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Return to Sender [Nameless]

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Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 8:20 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar


A little worried


To travel to Iceberg required a variation of requirements; one of which would be the willingness to go there in the first place. The charters of oak wouldn’t have an easy way of getting there so going to an actual port would be helpful. Which would be where asteria would come in; thankfully it was a close hop skip and jump away. Where they could stock up on everything that they needed.

They had the option of either taking a regular ship or an airship which would have to be discussed with nameless to some extent. Discovery found herself wondering how much resources someone would have to put to travel between country to country. She’d fold her arms, having the map of the various routes they could take. There were good options honestly and she was pretty pleased at what she was seeing.

The machia knew they’d likely also need to go to get some food, some maps, some clothing and likely some kind of emergency supplies as traveling inbetween iceberg cities would typically be very dangerous for organics and her worry for nameless was evident on her face even if the neko was well equipped for pretty much every situation. But still the fairly well dressed machia had to ask her friend…

Are you sure you still want to go there? It is very cold.

Discovery knew the answer already but she still felt she needed to ask; she was pretty sure she could just send a letter inquiring about this for the both of them but if they really wanted to go she’d make sure that they were well taken care of. She’d adjust her sun hat a little bit and let her light ‘jacket’ flutter as she stepped lightly towards where she knew the general shops to be. They likely wouldn’t have something in her size readily available but still…

"Though the roads are safer up there than usual, what with all the bandits getting cleared out and the draugr getting culled time and time again... So the cold being the only worry is good..."

She recalled her own efforts in that effect. Tireless undead certainly weren't really a challenge for her given she didn't tire and was way tougher than they were. She recalled some of the bandits wanting her to keep them safe in exchange for giving up that way of life. Being farmers was definitely better than dying out in the middle of no where by some undead...



Well. Maybe more than just a little.


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 8:50 pm


"Well, if we don't go, then where am I going to wear this jacket? The North Pole?" She scoffed, following her joke with laugher. Nico poked his head outside of the bag she wore. She packed far more clothing than she ever had on any trip, though with a new country came new mages, which came more events. Besides, she was going to meet a new guild, and possibly their master. With the subject of her arrival, she wasn't sure if a formal event would follow, or simply hours in a workshop. She wasn't sure who she was going to have to impress or pretend to care about, but she packed enough to not have to worry beyond what she needed to.

She reached out, grabbing the side of Cookie as he walked beside them. Others seemed to cast a lot of looks at her Dhuilin, but she would continue with her story of claiming he was a Pegasus, though none really dared to question beyond that. It seemed a few people started to keep note of her, though it wasn't like she wasn't doing and taking every job she could up to this point.

She adjusted the stone lantern that was wrapped on his back. She was sure it was heavy, though if she could carry it herself, then he would be able to as well. He wasn't going to be able to fly that high when they were there if it was snowing anyways. For now she would make use of the horse aspect of him.

"Killing bandits are way easier than werewolves in Dahlia. And Dragurr are some other undead right? Which is even easier when I'm basically a seasoned exorcist at this point." She smiled, but from behind the collar of her coat and the scarf that wrapped around her, despite them not even getting on a ship yet, could only be seen in her eyes.

"Let's just take whatever is gonna get us there sooner. I can cover the fees. I've been making a lot of money this week on jobs anyways."

Active Effects:

Worker Necklace + Wuu Ring + Lazy Coin = 60% 50% WC for quests

STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Restoration College: T WCR +20% : Healing / Other-Buff

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

332 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv

Return to Sender [Nameless] 0a942310
Return to Sender [Nameless] OdMTfx9


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:02 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar


Time for a ship to sail!


Well given that it is a wasteland for the most part that would be a good place to wear it. Though there are other locations during the winter that also get that freezing but typically don’t stay that.

Discovery blinked slightly however when Nameless laughed; she had missed the fact it was a joke. The machia adjusted slightly and considered the possibility that she still didn’t fully understand how things worked with organics and didn’t understand their social complexities. Something she was striving to do so especially by sticking around the same people. She noted the fact that nameless had packed a lot and after a few moments…

Would you like me to carry that for you?

She’d cast a glance at the Dhuilin, she was used to undead being hostile so one that wasn’t and infact was a mount of all things was strange to her but the machia wasn’t going to be the sort to call the kettle black. She’d reach out with a hand curiously; wanting to see what they felt like or rather what her senses told her they felt like.

The bandits are a bit rougher since they have to fight the folks that travel around, the fighter to ‘citizen’ ratio of iceberg is unlike any other part of the world. But with the draugr yes you would do exceptionally well with; though I could say the same with bandits. Your threat classification is much higher than mine after all. You’ve hunted werewolves before?

Discovery padded towards the ships that she could see along the way; the port was close and they’d have to pass through the market district anyways. She thought that the coat that nameless wore was frankly cute. She kind of wished it came in her size.

