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Shopping Episode [Hikaru/Bodak]

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Shopping Episode [Hikaru/Bodak] Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:08 am


Bodak Manji
The Forgotten Phantom
She calmed down, taking her time to stroll through the more off beat shops. A bag was held in her off hand as she pressed her hand against the glass.

There was more than enough dresses for her to find herself wanting to try on, but so few chances for her to find an excuse to wear them with. Even if she did have a place to wear them, then came the question of jewelry, as well as shoes. Trying to get an entirely new outfit, or at least pieces of one that she would easily be able to integrate with the rest of her attire would prove to be either expensive, or difficult.

She pressed on, leaving the shop behind. One thing she could easily pair with the tops she bought would be a jacket. Now was just the question of where to get one.

Well, that was what made shopping fun.
153 words | @Hikaru Overby

Shopping Episode [Hikaru/Bodak] EpVwdzC
[ Bodak - Sheet - VR - Wheel - GFX ]

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