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Translate The Note [Aria][Q]

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#1Aria Scylar 

Translate The Note [Aria][Q] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:33 am

Aria Scylar
Aria Scylar
Full of Wild Rage
She didn't exactly plan to spend time at the library, but it wasn't like she really planned anything for her time in Crocus. To be paid for a simple job was more that she could really ask for. As far as she was concerned it was free money to assist some dumb higher up. They were too occupied in their own bullshit to do it themselves, and she would benefit from some menial monotonous task.

She arrived a the library, fully expecting to waste her day starting at lost research, but she didn't expect to just have to translate some document.  She wasn't even instructed on the mission itself by her. It was delegated to the librarian at the front. Aria sighed, taking the paper and heading to one of the open tables. If she was quick about it, she could have enough time to make take a few more jobs before dinner time, and then she would be able to reward herself with a nice juicy steak.

For now, she needed to find out what sort of runes the paper was in. From that point she could decipher it. She left her bag and things at her table and took the paper slip to another section of the library, trying to find any similar runes. Chances are, it was old, so looking for untouched dust might have been a huge help.
232 words | @tag

[ Sheet - Road - Wheel ]
Translate The Note [Aria][Q] 1gg6ee
#2Aria Scylar 

Translate The Note [Aria][Q] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:52 am

Aria Scylar
Aria Scylar
Full of Wild Rage
After a bit of searching she would finally uncover the dictionary she needed. She spent far too long just wandering the library, but in bit of searching would find it with their logs. She took her findings to her table and begun to break down the runes on the slip. She would spend ages if she was just going to hunt for specifics on the paper. She needed to understand a bit of the Valan Runic language and how it was written if she wanted to do this fast.

She skimmed for the most part, trying not to miss sightings of the ones on the page she was given, but her own brain seemed to fail looking at these words too long. When she finally found an answer, "meat" was far from one of the things she expected. She continued to flip pages, hoping that the other runes might have given more context. Maybe it was a phrase, or maybe the runes together made up an entirely different word.

She'd trace the lines before she would find her second finding; cabbage. She sighed, feeling as if she was failing at her simple task. Either she was dumb and was messing up her job, or there was something she had not yet uncovered. She had to continue to decipher the page. She hoped it was some phrase about good fortune or a feast to celebrate, but to find the next rune meaning potatoes, she all but gave up.

She decided to press on, finding her final answer about hooves. The paper she was handed was some sort of shopping list, most likely someone's groceries. She wondered what they were planning to do with ox hooves, but maybe that was some delicacy she just didn't understand yet. She recorded her findings and the citation should it want to be checked again. She'd hand it all in at the front desk and leave, wanting to get some steak and potatoes herself.
328+232 words | Quest

[ Sheet - Road - Wheel ]
Translate The Note [Aria][Q] 1gg6ee

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