Airship would be faster and have less trouble with the sea monsters. So we should take that. Hopefully they don’t have a weight limit, I am considered heavy cargo after all.

There was a brief pause, a small flick of her ears, a slight swish of her tail and she’d adjust her sunhat again. Maybe she’d make mention of it then…

I like your coat. It’s cute.

She didn’t mumble like a lot of people and simply stated facts, this was the closest she had gone to expressing any form of opinion she had for pretty much everything. The last few weeks had been helping her development quite rapidly and the machia felt like that was a good thing. She had to wonder why nameless was insisting on buying mostly everything. She felt… Kind of bad. She’d eventually come up with a good offer.

Well if you’re going to buy the airship tickets I’ll purchase the food on the trip.



Airship that is!


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:26 pm


Clothing was hardly any importance to her, but she knew that appearances mattered to certain people. She wasn't just going to a new country but going submerge herself into a brand new culture. She was going to have to learn everything on the fly, and secondhand from Discovery. She could have practiced etiquette with Discovery's help, though with her awkwardness over their post mission meal, she doubt she would be able to share much wisdom on that.

"Man, Santa has it cut out..." She wondered what that old fat man was up to, or even what his magic was. Surely it was something far more complicated than just some spatial teleportation magic. Maybe he stopped time one day of the year, and paid the price for the rest of the year? Maybe he was from Iceberg too.

Cookie wouldn't react to Discovery at all, though if it was because he trusted her, or for other reasons would be unknown to Nameless herself. He was mostly docile, as long as you weren't throwing spells at him.

"Yeah it was a weird time, though, I think I was a werewolf then too." She twisted her mouth in thought. She didn't quite remember that time, though the closer her memories were to the period Chi Lau sacrificed her life, the more things got fuzzy. She wanted to remember, but having that blur was a great line to divide her memories from Chi Lau's. She would really start to lose herself if that was the case.

With mention of the ships, with Discovery's weight as a machia, she didn't really consider how other places would categorize her. Though, at the compliment, Nameless immediately stopped in her tracks and swung her bag around, opening it. Nico would hop out of the way, for the moment, revealing what he propped himself on. Nameless would remove it from the bag, only to hold it up to her travelling partner. "I completely forgot I bought two of these. It was a buy one get one half off, but like, mine was like half the size anyways, so mine was free." She'd hand it to Discovery, putting her bag back on. It was once packed to the brim, but without the jacket inside of it, it was almost empty, save for the two dresses and the few other simple things she packed for herself.

"I won't say no to free food." She'd say, "Means if you're getting food on the ship, I'd have more time to sketch some things out." She would take Discovery's lead to their path. If she was able to get to Oak from there, then certainly she could do the same in reverse, right?

Active Effects:

STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

449+332 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:43 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar


Time for a ship to sail!


Discovery would do her best in every instance to assist others; though when it came to culture she was still clueless to most of them. Iceberg she was the most familiar with but still had so much to learn it wasn’t funny; she pondered the current cultures such as the oak or asteria one they were moving through. It was like night and day honestly. Which was really surprising to her; how could organics operate so differently?

Santa? Who’s that?

Discovery was puzzled at the mention of someone by the name of santa; another cultural thing? Or perhaps someone that nameless knew personally? Checking her records in her head did nothing and she’d ponder this individual. Maybe it was someone she should know. She’d give a small shrug at the idea; if that was the case nameless would tell her.

Being a werewolf must have been interesting. Though I was under the impression that lycanthropy was genetic. How do you just ‘stop’ being a werewolf?

She had to wonder if she could ever become a werewolf; what would she even look like in that case. She’d tilt her head to one side; a puzzled depression interlacing with the loading symbol on her face. She’d note that Cookie didn’t really respond to her touch, so she’d just go about petting the beastie. She bet that they felt interesting.

Discovery nearly froze when Nameless stopped in their tracks; worried she might have upset the other with the mention of Discovery’s weight and the ships. Though instead she was presented with a coat that was of mammoth size. Practically made for her. She seemed actually floored and stood there for a moment before putting it on. She didn’t need clothing, nor did she need any form of sustenance technically but it was always nice when people considered her. She’d cozy into the jacket a little bit; it didn’t really do anything other than look fashionable on her but that was fine.

...Thank you.

Her ears flicked and with the sun hat on she looked a touch strange but when didn’t she? She was practically hidden from the world and if push came to shove she could use it to help out nameless or those that may be cold.

Sketch what out? And I don’t mind. I’ve been busy searching and helping people, it’s strange that they think I do it for jewels.

Discovery may not have been as busy as Nameless but she was still a worker. So she made improvements all around for people the best she could. They’d pass through the market section of the town,discovery stopping here or there to pick up supplies. Updated maps being one of them and some medical supplies she could take along with them. A few other notable items being little trinkets and a music box. She looked rather pleased with herself and motioned towards the docks that were just right down the street.

lets go find an airship then. I believe there are two docked at the moment.



