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Monster Hunter III

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Monster Hunter III Empty Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:42 pm


The sound of excited chatter filled the air as Veles left behind the library. Outside the festival had been in full swing, people excitedly talking among each other about their plans for the new year. Seated on her shoulder the Star Squirrel was excitedly looking around, almost as if it had joined her on the quest to find the remaining missing creatures.

"Which one will we encounter next~" Veles pondered softly as she gazed along the list of animals that had escaped from the Circus. However, it seemed that she wouldn't need to ponder for much longer, for a sudden yell came from a nearby street. "Who let out that giant hedgehog?!"

Turning toward the direction the voice came from Veles quickly spotted the source of the commotion. A massive hedgehog, the size of a human teenager was perched in the middle of the street, its body rolled up like some sort of massive ball. However, more curious was the fact its spines were shooting left and right like arrows! Of course, a hedgehog's spines could already hurt, but considering this one's size and the fact the spines looked like they were golden... It was quite a sight! Some of the spines even lodged themselves into the walls nearby!

Approaching the commotion Veles was just in time to raise a hand, her skin hardening as scales covered her arm and intercepted the incoming volley that threatened to hit the man behind her. "Leave this one to me" She spoke softly as she recalled the records she had read earlier.

A Golden Hedgehog was quite easily frightened, but could be made super docile by drenching it in water. Fortunately that was not a difficult task to do considering her mastery over water, and so Veles raised her free hand toward the space above the hedgehog, channeling mana through her hand till a sphere of water emerged above the Golden Hedgehog!

Almost comedically the sphere dropped downwards and spashed onto the golden Hedgehog who froze on the spot, flopping onto its belly as it let out a joyful little cry. "What a weird creature for the circus to have captured..." Veles muttered softly while the Star Squirrel made a yip of agreement.

It didn't take long for the personnel of the circus to arrive and help her get the Golden Hedgehog properly captured and brought back to the circus safely. That was one task completed safely!

WC: +400

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