TOTAL: 5776 | CLASSIC

“Unnngggfffff…” Wobbling over to one side as she found it was now her turn to be dazed by this dog-sized rodent, the dark delight groaned and lifted her hand to her cheek as she felt her face and head throbbing from the clever clout she had caught from her feral foe, and thanked her lucky stars it hadn’t hit her in the eye and left her half blind. There was still time, however.

“F-Fucker!” Maybe the strikes it had taken already helping the animal to recover a step or so faster than the femme or it simply exploiting that sense of killer intent to ignore its injury and strike again, whatever the reason Nikki found herself opening her eyes to find the fiend on top of her again, and this time without the second or so of reflex she would need to swat it away. That predatory instinct guiding the angered abomination in its aggression and sending the rat straight for her throat, perhaps had she not been holding her cheek then the feisty fighter might have found her jugular being ripped out, but instead just about managed to raise an arm to get that in the wat of the attack instead. However, even then the outcome was pretty grim.

What a night to not wear my wrist guards, huh? Lamenting the bareness of her body or at least the lack of combat ready gear she was suffering from as those sharp fangs sank straight into her sweet and soft flesh through the sleeves she was wearing, Miss Marcello gritted her teeth as she felt her skin being broken by the beast, and tried not to focus on the places those choppers had been before this. In for a rough night however as the assault upon her continued, while the warrior woman tried to rip the rodent off her body immediately with her free hand the second she felt that pain, that loose and long fur prevented this, and things only got worse when it began to struggle with her…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:50 pm


WORDS: 307 | TOTAL: 5776 | CLASSIC

“Urrrkaaah!” Groaning again and then grunting as well when she found the thrashing force in front of her seeming to be enough to throw her off balance and send be body crashing toward the ground, as the wicked claws of her verminous villain tried to tear at her front the fiery femme felt pain spreading through her body from every side, and winced as a response. A tough girl but by no means invulnerable, even this brave and bold black beauty could find herself beaten in a situation such as this. The rancid rodent biting at her arm like a dog while all four of its paws gouged her stomach and thighs to try and gain some kind of purchase, as blood erupted from her pale, moonlit flesh it was fair to say that Nikki’s night of drinking had not ended quite as pleasantly as she had hoped. This not the kind of body she had longed to grapple with in the dark hours, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed, and that annoyance was probably the driving factor in her next move.

“Sorry…” Groaning at an apology but one that she did not hold with any sincerity as she felt a white hot rage bubbling up inside her and consuming her, with her own fangs bared the girl decided that the quickest route toward getting this ravaging rat off her was also the most ruthless, and pulled her free hand back in order to fill it with fire.
“I’m the kind girl… Who likes it on top!” Any mercy that Miss Marcello might have held for this mutated monster seeming to be evaporated by the blaze that she birthed in her palm, with a grimace the girl slammed her hand down on the skull of the critter and decided to see how much pain it could take before it decided its life was worth more than her arm…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:32 am


WORDS: 322 | TOTAL: 6098 | CLASSIC

“Extra crispy, just how you like it, baby…” A foul smelling smoke erupting in front of the girl as she seared both hair and flesh alike as her mitt closed around the head of her enemy and the blaze within it burned through everything that lay beneath it, and even as she plunged a digit into the eye of the vicious piece of vermin trash, the girl did not care. She wanted it to hurt, and got what she wanted.

“What’s the matter? That getting a bit hot for you?” Feeling no shortage of relief when she felt the grip on her arm seem to let up enough that she could yank her limb free, even as she felt her arm throbbing and oozing but though maybe because of it, Miss Marcello took a sadistic degree of pleasure in punishing this beast for the sins it had committed. Shrugging off the pain she felt as she rolled herself over and pinned the thrashing rodent beneath her by grabbing its throat with the hand she had just rescued and throttled the squirming savage with everything she had, but even that did not feel like enough.

“Too bad. You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Shaking her head from side to side as she felt as if something had snapped within her and let loose a fearsome force that the fiery femme generally tried to keep a lid on, she gritted her teeth as she thought up a lovely way to finish her fight, and acted on it immediately. The red eyes she possessed seeming to glow as the girl spouted even more fire from her hands as if that burning blight was water falling from a faucet, even though the nature of her magic had given her a strong resistance to flames and heat, she still felt her arm stinging as she unleashed her attack. However, Nikki more than anyone knew that a little pain wasn’t going to stop her when she got like this, and really, in one way or another she was glad of that fact as well…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:45 pm


WORDS: 330 | TOTAL: 6098 | CLASSIC

“Burn.” Immolating her enemy with maximum prejudice shown as she channelled every ounce of mana she could pull upon and send it from her palm in the form of a fearsome flame, the dark dish showed a different side to her usual grumpy glamour in this moment, and one that was far more wrathful. A fury flowing through her that felt almost cold and robbed her of every thought in that moment other than revenge and pain, Miss Marcello did not let up for a single second as she sent that fiery force from her and bathed the squirming bugger beneath her in it to make the rat howl with pain. The scream and the struggle abating after only a moment of seconds after this, with the sheer intensity of the blaze the black beauty turned her target into cinders with ease, and only really snapped out of her rage when she felt the body of the beast breaking apart beneath her. And even then, she felt almost reluctant to do so, at least for a second or two.

