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Baska to Crocus

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#1Aria Scylar 

Baska to Crocus Empty Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:11 am

Aria Scylar
Aria Scylar
Full of Wild Rage
There wasn't much to do outside of jobs. Work was all and good for filling her wallet and paying her rent, but it felt like a ghost town. The year was ending and celebrations were over in the capital. She didn't exactly care who was really going to be there, but the fact a lot of people were going to be there, meant there was a chance her sister would show her face.

She packed up the few things she traveled with and begin to set on her travels there. She imagined the fun under the night sky and the lights of the flashing fireworks. She wanted to see it for herself. If she missed it, there was always next year, but who was to say this year wasn't going to be the most fun of the decade?

She hadn't really ever traveled alone before, nor did she know what to prepare for. It wasn't like she was going to have to break out all of her magic in an all out brawl. She was sure to meet a few friendly faces and return back home with some great stories to tell. All she needed to do was get there. Getting onto a merchant's carriage might not have been the most efficient way to get there, but it was certainly a lot faster than walking on her feet all the way there.
232 words | Solo Travel

[ Sheet - Road - Wheel ]
Baska to Crocus 1gg6ee

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