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Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon]

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Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon] Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:00 am

It was not often that Lothwen took the opportunity to enjoy festivities like this. Seated on a bench near a plaza that cast a easy view of the fireworks that were lit every night, the elven maiden her gaze lingered upon the sky. Such festivities... Everywhere one looked they could see people making merry and celebrating the start of a new year. No expenses were spared by King Reign to make sure this event would be one to remember. But what about the past atrocities that had happened? Was this festival meant to erase the suffering from these? Was it meant to make people forget the events that had transpired?

"It's all just empty lipservice..." Lothwen muttered under her breath, her gaze cast upon the fireworks that were exploding over the city. Certainly, it was a vivid show of brilliant colors and shapes, but that was all it was. A gesture lacking strength, and in the end the fireworks made her feel... hollow?

Perhaps it was Nasira's absence that only served to intensify these gloomy feelings. Or maybe it was her nature as a Lich showing its true colors again. She did start to acknowledge just how out of tune she was at times with her emotions, as if something had placed a lid on them, making her feel somewhat detached from the emotions she should have felt.

A hand raised to the side of her head, a fingertip trailing along the void flower that rested amidst her long green locks while she muttered softly. "Happy new year... As if this 'new year' is going to bring some sort of miracle. Laughable at best."

Her lips curved up in a faint smile, as she pondered something: If this serenity was shattered? If these fireworks were replaced by burning fires and explosions. If the laughter was turned into lamenting wails and desperate cries. Would their king still be able to hold on to such a silly notion?

In the end, covering up the suffering of others through festivities like this did not erase the pain of those who were wronged. But for now, just pondering these thoughts would be enough for her. Not like she had anything better to do till her own plans could be set in motion.

WC: 380


Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon] Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:30 am


Faces both known and unknown passed the Machia as he walked through the stone streets of Crocus. Everyone’s attention was elsewhere, as the celebrations all around distracted commoners and guards alike. It was a truly freeing experience relative to the celebrity-like lifestyle he had dealt with since attaining his status of General for the Rune Knights and later losing it, people had hounded him over every little problem they were dealing with in their life primarily those regarding bandits stopping merchants or thugs shaking down everyday citizens for petty change and more recently lesser nobles jeering him for losing his position of power. Today, however, he was just another citizen concealed in his thick coarse fabric black cloak that licked lightning at his footsteps matching the fireworks. The reason for his visit to the capital extended beyond enjoying the New Year festivities but equally to learn more about the state of the country and those who sought to enter the organization he was creating. He had been tracking one of the more curious individuals that were present in Talaz Lagaar for the past couple of days, their identity was unmistakable with their cyan-coloured hair allowing him to spot them from afar even in these dense crowds.

A secondary boon came with the radar affixed to his forearm littered like a Christmas tree with her appearing like a uniquely green bloom in the sea of yellow. In the days that he had been watching her, little could be learnt, instead, he would need to get face-to-face and talk to them in person. Biting his prosthetic tongue, he weaved in and out of the masses slinking behind the former elf and placing a firm yet welcoming grasp upon their shoulder which could only betray his identity by its absence of warmth or moisture. “Funny to see you amongst a crowd such as this.” Words spoken in the native Fiorian, no need for secrecy at least not for the time being.



Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon] Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:13 am

The hand that had rested on her shoulder had come as a surprise. Although the initial defensive reaction of her being that came in the form of several vines coiling from underneath her gown, almost threatening to coil around his arm but when she felt the lack of warmth or moisture from the hand that followed by the voice caused the vines to retreat back inside. "The same could be said of you. I did not think you would be a man to enjoy hollow pleasantries like this."

For the first time since he had been trailing her Lothwen's words reverted to the use of Fiorian, a language she had only decided to learn as a result of her interactions with Nasira. Compared to her native tongue, the flowing and melodic-like nature of the language spoken by the high elves Lothwen felt the language of humans to be rougher, crude but oddly to the point at times.

Her gaze remained focused on the fireworks cast overhead, yet feeling more talkative now she had some company that was willing to listen. "Indulge me for a moment: As one who once shared the same body and mind as the crowds, what do you see in these fireworks? Is there anything of particular interest in them that stirs you? For all their sparkle and brilliance, the crowds seem quite entertained by the festivities happening in this city. And yet I can't help but wonder whether their joy is born from nativity or escapism?"

A soft hum followed as she pondered these words. "So tell me Kon, what does this festival mean to you? What feelings and emotions do these fireworks invoke within you? Or are we closer to kin than I presumed, and do you no longer feel anything upon seeing this scenery?"