Airship that is!


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:57 pm


Santa? She didn't know Santa? No wait, that made sense, she didn't need to know all of those stories, she wasn't a child nor set to care for them. She was made to save lives and to get in areas to prevent death. Discovery, she was made to discover where the injured were, and bring them home. But if she was in Iceberg, did no story come up in her last year or so there?

"Well, Vampire blood was sort of a "cure", at least for lycanthropy, but that didn't last long either. I think my magic either purged it, or I bled all of it out. " She wasn't entirely sure how any of it worked, and she wasn't going to pretend she did. Magic she had a grasp on, but genetics and biology were basically foreign concepts to her, at least outside of tending wounds.

Discovery putting on the coat certainly was a sight to see, but even she understood the uselessness of a fur coat on someone like her. It was thinned out for the most part, allowing more movement, and costing significantly less. It would at least serve as a barrier from the frost from icing up her joints. She was built for the sea, not the mountains. But if she was from Iceberg, maybe her worrying was for nothing?

"Designs." She answer, the pair of them heading towards one of the airships. "Though, weapons are probably something I'm better with, something that makes your travel easier would help you do... well whatever it is you do."

Saving people for free? She got doing things for the greater good, but even so, even firefighters needed to pay rent. When they would get to the ship, Nameless would simply hand over a fistful of assorted crystals and jewels and push her way through. With how she tossed money around, people rarely questioned her, especially when she easily paid over ten times what most fees were. No one really questioned a mage who handed over diamonds for air fare.

"Spring loaded legs could help get over some mountains maybe, or crevasses in the ice. No fluid means no freezing. Though I suppose some retractable claws like ice picks might do the same work... but if you're carrying someone..." Her mind begun to race with ideas.

When did she become an inventor?
Active Effects:
STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

393+781 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:59 am



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar


Time for a ship to sail!


Discovery’s ears flicked and it was clear she didn’t really seem to miss the fact that santa wasn’t touched on again. She’d have to look into it later; then again most of her time had been spent out and about away from the people she was yearning to help. Searching for other versions of her. This was the closest she had to proper social interaction that was consistent outside of Lumikki.

That’s fascinating. Biologically I wonder how they interact. I’d like to study that sort of reaction but I imagine finding someone transitioning from werewolf into something else would be incredibly difficult. Magic also purging it or ‘bleeding’ out is also just… I have no records of any instance like that.

She seemed perplexed, putting her hands on her hips and the little loading symbol on her head stayed for a few long moments. She’d have to look into various books or maybe she could get into the information hub that was lost to the void somehow… She’d shake her head slowly. She’d have to focus on the now; the coat around her was warm and would help with her joints and regulating temperature even though that her other models would be even better for that.

Designs? Oh! Weapons would be useful if I needed to defend myself and I perform rescue operations far better than most. Hmm. Maybe something that could cause my frame to be lighter for efficient travel.

Discovery trotted past the last bit of the stalls in the merchant area, looking to the pier as Nameless brought up different types of equipment for her. Spring loaded legs, retractable claws… The machia paused and considered these.

A jumping implant would help with that, spring loaded legs would fall under that. There are different kinds of pistons that would facilitate that. As for the retractable claws with ice picks a supplementary set of arms or perhaps a binder that I could attach someone to would help. Harness classifications vary based on the model. For things in the mountains the 01 design is by far the best for it.

Her ocean variant wasn’t built for mountain rescue but it could still manage in some regards. Though her weight would also serve to be an issue given it was meant for her to do a dozen different things…

I’m surprised you’re thinking of attachments. Are you interested in being an engineer for me?

Discovery tilted her head to one side; curiosity took her features and mid stride she paused. They were fairly close to the docks now. She hadn’t the faintest idea that there would be anyone interested in that for her. Given that the techs of talaz lagaar were long gone she wouldn’t have anyone dedicated to her well being really.



Airship that is!


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:25 am


There was not enough time for her to dive into the deep end of stories, at least not while they had a ship to be getting onto. Trying to explain the concept of a man who traveled the world, and visited every home and hovel within a single night was a rather complicated endeavor, especially with someone who would only have more questions after.

She lingered her mind on a few designs, though, it felt like perhaps it was less about concepts and more about materials. Maybe there was a metal that was both durable and lightweight, something perhaps minimal in structure to allow her to move faster? It would also allow her to visit and travel with others, if she could swap into a much lighter frame. She tilted her head in thought for a moment, furrowing her brow. If she was ten times her own weight, how much trouble would it inconvenience her? Cookie might not be able to carry her as easily, though she hadn't learned how much he was really able to carry. She couldn't imagine replacing any of her flesh with something synthetic, though, maybe it was no different than armor?

