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rainfall - spring 2 [nq]

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rainfall - spring 2 [nq] Empty Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:26 pm

Tatyana fiddled with the strap at her waist in a way she didn't commonly; nervous tics weren't unlikely for her, but she rarely fussed with her accessories. It was a lock of hair, a braid or one of her grand lapine ears that often drew the stray restlessness of her hands. Something she could tug to pull deeper into herself: but she wasn't nervous, today. She had a clear plan in mind to deal with the work she had picked off a nearby job board, leveraging the selfsame dagger that hung limp between her fingers now to scare off a potential rival earlier on. A simple excursion. Another monster to slay, another splash of something ichorous and hopeless to stain the earth she walked.

She was listless. The jewels she was awarded for even rote work like this went a long way to financing her family back home -- but as she worked the pouch at her hip open, for the seventh time in her walk to the city-side, it released a swirl of dust and a tiredness her shoulders could only mirror. A slump, but her feet carried her on, ever marching.

rainfall - spring 2 [nq] 2AJjYNQ

deep down, we only care for ourselves
deep down, we're only demons from hell ♧

rainfall - spring 2 [nq] Empty Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:33 pm

She hadn't eaten in three days. It was enough to heavy her eyes, only her legs unmarred by the weight of lethargy that was settling over her. They would remain ever unbowed - the aspect of her that refused to give up in the face of all of her odds, restless enough to see even her scorched fate through. They carried her forward even now, to a dip in the roadside and a gulch for the sewer that ran on its edge. She hung at it, leaning over for a better look, and lifted a hand that trembled with the exertion of its continued movement. She had needed the provisions Crocus awarded before she returned home, and couldn't afford to make enemies of its populace, but petty theft was looking kinder and kinder to her - at the rate she was scraping by, she wouldn't have anything substantial to offer her family, let alone the idea of even making it there.

No. She just had to try harder. More work. More jewels. And she'd eat when she cleared this one - a carrot on the stick for herself - so all she had to do was keep succeeding.

Her resolve was the undoing of the poor, pathetic skink-rat her sword drove into below. Even in its dying gasps it almost looked... no. She could get bread with this.

[ 415 / 350 ]

rainfall - spring 2 [nq] 2AJjYNQ

deep down, we only care for ourselves
deep down, we're only demons from hell ♧

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