All he needs is a quick detour. That's what he tells himself. Luka reaches into his coat jacket, fumbling around for the remedy for his sporadic outburst of stress as his shoes click against the yellow-brick road, turning away from the beaten path into a secluded alleyway. It suits him more - the solitude found in the gutters. He finally plucks a cigarette from the elusive packaging, a steadying hand finding its way to rest against his cheek as he lights it, playing with the tip with a steady wiggle of his lips. Luka continued exploring the winding alleyways, obviously less maintained than the rest of the city he'd seen, but even this was a paradise compared to some of the places he'd lived.
Trash strewn across the ground, littered with ripped bags and empty bottles, but there was not a single soul in sight for most of his diversion. Luka taps away at his side, thumb hitched between the nook of his belt and trousers, and he takes a drag from his cigarette with an exasperated sigh, But that's when he sees a figure, leaned up against a wall with a bottle in hand. Small, feminine? His watchful canine eyes shining viridescent in the moonlight couldn't quite reveal any details through the haze and shade of night. The figure was cloaked, a hood concealing anything notable other than the striking glint of steel reflecting moonlight whenever they took a swig. And they were certainly armed to the teeth.
Luka had little interest in making small talk or keeping company tonight, but his curiosity got the better of him. A careful approach, prying his cigarette from his mouth as it curls into a wry grin. "Oi, can I bum a sip o' that, mate?" His hand flits into a friendly wave held static as he leans over to sneak a glimpse of the mysterious stranger. Only it wasn't quite an unfamiliar face hidden beneath the hood. He freezes a twitch of his eyebrow and the sly, overconfident mask he usually adorns slips into a flustered miscellany of emotions. Delight at seeing a childhood friend and a shame of what was lost years ago. Would she even recognize him as he is now? All he knows for certain is his tail betrays any of those worries, flapping wildly as his voice echoes.
"Tatyana? Is that you, sis?"