The other design was better suited for the actual lifestyle Discovery lived. Nameless couldn't help but wonder if there was a unit that lived somewhere in the sea, wishing they were like Discovery. But if they were manufactured the same, would they also adopt the name of Discovery? Were they all capable of independent thought? How much of it was free will and how much of it was programming?

Her mind begun to flood with questions, but really, she could ask the same of herself. How much of it was things she wanted to do because she wanted to do them. How much of her life was because of her programming? How much of it was she simply raised and told was what she wanted? Were people any different than machia?

"I thought that much was clear?" She begun to hurry her step to keep up with Discovery, trying to make good pace. "I grabbed all of my notes, at least on this side of Fiore. The point of this venture was for me to share my knowledge with your guild, and if possible, learn more from them to help you?" That was the plan right? They talked about that? Or was that just another theoretical conversation she had with herself in her own mind. "You said that no one there has worked with machias before, so I should at least share with them the basics of repair. That way, since I can't be everywhere at once, they can help you too." She nodded, agreeing with herself, far too smug in her limited experience. "Besides I heard y'all have metals I've never even heard of, so maybe there's something you, and only you could get, compared to other units."
Active Effects:
STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

485+1,174 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:25 am



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




The silence between the two of them for the net few moments was for sure something that she wasn’t entirely sure how to navigate; so she’d ponder her own thoughts for a moment. The last week or two had been very enlightening. She was glad that Nameless was here to help her forward but had to wonder just how long that would be the case. There was a mild worry regarding their safety in the elements especially since they weren’t like her.

There was also the cases of her others and her current ‘design’ that would make it difficult for her to continue on land for long periods of time. It simply wasn’t built for it and made things awkward for many. She had to wonder if there was a different version of her looking for her in the realm of iceberg that might be interested in either swapping information or bodies. She wasn’t sure if they could given the way their programming was handled.

The fact that so many also seemed to focus on her free will made her wonder. Did she actually have it?

I hope so.

The thought crossed her mind so quickly that she was stunned afterwards; to the point of where she nearly misstepped and had to adjust her posture to let her leg extend just a little bit more than normal. A slight whirring as her body adjusted and she’d do a little dip after a moment to reset her stride.

Perhaps I had misunderstood your intentions on that regard. I was under the assumption you were traveling to converse with those within iceberg to better their knowledge. I seemed to have missed the personal half of it, I appreciate it.

Discovery had misunderstood what she had wanted to do and was actually very grateful for the two of them. Perhaps discovery had only figured that they wanted to make sure she was taken care of. She’d nod her head a few times.

That is correct. I had figured that was the full case of it with the sharing not realizing that you were content in the idea of traveling with me.

Discovery pondered this for a few moments and then nameless made mention of the metals she had never heard of. Iceberg was rich in them and more so with the technology present well… She’d fold her arms thoughtfully and a little humming noise came from her vocal box.

There are metals that are only found in iceberg yes. Maybe there is; I could… Being unique among my other units would be… interesting.

She felt the oddity, she looked down at her hands. Her visor flickered from it’s typical blue to red for a moment before back. She could be unique. Her of all things. A simple machia that was built for a singular purpose. Unique?

It was a strange thought and the line of code in her programming seemed stressed to contain that fact, the jubilation. There was an strange smile on her face for a few long seconds before it’d vanish. She’d twitch a little bit before continuing onward, the airships oh so close now. There was that static to her voice again, a metallic tang to it that was out of place. There was that semblance of want and the desire of freedom…

I… would like that.



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:54 am


Her not being clear was nothing new. She was always mysterious to others, yet those that knew her could read her face and knew exactly what was planned. She knew the pair would get odd looks. If it wasn't for the giant robot, then it was for the undead horse. But people knew her now. She wasn't just an unnamed mage, she was Nameless, someone who had haunted Oak for generators. And now she left, but for what reason?

"I told you, you aren't paying me for this trip. I'll find exactly what I need when I arrive. That being the knowledge of whatever blacksmith is there. For you, you get to benefit from the fruits of that labor, while I get to take in a brand new skill... or at least refine what I was supposed to know." The Manji Clan was a series of families. Each house was known for their expert craftsmanship. There was heirlooms to each house, each of them mastering and passing down the secrets of their family to their offspring. The Manji wasn't a singular family, it was a house that constantly changed hands. Any who rose to great skill took their clan's name, but few, if any still shared the blood of their founder. Nameless might have carried the name, she might have had the blood, but she was far an expert in any skill.

"I mean you're already unique, I'd say." She didn't have many others to compare to, but she did feel like she understood the difference between someone who sacrificed their humanity to become a machine, and a machine who longed to be more human. But it wasn't like she didn't also deal with werewolves who cast aside those values, and those who were upstanding members of society.

