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Translate the Note

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Translate the Note Empty Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:12 pm


How utterly peculiar... What was the thing that was so unusual? Was it perhaps the fact a fledgling Voidal Goddess was currently inside the library of Crocus? No, that wouldn't had been that unusual. Veles was quite fond of historical records and researching through the studying of books and grimoires. Nay, it was the fact that she was in the library to conduct some research in the form of a request from one of the residents of Crocus. They had uncovered an ancient note in a runic language that was no longer used by modern civilizations and wanting to uncover the contents of the note and whether it had any value for her research, the resident had requested for her to decipher the note by borrowing a book on the topic of Valan Runic Language.

The book had not been too difficult to find within the library, and soon Veles had been busily deciphering each individual rune. It appeared it had been a list of some sort, but the more she deciphered of the list, the more her curiosity and excitement turned into amusement. Why amusement? Because the note had not exactly contained any ancient secrets... It was simple grocery list! Heaving a playful sigh the young goddess rose from her seat and stretched her arms into the air, picking up both the note and its translated version and brought it to the counter of the library.

"This letter is for Miss Luciel~ Can you be a dear and make sure she gets it?"

The receptionist nodded her head lightly, picking up the note and its translated contents and thanked her for the work. She could come and pick up her payment later for the little request, for now she had another assignment to deal with: namely the search for the remaining missing creatures that the manager of the circus had asked for her to retrieve. Speaking of creatures... A soft yip came from her side, causing Veles to turn her gaze as the Star Squirrel excitedly waited to see where their adventures would take them next.

"I guess we're about to depart on a new adventure little one~"

Veles chimed in amusement as she started to approach the exit of the library. She still had plenty of time to track down the remaining animals, but for now she had been quite pleased with the progress she had made. Hopefully she would be done before the festival was over!


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