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the moon, returning

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the moon, returning Empty Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:55 pm

Pulling herself away was easy - a mechanism of defense, her remaining thread of self-consciousnesses begging her to go - but pulling herself back together was more of a process. It took willpower to lift her body on a marionette's strings and take them back in her own hands, gripping them with death-white knuckles and shuffling her legs one after another through their necessary motions. She was something gawky and awkward and discomforted for those first few steps down the streets, and she couldn't in her state of mind be sure she could handle a beast should it descend on her in this... vulnerability.

A disgusting, vulgar thought. Of course she could. Neither her nor monster in the night had to test this theory, for dawn was rising in a matter of minutes and still she shambled on in wretchedness. She leaned against a pole - a tiredness in her eyes that softened her edges - and watched the horizon where black bled to purple and a warming, welcoming lavender. It was a siren's call. A whisper of release. If she lingered here... if her weary gaze would just wait and rise with the sun, she could still be salvaged. She could be saved from this. It would be a respite of this eternity and the baggage that came with it, and that would be waiting for her in this coming future. It would be so easy.

It would be too easy. 'Be saved?' Coventina Carmen, the Countess of Oak? Greater men had fallen to her than dread, twined to lesser boys under the skill of her fingers and the break of her lips. She had bled more fearsome foes than exhaustion could muster. Be saved? She was a Ripper. A Witch. She was a phantasm, a ghost in the night that haunted your streets and lulled your children to peace with every dulcet tone to save them their worries while you melted on her tongue.

Be saved? Fucking who? No. Alexis needed to be saved - and Coventina had done it. She had taken her between the net of pale fingers and lifted her into something fearsome and unbreakable. She would not be bowed. She would never run again. There was little else Coventina could do for the memory of Alexis Carmen and the suffering she endured so that the Vampiress would one day have everything her heart desired: she would not sully that girl by betraying that wish.

That would be her closure. That would be her rest.

And Coventina had things to do.

[ 452
traveling east -> west ]

the moon, returning EOlJDzf

i'm not a player
i'm a puppeteer ♤

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