"If we're talking core values, not to get, well weird about things, I don't think it would make sense in any directive to seek out others? I would assume other units would continue to serve their masters as ordered, as that was probably what they were built for. Yet, you search for others like siblings. Using parts... well to survive or to self-repair in a way, that I can see making sense, but not in the sense of perfecting one's self." Everyone was different. But something was definitely strange about Discovery.

"I might knew very little as far as smiting, or molding metals, but as far as wiring and programming, I feel like I know enough when a machine has a soul, y'kno?"
Active Effects:
STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

421+1,659 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:44 am



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




Discovery didn’t understand many people and the fact that she didn’t fully understand nameless was fine. But she knew enough of the other that despite their initial rough exterior that they were kind at least to her. Discovery cocked her head to one side as nameless explained herself.

Right. That makes sense. What do you mean refine what you were supposed to know? Were you supposed to be a smith or engineer?

Discovery looked puzzled; she hadn’t been aware of this little tidbit. Hell she had no idea about the manji clan or familial bonds such as that. She was still pretty clueless when it came to that sort of thing. She knew that there were families but truly didn’t understand the connections within. That’d require her to become learned of them. Discovery felt her neck retract and she’d hide her face in the coats collar mumbling a little bit.

...well thank you.

Discovery however blinked at the mention of her directives. To seek out others was not her core directive, that was to rescue others. She’d let her neck slink out and she’d let out a soft sigh.

My Master, Lumikki ordered it, well suggested that I do so as a secondary objective of sorts. Which I am totally for. To learn that they survived or to find their remains would be a great boon for many. We could do much good together. I assume if others have found masters that they are doing whatever they are wanting them to do. It is unlikely that others would have a simularily functioning or powerful leader.

Discovery referred to her sisters as such because of lumikki and the familial ‘bond’ between them wasn’t manufactured so much as it was a misunderstanding that would slowly begin to make itself known. However when nameless made the suggestion that she had a soul discovery froze in place, they had just arrived at the docks and she’d say something so… profound?

I possess an ample enough amount of magicule and use them as a fuel source to where that could be mistaken as a location to host a soul. My programming wouldn’t… Wouldn’t be that I don’t think. I don’t… I don’t think I have one of those.

There was an edge of nervousness to her voice to where she felt something strange in her core. Her programming hiccuped and she had to put a hand to her head. A little flash of red on her visor again but no words came out. She’d shake her head a few times to get rid of this sensation and her color would return to normal.

I. Uhm. Sorry I think something may be wrong, I might have to clear a cache later…

Discovery was shook by this suggestion, she could feel some kind of twist in her programming that made her feel like she did. That she wanted that; but it was a scary prospect. She had a very strange world view already and this would complicate things for sure...



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:09 am


Every time she died, she would have the memories left behind in the body she took. It was easy for her to know when Chi Lau ended and she began, but it was hard for her to remember any of her actual life before then. Was the memories she recalled her own experiences, or lingering feelings from the last body she was allowed to inhabit? She wondered how much of herself, was actually her, and how much was just a mixed blend of all of the memories and desires sacrificed to her. She tried not to dwell on it often, but in a way it was like being a machine. How much of herself was her, and how much of it was lingering code? How much did she have control over, and how much of it was decided before she even drew breath?

She reached up to place her hand on Discovery's back. "My family, the Manji Clan is from a war-torn village." She begun to tell her tale, though, maybe from it a bit of calmness and understanding would be shared. "The Manji is made up a dozen families. Each one mastering in both using, and crafting their heirlooms, from spears to swords and even guns. My family never passed that to me." Her eyes would trace the ground, hoping to carefully guide her if it was needed. Maybe she shouldn't have spoken at all. Maybe it was a bigger mistake than she thought. "I was never passed that knowledge, BUT I know that it's something in my blood. I might be able to make swords or shields, but that's not what I wanna be. I want to be a legendary enchanter. So, I'm going to help you become not just another unit of five hundred alright?" She'd point, almost pressing her finger against Discovery's chest, "A soul isn't like an organ like a heart. It's not something so black and white. Souls aren't material. If they are, then I can make you one." She'd smile, even if it wasn't going to be seen.

"Y'kno, people have the same problem you do. Existential crisis. I have one at least every other week. If you're worried about having a soul, then you have one." She'd shrug, ". . . Even Cookie problem has one... as weird as he is now."
Active Effects:
STR : S-Rank Pyaar Earrings : +60 STR
SPD: 10m/s
CON: S-rank
END: B-Rank (Weapon Mastery WCR 10%)
INT: 40% MR, Range +20m (T WCR 40%)

Class Perks:
Superior Other-Buff - All Other-Buff stat increases are doubled.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Other-Buff-type spells are doubled.
Supporting Boon: Spellsingers receive one rank lower equivalent to the base rank of the other-buff spell when applied to an ally, this effect does not stack.