WC: 300


Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon] Empty Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:49 pm


A woman of many words yet few spoke with intent to expand the conversation beyond the simplest of pleasantries, their elven discretion was unmistakable despite all of the changes that they had undergone shifting into their otherworldly appearance. Feigning a lack of understanding about the purpose of such events, they spoke on as if looking at humanity as though they were an alien race entirely devoid of similarities with her elven kin. Humoring Lothwen all the same, Kon gestured towards the crowd relieving his grasp upon the undead woman allowing the golden chrome of his hand to reflect the fireworks as he drew it around them highlighting the crowds for her to take in fully. “I am not here to enjoy the festivities, no, no that would be plain, too simply, my affairs are in parallel with the serenity which we will soon shatter, the enjoyment is felt by both Miharu and Hirota who have long since endured an absence of these pleasantries perhaps you will see either of them out and about, not with my presence however.”

His own words while truthful it was betrayed by what lay below in his subconscious, Miharu and Hirota were always there within his mind bickering and arguing amongst themselves but they would never been seen together alongside Kon, an impossible feat given they shared a body amongst the three spirits. Answering all of Lothwen's questions was a futile attempt to establish a relationship between the two of them, much less the trio of relationships that might form over time After all Miharu might despise them while Hirota could relish their company. Eager to learn more about their abilities, Kon sought to indulge in his more devilish side and make a simple yet identifying request of Lothwen drawing up closer to an ear whispering like a mouse. “My attention is not truthfully solely drawn upon the Capital, the celebrations or even the people, but equally upon you, Lothwen, I was intrigued and frankly cautious about your sudden and alarming appearance back in Talaz Lagaar and because of that I’ve been tracking you both personally and through subjects these past couple of days, I want to see what you can do, how you operate, take that orb from the statue over there using whatever means at your disposal and place it atop the tower’s peak, my only request don’t get caught.”



Fireworks in her eyes [Social, Kon] Empty Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:37 pm

Lothwen couldn't help but tilt her head slightly to the side in bewilderment. "Miharu? Hirota?" A momentary pause followed as her gaze lingered upwards, a soft hum following. "Could they be the reason why the presence of your soul feels so different? In a way it's similar to the frequency of a human's heart, although a soul's pulse always has the same frequency till it ceased, yet in your case the frequency is eratic, chaotic... as if multiple pulses beat at the same time." For a moment she could find her curiosity stirring as she recalled her fondness and fascination with magic but for now she decided to suppress it and focus on the matter at hand.

His whisper into her ear as he made his request made her go silent for a moment. "You wish to assess my skills?" It was an understandable request from the Guild Master, and heaving a soft sigh she stretched her arms forwards. "Very well, I shall entertain your curiosity for a bit then."

Rising slowly from her seat she gazed toward the statue near the center of the street. It would clearly be difficult not to get caught by someone if she was to take a direct approach. But perhaps a bit of subtility wouldn't hurt? The tower was further at the end of the street, although a guard stood at the lone entrance, perhaps to prevent children from climbing the tower and endangering themselves.

"If you'll excuse me~" With a slight graceful bow the elven maiden disappeared toward a nearby alleyway, yet it seemed she had left a gift at her seat: a mysterious staff and a pink lotus flower? Although the flower suddenly bloomed open to reveal a floral maiden who playfully swayed from side to side at the bench. She had received her instructions, and with an elegant sway of her hand the summon gently grasped a hold of the staff and twirled around the plaza. With each sway of her body the flower maiden causes roots to emerge around the plaza, the flowers and grass flourishing and growing at an alarming rate to the point the plaza had turned into a beautiful lush forest.

Meanwhile as the citizen were looking with perhaps mild confusion or curiosity at the spectacle Kon would no doubt notice that as the crowds started to gather in the plaza a hooded figure walked past the statue, her cape seemingly made from leaves and similar foilage, but a careful observation would reveal that the moment she walked past it, a collection of pure black vines coiled out from underneath the cape and whisked the orb away.

Of course the guard at the tower was approaching the plaza, equally surprised by the fact a forest had suddenly blossomed in the plaza in front of him without any warning, and as the cloaked Lothwen walked past him she seemingly turned around and looked straight at Kon, beckoning him to look upwards as she gestured with a single finger toward the sky, and indeed as fireworks continued to explode overhead one would notice a strand of vines had coiled around the peak of the tower, placing the orb at the top of the tower's decoration and then dissolved away.

She wasn't certain he could have seen it due to the density of the magical forest, but by the time the guard arrived at the center of the plaza the flower maiden disappeared into thin air and the magical forest shrunk back to normal, as if its presence just now had been a mere circus spectacle.

The guard and crowd alike were curiously looking around to try to figure out what in the world had just happened, but with no trace of the culprit of the show they merely shrugged and returned to their earlier business.

"Satisfied?" A feminine voice whispered from beside Kon, and allowing her hood to slide down she stepped beside him, a soft hum following as she continued to whisper. "Now entertain me for a moment in return Kon. You called me an elf before, but your touch earlier must have betrayed my true nature even if only for a moment: I didn't think there would be another one willing to entertain the facade of an undead..."

WC: 720

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