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Exploding Stars [Hikaru/Jino]

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#1Jino Setsuna 

Exploding Stars [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:14 am

Jino Setsuna
Jino Setsuna
The Risen Phantom
He had set up all of the tubing, as well as the fuses for their display. There was nothing quite like the practicality of actual fireworks. magic had its uses, but to lean on it so often for battle, for life, and for entertainment made everything seem so dull. Once the sun had begun to set, he saluted the men and their supplies before going off on his own to find a decent spot for their night viewing.

He wandered the crowd of people, smiling to passerby's and the few couples that had set their picnic blankets for their grand show. He wasn't going to pretend it was all his doing, it wasn't. He just happened to offer his hand to one of them, and it just happened to work out this way. If it had it his way, setting a warehouse with their equipment ablaze would have been far more entertaining, but still, he was able to enjoy himself.

Though, part of him wondered how many faces he would pass that he could recognize. . .
175 words | @Hikaru Overby

Exploding Stars [Hikaru/Jino] V195ihi
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