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Steal The Artifact [Drakkon]

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Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:29 am

Deino leaned against a rickety post outside Halawai Town where no one was around. He looked like he was relaxing, but inwardly he was wondering what kind of job was next from Herman and the fact he forgot to try any turtle soup this place had. He wagered it had to have some being an island. A few minutes later, Herman Schwarz arrived, his usual smug expression plastered on his face.

“Deinosuchus, Drakkon, I’ve got a job for you two. Something a little more delicate this time.”

Deino cocked his head ready for anything before looking over to Master Green Turtle.

“Delicate, huh? Not exactly my specialty, but go on.”

Herman smirked.

“There’s an artifact, rare and valuable. Belongs to one of these locals, but they’ve refused every generous offer I’ve made. Religious reasons, they said. Too many religious nuts here. I want it, plain and simple. Your job is to take it... and I should add quietly. No drawing attention to me or the operation. Got it? This isn't some herder out in the boonies this time.”

Deino nodded a few times slowly trying to hide his frustrationn as Harmen left.

“Quiet ain’t exactly my style, but I’ll scope the guy out and see what’s what and report back Master Green Turtle!”

Deino spent the next few hours blending into the town as best as a nearly seven-foot-tall crocodilian could. He lingered near stalls, chatted up vendors, and kept an eye on the islander Herman had described. Deino noted that the man never let it out of his sight, even when he stopped to talk to others. At one point, the islander ducked into a modest home at the edge of town.

“Hmm... Looks like he’s keepin’ it close. Probably only takes it off when he's sleeping. Why did it have to be a broach? Didn't know men wore those. This ain’t gonna be easy.”

Later that evening, Deino returned to find Drakkon.

“Master Green Turtle. This one’s tricky. Guy’s got the artifact on him all the time, and I ain’t exactly built for sneakin’ around. So, what d’you think? How should we go about this? You’re better at all this tactical stuff. I’m thinkin’ maybe I cause a distraction while you go grab it? Or you got somethin’ smarter in mind? It's getting dark so maybe he'll be asleep soon too.”

WC: 393
TWC: 393

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:59 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon and Hai were sitting down on the rooftop as they weren’t hiding or anything. They just looked to see when Herman was going to show up to give them their next task. He was positive he knew what it would be, but he stood quiet. When the man arrived, he heard him speak and it seemed like Deino was curious even though he didn’t like things that were delicate.

Still, with his comment, Herman would explain what they were going to be going after. Still, without being seen or quiet would be hard if Deino was the one doing the stealing.

“Yeah, I think Deino can’t really do things quietly, but I will handle it.” He said as if this was just true.

Still, now that it was settled, he relaxed waiting for Deino to finish doing what he needed to do. He was gathering information about the item in question.

When he came back Drakkon heard his words and he had a smile on his face.

“No, that sounds perfectly fine to me. I will scope up the artifact while you make a distraction. Hai can help you if you want.” He said as he was ready to go when they were ready.



Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:32 am

Deino nodded as he listened to Drakkon's plan. He tapped his claws against his chin, thinking through how best to create a scene without blowing their cover entirely.

"Alright, distraction it is. I'll give ’em somethin’ to look at, don’t you worry. The guy’s got eyes on that artifact all the time, so whatever I do’s gotta be big enough to pull his focus. I’m thinkin’ somethin’ noisy... maybe I stir up the market a bit, knock over a stall or two. Nothing too crazy, just enough to make him come outta that house if he's still in it."

Going back he'd do just that. Deino lumbered through the busy market as shops were starting to close up, his towering frame drawing attention as he moved toward a cluster of tightly packed stalls. Spotting the perfect spot, he smirked and began his act.

With an exaggerated turn, his tail “accidentally” knocked over a stack of crates, sending fruits spilling everywhere.


He'd start by bending down to "help," only to lose his balance deliberately. His massive bulk crashed to the ground with a thud, shaking the earth and scattering nearby tables and goods. Vendors shouted in alarm as baskets and pots clattered to the ground.

“Sorry! Didn’t see all this stuff!”

A crowd quickly gathered, drawn by the spectacle of the clumsy crocodilian. All eyes were on him now, just as planned.

WC: 232
TWC: 625

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:45 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was fine with his plan. It was not the first time he had to steal from someone before. He was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the last time. They had made their way to the area their target lived around. The two had split up as he had gone to the area where he lived. He was within the shadow waiting for something to happen. He could see through the window, which meant he could teleport to the other side without breaking the windows or the doors.

It was then he heard people upset in the distance, and then it got louder. It seemed like he was making a scene all right. This was enough to make the vendors upset about what was going on. The commotion was too loud, and the man inside of the home he was next to would turn on the lights, grumpy as hell, and walk to the front door. Drakkon knew it was time as he teleported into the house using his Yamato. Once inside, he looked over to see the artifact on the stand next to his bed.



Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 11:15 am

Deino groaned dramatically as a couple of locals helped him to his feet, their annoyed expressions making it clear they weren’t happy but weren't holding what happened against him either.

“Thanks, folks. Guess I need to be more careful. Big guy like me, huh?”

The crowd grumbled as Deino shuffled off, keeping his head down to sell the act of embarrassment. He muttered apologies as he went, his massive tail carefully tucked behind him this time to avoid further chaos. Inside, he was happy with himself and laughing his ass off.

Reaching the outskirts of the market he turned and headed toward the meeting point with Herman. He couldn’t do much more without tipping off their real goal, so for now, all he could do was wait and hope that his master had managed to grab the artifact. Slumping against a post, he crossed his arms and let out a deep breath.

“Well, here’s hopin’ Master Green Turtle pulls through. I'm sure he will. Guy has probably ate a lot of peoples spells and prob can turn invisible or something. I bet if I get stronger I can fight him again and get him to start using his magic on me to see what all he can do! Yeah... that sounds like a plan for sure.”

WC: 216
TWC: 841

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 12:51 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was looking at the artifact, and he would grab it. He looked at it and shrugged as he didn’t care for this. Still, It seemed like things outside were dying out, and the man who lived here was coming back in. The Devourer decided it was best to make his escape. He had cut through the open space in front of him and he would jump right through and he would make his way to the other side. It was then that he would appear in front of Herman and in the distance, he would see Deino heading in their direction.

He would hand over the artifact to Herman and he would stay quiet as he waited for him to get here, so they could get their payment for their work. Drakkon was just here to help Deino, see how things turned out in these jobs, and hopefully bring chaos along the way.

154|535 [50% WCR]



Steal The Artifact [Drakkon] Empty Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:09 pm

“Looks like you got it, Master Green Turtle. Hope my little tumble gave ya enough time.”

Herman smirked, holding up the artifact to inspect it with what looked like a piece of glass on a chain.

“Good work, both of you. Subtlety might not be your strong suit, Deino, but you played your part well enough.”

He tucked the artifact into a bag slung over his shoulder. It was weird because the bag kinda just appeared out of nowhere to his eyes.

“Your as agreed.”

Deino crossed his arms, grinning.

“Long as it’s shiny and spendable, I'm good.”

Herman gave a short laugh, then glanced between the two of them.

“Since you’re here and clearly capable, I’ve heard Shaman Iolana is in need of assistance. She’s one of the more influential figures among the locals. Helping her out could be... useful to my endeavors. Consider paying her a visit.”

Deino tilted his head since he didn't' know this place had shamans like back at home. They were more spiritual than anything and couldn't use magic like him. Back home he weas the only one that could.

“Shaman, huh? Sounds like it could be interesting. What d’you think, Master Green Turtle? Wanna see what she’s all about?”


WC: 206
TWC: 1047

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