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growth - summer 1 [nq]

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growth - summer 1 [nq] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:47 am

Haggard: yet not worn to nothingness. Resolve was the sheen of sweat that bounced off the twitching shape of her ears. Determination was the stalking of her legs across street corners, avoiding passersby with the deftness of their movement. Tatyana was making due on her efforts to keep herself operating through the seasons: and Crocus had been made the brief home base of these operations until she could afford the fare home. There was a seemingly endless supply of jobs and cheap board on the days she didn't crash in the shadows of an alley - she was even managing to eat, finally, with the only cost being her near-constant activity and the stains of blood she spent every evening washing in a nearby stream.

She burnt energy quicker than she acquired it - but her reward hung heavy under her coat, the weight of the jewels in that pouch stronger than the ache in her shoulders & arms. Slow days in Crocus were allayed with information gathering in Era, and she had begun to get an understanding of, at least, Central Fiore and the forces at work there. She preferred the presence of less of a population to manage her affairs around, but found she wasn't eager to give up the amenities of the work offered by that same populace and the availability of anything she needed from weaponry, to armor, to food. Largely breadstuffs, with a chunk of it hanging between her lips even now.

growth - summer 1 [nq] 2AJjYNQ

deep down, we only care for ourselves
deep down, we're only demons from hell ♧

growth - summer 1 [nq] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:47 am

The sky was bleeding out its orange and darkening with the await of night, catching her silhouette in the dimming afternoon sun before it bid farewell entirely. She had been on two jobs that day alone, and was on her way to the last with the plan to curl up beneath her cloak somewhere nearby to the adventurer's guild office when she was done. She would be in first thing in the morning with the proof of the request's completion and could - Odin willing - eat again, but her pack of jewels would be all the meatier for it regardless of the cost to herself.

Not much longer now... a few months, she argued, and she'd be on the first ship to Iceberg with enough to get her father through the winter. That was her timeline: with how harsh the season was in the country proper, and the little her family was able to afford these days due to their... circumstances, without her assistance, she never risked their comfort. Their lives, even, and this was the drive that kept her going. The safety of her ailing mother and weary father - damned be to the Romanov dynasty - and the vengeance she'd wreak once she knew they were safe were the only things that kept her fire alight in cold breast.

growth - summer 1 [nq] 2AJjYNQ

deep down, we only care for ourselves
deep down, we're only demons from hell ♧

growth - summer 1 [nq] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:47 am

So she couldn't slack. She couldn't slow. She couldn't take more than she absolutely needed to scrape by, and rewarded herself only with a bed as anything more than a meal when a fight was particularly taxing and her bones couldn't touch the cold brick of Crocus' underbelly without driving her to shouts. Quiet, resourceful, and focused. She would be everything the hunter she had trained herself to be, with Tatya a sword that cut and reaped and sown until her family was safe and her Demon slain.

Even if she had to dirty her blades with the blood of every misshapen creature from here to Iceberg and back to the Woodsea. Even if it had to sully the earth with that of men no less warm than her, but far less cold than what she built around her heart. She paused - briefly, ever so - when she crossed the center of Era, eyes wandering across men of uniform and a grand building of theirs that formed its own heart; and she'd wonder, just as quickly and discarded in the same, if that heart of hers was still held by someone there -- and she'd move on. She'd pull her hood around her ears, banish the thought of him from the space between, and take off. Always more work to be done.

The raven-beast with claws of wolven and teeth of a shark's would be spared no less, and spared no more by the clean cut of her dagger over where her sword drew its line. She'd allow herself only moments on her knees over its corpse, heaving sputtered gasps in an argument of her physical frailty with the person she was molding herself to be, and she'd press on. Over... and over... again.

[ 774 / 700 ]

growth - summer 1 [nq] 2AJjYNQ

deep down, we only care for ourselves
deep down, we're only demons from hell ♧

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