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Duties and Faith Cross

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Duties and Faith Cross Empty Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:19 pm


Due to the recent raise in popularity of Crocus, orders were coming down for more eyes. Things always got frantic at times like this if the impression that "big brother is always watching" ever diminished. So with that, Tempris was forced to change into her Rune Knight attire. She tucked her Hair into her blue Habit and dawn her blue uniform with her "Rainbow Cloak" overtop. Her pink halo hovered above her head and her sword rested on a notch on the back of her cloak. She still opted not to wear shoes, especially with how she had been feeling. The painful cold of the ground was too light a punishment for here after all.

With that she did her best to be scene as she wandered the area. She did not go into the Cathedral though and she did not have any particular place she had to be. As long as she was visible... and she was following the rules of the letter.

WC: 164

Duties and Faith Cross Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
Forge  Dice  V. Road Wheel Bank Shark Stats
#2Dominic Luzero 

Duties and Faith Cross Empty Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:39 pm

Dominic Luzero

Dominic, Priest of Light

Dominic wasn't sure what events were going on within the city, but it brought in large crowds of visitors from all over Fiore. Though he was appointed to Crocus as one of the Rune Knights to guard the Grand Cathedral, the priest would find himself awing at the wonder of the city, given this was his first time visiting the capital. His eyes would immediately focus on the seven towers that encircled the Grand Cathedral along with the tall wall. As he would enter through the main gate to see the wonder of the holy site, the building structure in its center, he held his rosary in hand and recited a prayer. His thoughts ran through his mind of what he would find within the cathedral, sacred tomes, holy artifacts and most importantly... one of the Divine who sits within the holy walls, rarely ever seen, a mystery and yet a blessing to the world.

After the priest checked in with one of the clergymen, he began his patrol of the estate outside of the Cathedral, appreciating the statues and the gardens. Then something caught his eye, a golden hair girl who was walking about by herself. Though the dense crowds were outside the large walls, making the estate safe, it was concerning for Dominic that there was a little girl, possibly in her early teens who was walking around by herself, but as he got closer, he recognized a few detailing, such as her sword upon her back and the halo that radiated above her head. He wondered if he was in the presence of an angel, but he soon doubted it, for he recognized the aura of his own angels, but this maiden didn't quite match it, he questioned if she was a saint.

"Bendiciones" he greeted her, then at that moment he recognized the Rune Knight uniform, "Oh! Greetings, I am Dominic Luzero, Corporal rank" he stood at attention trying to adjust his tone in respect to a fellow officer. Because he was appointed to the Cathedral, he had donned his priestly vestments, but made sure to had the Rune Knight pin on his collar.


Duties and Faith Cross Candle11


Duties and Faith Cross Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:48 pm


Tempris stopped, planting both feet on the ground and shifted her head toward the knight calling out to her. Her eyes moved up his body, given he was taller than her and stopped at his face. Lucky for her she did not need to figure out who this sinner was. He gave a nice introduction alone with a quick change in tone, though it was not quick enough. Clearly he though her as a mere civilian. It was so common, that she just gave up and assume that was going to be her greeting with everyone. Still... this was a unique situation.

She turned to the man so that her rank was more visible. "Good Afternoon.... Corporal. What do you have to report?" As funny as it would have been. Most junior knights stayed away from her. Rumors spread that she had done some crazy things to others but that was not true. Tempris has never killed anyone after all. It was against her on faith. She clasped her hands. "I pray it will be interesting..."

WC: 176/340

Duties and Faith Cross Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
Forge  Dice  V. Road Wheel Bank Shark Stats
#4Dominic Luzero 

Duties and Faith Cross Empty Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:41 pm

Dominic Luzero

Dominic, Priest of Light

Her attitude and stance was that of an official with experience, but her size and voice confirmed her youth. Dominic smiled warmly, assuming she was a young private or possibly the relative of an actual Rune Knight, but as she adjusted herself, he noticed the pin establishing her rank. The priest's expression immediately changed, "I have recently arrived, been appointed to the Cathedral's sector while the festival events remain active in Crocus" his tone shifted immediately to adapt the formality. He wasn't sure how this young girl had the Colonel rank, it seemed impossible, but didn't want to chance disrespecting a higher official, even accidentally, "May I ask of your name, ma'am?" it was weird to say 'ma'am' to a young girl who didn't even seem like a woman yet. Her ears weren't pointed, so she isn't an elf, so what was this mystery he was facing. Dominic's only chance to get the truth was to acknowledge her name and possibly confirm it with the database. Unfortunately, he had checked the record of who was being appointed to Crocus, so he couldn't be sure.

186 | 546

Duties and Faith Cross Candle11


Duties and Faith Cross Empty Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:30 am


Nothing interesting... Tempris's eyes lowered. Another day of pointless work. Though now she was dealing with someone a bit more established so... she had to work harder if she wanted to pawn this off... Though she chances of that would be lower. He was a member of faith, so... he probably would not fall for anything she could pull. Disappointing.

She closed her eyes, "Forgive me... Col. Tempris Ashflare." Another thing that marked against the event. This Junior knight did not know who she was. It A dangerous thing for sure... but fortunate for the man, they were in a precious place so she did not want to lash out again. At least, not for a good reason. "A cold world... to be forgotten so easy." Tempris muttered.

"Walk with with me Corp. Nothing is going to happen in front of the church..." She turned around, "No matter how much I pray." She would then start walking off not looking back or checking if the junior officer would follow.

WC: 169/509

Duties and Faith Cross Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
Forge  Dice  V. Road Wheel Bank Shark Stats

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