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playing paw over paw [nq]

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playing paw over paw [nq] Empty Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:02 pm

It wasn't that Nikolai had a strong moral argument against fighting back monsters - especially poor, unnatural beasts, who he considered it a kindness to help free from their lab-grown trappings - nor against fighting in general: to the contrary, Niko was a scrappy boy, easily falling into more wolvish habits. He was always happy to spar, and he never balked from corralling some villains; it was that both of these only went to a point, and that point is the needle he balanced himself atop.

It was easy to explain his failings as if he was victim to a berserker's state and no longer had control of his actions, but his temperament wasn't the trigger he was felled by. He was fully coherent in the throes of his power-crazed panic, but that power had its hold over him rather than the other way around. He couldn't stop it with a thought. He couldn't calm the tempest once it was unleashed until it had worn itself ragged, and that had a tendency to rage at anything and everything in the vicinity while he serves as its battery and the medium by which it hurts.

This is why he hesitated in his steps to the field today: but he only ever hesitated. He never stopped.

[ 219 ]

playing paw over paw [nq] 1UrJucO

i can be a werewolf, if you want me to, if you want me ⚜️

playing paw over paw [nq] Empty Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:09 pm

Today's job had him playing the hunting dog - and tracking always came before the play in these cases. He had known this on the farm. Back then, he'd hunt game, as something of a game for himself and a... proving to his father, as a form of training. The tilt of his head upward stalled, but only for that blink, and his nose twitched the rest of the thought away to breathe in the scents that mingled across the grass and among the trees. There was only so far his canid senses could take him, and he found greater strength in digging deeper until fingers sifted soil away from the seed stronger roots grew from.

His draconic sense of smell took over with something of a snap, a rumble groaning from his throat as it tasted the air and his tongue snaked after his lips to taste where he scented the trail. He was off, bounding across fields and over burrows of prey that were spared the wolf's attention today. He had a sword at his hip he'd prefer to rely on for this venture, and he'd make sure to go both quick and easy for his sake... and the monster's.

Neither had to worry. He was able to slip into the beast's den with only the pad of his feet as the backdrop to its end, and blood reflected a softer color from the light of his gaze.

[ 246 / 465 ]

playing paw over paw [nq] 1UrJucO

i can be a werewolf, if you want me to, if you want me ⚜️

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