390+1,659 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:40 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




Discovery felt weird, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be feeling. Were machia even supposed to feel this sort of way? She didn’t know. She had to wonder what made up her body or the emotions she ‘felt’. She knew for a fact that her father had programmed her well and that she was reacting to everything the way that one was typically supposed to. She’d cast a glance at nameless as she felt that hand on her back. The sensation a muffled touch given the coat.

So you’re from a clan of smiths? But why would they never pass it on to you if… Hmm.

It was very intriguing to discovery, she’d ponder for a few long moments. There must have been a reason but that felt very personal to ask right? The fact that nameless was willing to help her become more than just a number among the five hundred units was something that sort of clicked well with Discovery on some level at least. A part of her wanted to differentiate from the others while… She worried about being too different.

I think I understand, I really do appreciate that sentiment. Being just a number out of them is… normal for me but..Its not exactly the sort of thing I want. I wouldn’t mind you helping me get further away from what I’m supposed to be.

Discovery’s voice ticked somewhere in the middle of her talking, her deviancy was starting to get a little worse even if she wasn’t noticing it. She’d blink a little bit at being pointed at; looking down at her chest she looked puzzled as she was explained to what a soul was. They weren’t a material you could exactly forge; it wasn’t something that was just made. If they were… Discovery felt a light pang in her head and she felt a reddening of her cheeks. Maybe it wasn’t intentional but she really appreciated that sentiment. Her voice was still filled with that typical static of when her deviancy showed itself.

I certainly hope so. Maybe I do have one, maybe my programming just lets it occur naturally or its a mix of things. Thank you.

Discovery’s faceplate was that strange red for a few moments longer before her typical blue returned. She’d ponder the existential crisis, so this was normal for people to have? She felt a little less out of sorts. She was glad that she was experiencing this if that was the case.

Well then that’s settled, though I’d figure that my father never anticipated that being the case for any of his units. Ranging from prototypes to the first actual factory line units. Are crisis’ commonplace for organics then?

Discovery looked up at the airship that lay in front of them, it was a bustle. Some people were leaving, some people were coming on. The captain was sitting on a barrel from what she could tell. He had a big hat and a coat so that meant he was the captain right?

So which one of these do we talk to? The one with the big hat and coat? Or is the captain someone else?



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:32 pm


There wasn't a way for them to pass knowledge to a dead person. That and back then, there wasn't any time to teach when they were fighting for their lives. She protected them, there was no need to pass on their secrets to a ghost.

"Programming doesn't make a soul, it makes a person." She'd add, hoping it would clear things up, but she felt like any more metaphors might be lost on her. She ignored the color changes, far too accustomed to corruption, in both her allies because of how they were made, as well as their magic. She watched them battle the demons the shared their bodies with. Now, she did the same. It was not a battle she could simple aid in, they would ask when it was needed, but it was not her fight.

"Yeah, wait until you contemplate the reasonings behind stupid shit like favorite colors." She joked, though only partly. Once it came to finding the captain, she would wave down the guy with the hat, hoping he would come towards them. They just needed to board, and whatever the situation was, she was going to pay for it. She had mentally prepared herself for this exchange.


203+2,049 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:52 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




So her programming simply just made her a person but there was something more to her that was reminiscent of a soul? Discovery pondered this for quite some time; taking a silent stance on the matter. Nameless had much knowledge regarding this sort of thing and she’d have to pick her brain regarding it later. There was a moment where she wondered just how much of a soul she had. But that was something you couldn’t really easily fathom.

I’ll take your word on it, If you think I have one of both and that I am then I suppose that I am.

She didn’t really think she needed to argue the point from before; ittindi and lumikki both also had interesting views on it and free will. Something that she was pretty sure she didn’t entirely have. Then there was the comment of ‘favorite’ colors that caught her unawares. She’d pause and think of the pleasant ones that she had experienced and it was hard to pick.

I am a fan of various eye colors. But people often don’t stop long enough for me to really take a good look.

The captain was indeed the fellow with a hat. He’d sigh a bit and close his book that he was reading through; it looked like a ledger of sorts. Likely for their prices that he had to go over with the quartermaster. Eyeing the two he’d whistle slightly at seeing the large machia.

Charters got us set to go to bosco and then iceberg. Last stop is the Pergrande kingdom. You fixin to go to any of those three? Its twenty five hundred jewels per stop per person. Though I aught to be chargin’ for two for your friend here. Half for your horse to be stored in the bay.

He’d motion to discovery who would give a small but friendly wave and then to cookie; the captain gave a toothy grin and returned the wave with a dip of his hat. A friendly sort and a rough crew was definitely the makings of problems but jewels often solved many a things. Discovery pondered the pricing, it was likely absurd but it was hard to know with some fares.

