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Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino]

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#1Jino Setsuna 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:11 pm

Jino Setsuna
Jino Setsuna
The Risen Phantom
Being covered in basically gunpowder was its own sort of danger. Though spending time with a few who were willing to let him help them build fireworks was its own learning experience. They got fun things to celebrate the start of the new year with, and he learned a new method of crafting explosives. Would it be useful? Maybe not.

His own magic was a danger when unchecked, and now he sat on the edge of a fountain using the bits of water to try and clean off the residue. It might have made a mess and mudded his clothes, but it was at least safer to walk around. You never now what sort of mishap could happen with both open candles and fire mages.

"Perhaps today would be a good day to practice my magic." he spoke to himself with a smile on his face as he continued to use a rag to wipe off the layer of soot on his clothing.
163 words | @Hikaru Overby

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] V195ihi
[ The Man || Tracker || FW || VR ]
#2Hikaru Overby 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:42 pm

Hikaru Overby
Hikaru played with his dark-fire magic. An odd combo it was especially for his family. He didn't care, it was he used. The new year was very fun around this time as he and his siblings would always gather around watching fireworks and eating sweets. They still did that, but today he had to be in Crocus for a job.

The flame on his finger was put out quickly. He stared up at the sky, remembering everything. It wasn't long before he sat down on a bench nearby with his head in the clouds. "Wonder if fireworks will happen again tonight," he whispered to himself.


Last edited by Hikaru Overby on Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Jino Setsuna 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:36 pm

Jino Setsuna
Jino Setsuna
The Risen Phantom
He continued to squeeze the dirty water onto the ground. It seemed a few people were already paying him far more attention than he wanted. The whispers were starting to spread, though, there wasn't much else he could do. His hand squeeze the rag once more taking it out of the water so he didn't soak his clothing any more than he was already. It seemed he was getting most of the powder but his own leather jacket seemed to be as clean as he was going to get it.

"Well, now the matter is to dry off, and not catch fire." he spoke to himself, passing the dirty rag to a passerby as he left. He needed to get a bit of space from the rest of the people, and a few steps and the shade of a tree. He didn't know what to do with himself now, other than maybe waiting until the display of fireworks. But that was at least a few hours from now.
168+163 words | @Hikaru Overby

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] V195ihi
[ The Man || Tracker || FW || VR ]
#4Hikaru Overby 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:43 pm

Hikaru Overby
He noticed a few people staring at someone, but he paid no mind. He wanted to do something before the fireworks to keep his mind off of things. Stressful home situation caused him to hold his anger it. He might as well practice some fire magic. He walked to more of a training field nearby a few trees. He did a few stretches and pulled his cloak off of him, pushing it aside.

A few twirls of his hands. fire starting spewing more of a control manner. This fire was of a darker orange, burning more harshly than other particular fires. It wasn't always this way, but still evolved over time. It chalked it up to be a magic growth thing.


Last edited by Hikaru Overby on Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

#5Jino Setsuna 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:30 am

Jino Setsuna
Jino Setsuna
The Risen Phantom
It was going to be a calm day, or at least he would have hoped so. Fireworks and the rest of the week to take in the sights before going off to enjoy himself. He sunk to his seat, trying to keep the dirt off his backside as he rested against the tree. Just as he took a breath to calm himself, the flicker of a flame would cause him to jolt to the side in an anticipation of his horrible sort of luck.

"Whoa hey! Can you not do that here!" He immediately went to pleading for them to stop. Sure it was an open area, but to display magic like this was a hazard. Even if not him, who was to say the grass and other foliage might not catch flame and spread like, well, wild fire?

"Look, I'm covered in black powder from making fireworks. I would rather relax than blow up again please!" He clasped his hands together, though it happened before he could stop himself. His body simply moved that way.
176+331 words | @Hikaru Overby

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] V195ihi
[ The Man || Tracker || FW || VR ]
#6Hikaru Overby 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Wed Jan 08, 2025 10:09 am

Hikaru Overby
Hikaru continued to swirl until he heard a voice pleading him to stop. The flames extinguished quickly, revealing a man with silver hair covered in black powder. It wasn't long before he put everything together.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize," he spoke biting his lip. His lion tail twitched out of annoyance of himself, feeling ashamed for not being aware enough of his surroundings. That was magic using 101. The basics. "Again, I am sorry. I was too in my head to realize. Won't happen again," he spoke. He felt guilt for even not paying attention to his surroundings


Last edited by Hikaru Overby on Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:39 pm; edited 2 times in total

#7Jino Setsuna 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Wed Jan 08, 2025 10:32 am

Jino Setsuna
Jino Setsuna
The Risen Phantom
He waved off the man. After hearing his own words come out of his mouth he was almost disappointed in how he came off. Surely it was his fault for not cleaning himself off when he was done with his last job. Though, it was also his fault for not getting into some protective suit. All of what he endured now was his own doing and could have easily been avoided.

"No, it's my fault, good sir!" He got up from his seat and gave a bow to the man. "I should just go wash my clothes. Hopefully I will see you among the sea of faces to watch the display!" He said again, offering not even his name before he would turn to leave. It was such a strange an awkward situation. But, going home in one piece was more than he could ask for at that moment. He was sure to encounter that guy again.
157+507 words | @Hikaru Overby

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] V195ihi
[ The Man || Tracker || FW || VR ]
#8Hikaru Overby 

Fireworks [Hikaru/Jino] Empty Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:36 pm

Hikaru Overby
Hikaru wondered if this was the guy responsible for making the firework display. His thought wandered to how life was in Astera before the fall of his first and only guild. The yearning for companionship pushed him further into understanding more and more about his siblings previous lives, finding a friend that wasn't depending on him for food, or something. Life may of been easier if mom were still alive or dad not being a coward. No one has looked for them, not a single person. He couldn't understand if that was a blessing or a curse.

Either way, his lonliness was for sure apparent to him now as the person seemed to end the conversation. Why did everything remind him of what he once had. It's alright, I can respect someone who understands danger and was kind enough to make others aware," he gave a small smile in return. The guy wished to see him again in the sea of faces. A small glimmer of hope welled into his chest, making him very glad he ran into this stranger. Perhaps, in this cruel world they could find their place with one or two people and make some friends.

"Hope you and I do meet again. The world is smaller than we think," he smiled.



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