That got a bit intense… Letting out a long sigh as she finally managed to peel herself off the charred corpse of the rat and then feeling every ounce of injury she had suffered suddenly throb through her unison, though in the aftermath of her attack the fiery femme felt a modicum of guilt for letting her passions get the better of her, as she looked herself over and saw the scratches, scrapes and worse she had suffered she did not linger on it for too long.
But that nasty fucker deserved it… Certainly not the type to cry of the spilt blood of an enemy, especially one who had inflicted such pain upon both herself and the blonde before her, the heated huntress called upon her flames once more as she sought to stem the bleeding from her wrist and winced as she sizzled those bite wounds shut, before turning her attention to the girl in question to see how she was doing…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:46 pm


WORDS: 366 | TOTAL: 6464 | CLASSIC

“Whew… Not sure what you’ve been feeding that guy, but you should take some yourself if you wanna go around fighting fuckers like that…” Letting out a hard breath as she finished her combat cauterization courtesy of Firecracker magic, though her injuries were still throbbing throughout her somewhat, the first thoughts of Miss Marcello lay in her partner and a little bit of humour more than anything. Unsure of how much of the fight that her fellow femme had witnessed but most regular folk likely feeling some disgust at how she had ended it, while the dark dish made no effort to conceal or excuse what she had done, she also wanted to move on from it as well.

“H-Hey, you doing OK there?” Stumbling somewhat because of the aches that echoed through her body as she moved back where she had left the flaxen haired femme but not exactly finding that a surprise had she witnessed that brutal battle, despite this Nikki couldn’t help but feel a bit unnerved but the quietness, and flung herself around the broken wall to check on her. This sense of haste quickly showing the battling brunette that it was not repulsion not what was keeping her ‘friend’ so quiet but rather the fact that the femme seemed to be unconscious at an optimistic bet, a sudden panic sent the girl to her knees in a fashion that after the fact she might have found rather embarrassing, but in the moment seemed rather urgent.

Damnit, looks like she’s passed out… Still got a pulse though, weak, but there… Slumping down to cradle the girl as a sense of dread and pessimism made Miss Marcello guess for a second that the blonde had bled out or something, though her condition did not seem terribly far away from that point, the dark defender was at least relieved to find that her damsel in distress hadn’t kicked the bucket. Not yet, at least.
Better get her somewhere safe… Hope there’s some back alley doctors around here or something? The ‘yet’ the issue that seemed to seize the highest level importance following this confirmation of course, no sooner had the warrior woman confirmed the fact that the youngster was still alive than had she pulled the girl into her arms and up, even though her own body was feeling like it was about to fall about the fiery fox set out in search of help and probably the only reliable source of medicine that would still be available at this late hour…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:46 pm


WORDS: 324 | TOTAL: 6788 | CLASSIC


The bright light of the sun having chased the darkness from the sky by the time that a crack in the curtains seemed enough to rouse at least one of our impromptu partnership, as dawn broke in earnest and seemed to make the blonde who now found herself on a bed groan, next to her our lady lead was enjoying a rather well deserved little nap as she rested with her behind on a chair and face on the mattress upon which the flaxen femme rested. The dark hair of the girl rather messy and mussed up by her position and her ensemble now including what looked to be a rather colourful and very oversized example of a shirt best worn by the seaside, along with this rather uncharacteristic change to her wardrobe Miss Marcello was also the proud owner of several new sets of bandages.

The arm that was bitten by the rat wrapped in white reams of cloth whilst her open shirt also showed that her stomach had been tied up in this mummy-like fashion, along with a set that she also wore around the scrapes on her thighs the girl also sported a fresh shiner on her cheek and eye where the tail of her enemy had caught her, but despite all these she slept rather peacefully. Or at least she did until she heard the sound of the girl near her waking up.

“Whoa… Good Morning, Sunshine~” The brunette seeming to stir the very second that she heard any kind of sound that the youngster in front of her made, and something about that almost maternal instinct perhaps seeming to be rather sweet, as she lifted her head back up and yawned with a set of eyes that her night had left redder than ever Nikki found just a sliver of blue peeping out of the lids of the lady in front of her and couldn’t help but smirk at the sight before her…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Rat Race [Nikki/Q/S] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:47 pm


WORDS: 353 | TOTAL: 7141 | CLASSIC

“Don’t worry, this guy practically wanted an arm what’s between my legs from me for it, but he’s patched you up pretty good really, from the looks of things…?” Cocking her head and resting her cheek on her hand as she looked toward the young woman who looked like a sleeping princess or something in that moment, even though she wasn’t the sort to confess the fact very easily, the brunette was certainly rather glad to see this stranger wake up near her. Having taken quite a shine to the girl without even meaning to, and the position she had been found sleeping betraying a little of the protectiveness she felt toward someone whose name she didn’t even know, Miss Marcello smiled as she assured the golden haired girl that she was going to be alright for the most part thanks to the costly but skilled hands of the doctor she had managed to find in the midnight hours.

“Y-You helped me?”

Perhaps the situation seeming to strip something away from the blonde, as the stranger spoke with a sense of surprise at the fact that Nikki had not only intervened on her behalf but also rescued her, there seemed an odd sense of innocence about the question that stopped the shock that she showed being irritating to the black beauty. The words of the young woman feeling pure and childlike, more like she couldn’t believe her luck than she hated the idea of being helped, it was a nice thing to hear in her tone and something that made everything the fiery femme had been through seem that bit more worthwhile.

“I guess? I could hardly leave you bleeding in the street now, could I?” That feeling taking even Miss Marcello by surprise to some extent, while she had thrown in and helped a few people since turning over this ‘new leaf’, even though she had gotten hurt and shown a side to herself she didn’t entirely like she felt good to have done some good, and more than usual. Perhaps there something in the idea of connecting with the odd soul like herself now and then, even though the brawling brunette never wanted to be seen as some heroic champion who fought the good fight whenever she could, it was surprisingly nice to know she had saved someone that she probably, one day, could learn to like?

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.

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