Can’t say I know if that’s fair or not…

Fairest you’ll find in the port. Other lot charges an arm or a leg.

The captain shot a scowl at the much nicer airship that looked like it was run by a group sailors that were less rough but definitely more expensive. Dressed the part of royal navy and the captain wore a wig under his hat instead of well… the fellow with the long coat. Of the two this would be the cheaper option and less niceties but… It was ultimately up to nameless on which they took.

Why the bright red jackets…?

"Easier to spot if you fall overboard, but if you fall overboard on an airship it won't help much."

The captain shrugged at the question, the fact that both airships sat in the water just meant they could operate in normal seas as well if they needed to. Some countries didn't appreciate airships in their airspace after all.



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:32 pm


There was a lot of things she was aware of, but to share the reason for her findings were enough to earn her death at the hand of a Rune Knight. She knew when and where to speak about certain things, and her collection of souls and putting them into things was not a hobby she was going to share just yet. But maybe that knowledge would be enough to keep her companion at ease, at least at some point.

As far as having favorite anything, it was really just one's brain reacting to certain tastes, colors, smells or whatever else. When she considered how strange mortal behaviors were, the reactions people had to certain things, even having a preference was strangely human, but also so confusing.

With the mention of the price Nameless would reach into her pocket and drop a handful of assorted gems to the man. A diamond, a few rubies and a rather large emerald would fall out of hers and into his. "Cookie stays with me." Her expression would be nearly void of emotion as she would stare into the man's face. "I trust you don't have a problem with Phantom Lord's Seventh Guildmaster, do you?"

Truly, she had no idea if the man would even react the way she imagined, but if the money didn't do the trick, reminding people about their destruction they regularly brought to cities should have.

She just wanted to get this trip over with.

245+2,252 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:54 am



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




Discovery glanced to cookie and then back to the captain, then over to Nameless as she spoke. The handful of gems that were passed to the captain had him blinking rapidly. The man wasn’t going to even question the lass at this point but what she had to say next made him flinch visibly. Discovery leaned a little bit to one side; her eyes looking between the two. She was able to keep multiple people registered in her eyeline and couldn’t help but notice a few crewmates noting the actual gems that were passed to their captain.

All right, just know if ‘cookie’ damages anything we’ll be requestin compensation. Erm… We don’t have problems with any kind of passenger as long as they don’t be bringing problems to us or well… makin problems with my crewmates. Other than that, I think we’ve got an accord. Unless you need repairs for your……….

The man looked up at discovery; brows furrowed and then he would just sigh. He didn’t seem to really mind either of them coming on board at all especially with the sort of ‘cash’ he was given. After a moments thought he just passed the jewels over to a man wearing some glasses that had a small chest near them.

Know what. We’ll deal with that if it comes up and discuss it if needed. Welcome aboard you two.

He’d give a handwave to the both of them, encouraging the trio to go onto the ship. Discovery pondered for a moment and then glanced down to her friend. She didn’t know that they were a guildmaster of all things.

I didn’t know you were a guildmaster. Or that you were a part of Phantom Lord. Then again I never asked.

Discovery’s ‘brows’ furrowed a little bit as she padded onto the ships ramp, there was a heavy groan as the ramp didn’t seem to much like her weight but it thankfully didn’t buckle as it was designed to help load heavy things. Once on the ship however the entire thing shifted slightly as her weight added to the displacement value of the ship.

Oh dear… I might want to stay in a more central part of the ship. I forgot to mention my classification for weight…

It wouldn't be long before the lot of them would be airborne, though the captain looked a little unsure of himself at the helm. More so because of the current party of people onboard. There weren't that many passengers but that was usually the case for this time of year. Not many people wanted to go to iceberg during the winter seasons after all!



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:37 am


She never threw her weight around. She had been reduced to a nobody for years. A silent name, a quiet follower. She had been the guild's ace in more ways than power alone. Even Iblis would have to recognize, that it was Nameless who had come to the side to all but two other guildmasters; Cesar and herself. It was her blessing that seemed to carry the guild, and without her support to Iblis, it was only a matter of time before he lost his seat. She might have been an unknown, but her reputation was starting to precede her. If it could, just once, make her life a bit easier, then she was going to put it to the test.

But he would allow them to pass, and she would move without any other word. "I am bound to the guild. Such has been my curse." bound was a heavy word to use, but it was no burden to her, even if she called it a curse. No matter where she would try to go, no matter what life she lived, she would always be the one to defend Phantom Lord. Even now was no different. She was going to restore the guild it its former glory, and by force if needed.

As they boarded the ship Nameless would make her way to a different part of the ship, both to find their place inside, as well as centralize the ships weight with Discovery. It wasn't like one passenger was going to send the thing crashing down, but to have it in a single concentrated point, any high movement might have messed with calculations.

"I've seen Fiore at its best, and its worse." She'd speak, recalling memories. There was no joy in her words, only recounting of events. "Phantom Lord used to be a guild that helped people. I hate what it has become. Things were different with the third master. I tried to fix things when I was the seventh master, but it's not a role I want." She wasn't sure how much Disco really knew about Fiore, or even Phantom Lord.  

"My loyalty to my guild, is to the ideals of the first master. Despite the actions the guild takes today, I act upon the will of the first master's desires. I will not become a villain again."

391+2,497 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:38 pm



DSK-0vRI of Talaz Laagar




Discovery quirked her head to one side; whiskers and ears flicking alongside them. There was a few moments and the machia found herself wondering if her friend had some kind of magically binding reason for her to be in phantom lord. It would be something that she would have to look into later.

You were cursed to be in the guild? Or is it in similar nature to why I am under Mistress Lumikki and attached to paradise dawn?

For humans and other living beings, their ilk had often been bought in bonds. But discovery? Her entire existence was to serve whoever she was sold to. Much like many of her sisters. She’d sigh a little bit; it was frustrating for a living person to be under the same instance as she. Discovery was careful as she walked, the creaking of the ship made apparent with each step. Eventually she’d take a seat on some metal plates in the room that they were directed to. It was fairly sizeable, room enough for all three of the passengers.

I am more familiar with Iceberg and paradise dawn than any other guild. But it sounds to me like you really do want to help people. I think there are many people that would support that, like my Mistress Lumikki. She is the current Guildmaster of Paradise dawn after all. Being the seventh master of phantom lord must have been… stressful. THere’s always so much going on.

Discovery rubbed at her faceplate and found herself leaning against a wall with a sigh. The loyalty that nameless presented made her think of herself a little bit. She didn’t want the guild to be a villainous one and was working towards the will of the first master. A few long moments passed and she’d speak up; easing into the question with a fierce curiosity.

So if you took over Phantom lord would you just be called the seventh master again or something else? And what was the first master like? What kind of guild is phantom lord? Why do you… well believe in it like this?

Discovery’s curiosity was apparent; she barely even knew about her own guild and her own members. It was something she strived to correct but it’d take time after all. Another thought crossed her mind and she'd rub at her neck.

"Can I help at all?"



One can dream...


Return to Sender [Nameless] Empty Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:23 pm


She wasn't like other mages. It was a cliché thing to believe, but for her it was true. She worked and behaved according to old laws that were long removed. She obeyed orders from people long forgotten. She never changed, the world did.

"More a phrase than anything else. Any time I try to leave, luck has it that always return to protect my guild hall." She wasn't employed. She wasn't a servant. She wasn't property. She felt the old feelings inside of her build up once more. That was why she was really going to Paradise Dawn, her true goal. She wanted to know if they saw this life as something that served them, or treated them with respect that all living things deserved. It didn't matter what you were made for, or who you were born as. What mattered was the life you chose yourself. Anyone can be redeemed, it's only a matter of if they're willing to walk that path.

"I served directly under the four masters before me. I practically had the same job since I bore the mark." She was branded like a cattle. It wasn't to show her servitude, but her loyalty. She asked her master, her true master Geno to do so. It was them that served the real ideals of the guild. They walked the path of a villain for the sake of their country. But that time was old. It was time to reveal the truth of what Phantom Lord was supposed to be.

"If I recognized the current master, then I would be the ninth master. But Iblis is unworthy, just because he may sit in that seat and take that title, I do not grant him my respect. He took that seat from a guild that disbanded. He is nothing more than a child playing pretend." She had begun to hate him, but even so she respected the work he did put into the guild. He had rebuilt it, but he was no more than a fanatic who wanted to claim ownership of the guild he idolized. There was no honor in a ruler simply by default. "The first master, I never met. I don't know his name, but I do know the guild he left behind." She started to chew on her lip, settling into the space they claimed for themselves.

Nameless sat upon the ground and lay her back against the support behind her.

"Phantom Lord was about the welfare of Oak. Rune Knights protect the country, guilds protect the land, but Phantom Lord always protected its people. That was what the guild was about." She rolled her shoulder, trying to relax. The conversation, whenever it came up, no matter who, it always seemed to tense her up. "There's a story in the second master falling into debt, and that was the reason the guild is considered Dark by today's standards but- "

"Phantom Lord was the only guild that offered me a home. They allowed me to prosper and grow. I've died for this guild, and I would do it again, but today, no such guild exists. Only a mimicry of a once great guild stands now."

Though, with the offer of help came, all she could do was repeat the same. "You are already. I told you, once we arrive at your guild, I'll get everything I need." She looked over to Cookie. He continued to stand, the stone lantern still tied to him. "Besides, I haven't left Oak in years. So this is a nice vacation too."

593+2,888 Words
The Nameless One

Return to Sender [Nameless] Qk6RLkv

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