Brone Heavyaxe
"Honor is forged through one's own Difficulties"
Brone Heavyaxe leaned onto the cell bars, staring down the long dimly lit hallway. His orange jumpsuit was itchy and the heavy iron ball that was shackled to his ankle didn't hinder him, but it did slow him down. He sighed, not just because he failed the quest, but also got himself into this horrid mess, this wasn't just a regular prison... this was intense underwater prison for the most dangerous. "How did I get here?" he sighed, thinking back to when he first got assigned his quest.
„Das Lied der Gefallenen und Reinen“ Is the tome the demoness leader of Paradise Dawn desires. From what the bookman in the library stated, it is a rare tome that tells of the history of the war between the angels and demons. What sets it apart from other written accounts is that its from an unbiased source that dates back long ago. That was as much of the information that Brone Heavyaxe had received before he stopped listening and it was when he gave a deep yawn that Maren the scholar threw up his hands in annoyance and gave up on the dwarf. Regardless, Lumikki had sent Brone to retrieve the book feeling the dwarf needed to get out of the guild hall and take on an adventure and visiting a new country would be good for him.
Brone would have gotten to the city of Sachsenstadt sooner if he had flown with Noctus, but because of his fear of flying, he relied on his ravens to guide his pegasus while he kept his eyes closed, and the ravens haven't been spotted since he departed. This wasn't an issue since the dwarf felt more comfortable traveling by land and enjoying the travel in general, so he took his artic wolf Geri.
It had taken him some time moving through the streets looking for the book shop "Lindwurm Des Wissens" since he didn't know the boscan language; he would look about, peering at the stores looking for the name and rarely did he stop to ask, not because he was afraid of butchering the name, but because his pride wouldn't allow him.
It had taken him two days to find the bookstore, albeit he did get tired of wandering the streets aimlessly so he ended up asking for directions. The bookstore had an old architecture, but the dwarf noticed the structure was well fortified and taken care of, so it was already promising. He entered the shop and looked about, seeing bookshelves everywhere. The walls were entirely covered in books. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, Brone went up to the front desk where a young woman possibly in late twenties stood with a bright smile on her face.
"I'm here to pick up..." Brone then pulled out his notepad and began to struggle to read the title, "Das... lieder... lied der... Ge-fall... nen .... und Reinan" finally getting to the last word, he looked to see the clerk's face struggling to hold in a chuckle. The dwarf rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, knowing well how it may seem to see someone struggling with a new language.
"Von „Das Lied der Gefallenen und Reinen“ haben wir noch ein Exemplar übrig" She said with a smile, but the dwarf didn't under anything she had just said, but as he watched her point to the book behind her sitting on the rear counter, he managed to read the title; though he didn't understand what the title meant, he knew that was the book he was sent to pick up.
"That's it right there" He would point at the book.
"Tut mir leid, Sir, aber das ist das einzige Exemplar und es ist bereits bezahlt." The clerk was started to get a little worried, seeing that she was a timid young lady, but all the dwarf understood was that she refused to get the book for him, which made him peeved, "Wenn Sie möchten, könnte ich Sie auf eine Warteliste setzen, falls wir ein weiteres Exemplar bekommen" She said as he pointed to her clipboard, but the dwarf thought she was pointing to the cash register.
"I ain't paying for that! Its already paid for! Just give me the dang book!" He started picking up his voice, though it wouldn't be seen aggressive in Iceberg or any dwarven settlements, he was in Bosco and some locals in the ship as well as outside the shop noticed him.
The clerk was noticeably nervous, a bead of sweat formed on her brow as she took a step back, "Es tut mir leid, lassen Sie mich einen Übersetzer besorgen" she said. The dwarf would then realize she had trouble understanding him as much as he was trying to understand her, but he was already impatient and his annoyance matched it, so he walked behind the counter to grab the book.
"I'll just get it myself" he said as he looked over the book once before walking out of the store. The clerk stammered in panic as he was pointing to the dwarf. Unbeknownst to the dwarf, the book was indeed paid for, but because there was no message sent ahead of time that someone would be picking up the book, the clerk had assumed the dwarf a thief.
A nearby guard who was patrolling the street had heard several people calling to him and guided him to the bookstore to which he heard the clerk tell him what happened. He quickly rushed down the street where he saw the dwarf and eventually caught up to him while blowing his whistle.
At first, Brone thought he was being mugged when the guard as well as reinforcements had arrived, but noticed their outfits and understood the situation, "Damn it! I'm picking up the book!" he was letting his anger get the better of him instead of focusing on speaking clearly as the guards held onto his wrist, but as the dwarf tried to pull away, the guards tightened their grip and it wasn't long before he was put into shackles. The moment that happened, the dwarf settled, though still seething. He believe he did anything wrong, but he hated the idea of breaking the laws or rules of the land, so he let himself get led away.
During booking at the local precent, the guards had discovered who Brone Heavyaxe was and realized how potentially dangerous he was, not because of any bad deeds, but of his power as a warrior, so it was determined he would be sent to Hellsea Bastille in order to assure he'll be kept contained until further notice.
Days passed before Brone arrived in the underwater prison. He managed to calm down, but felt annoyed with the situation as a whole and with himself for not handling the situation right. He was also confused about the one guard who had caught him earlier, the man who he learned is named "Heinz" decided to travel with him all the way to the underwater prison. As far as the dwarf could tell, the boscan guard was kind. Once Brone had been turned over to the knights who guarded the prison, Heinz saluted them and saluted Brone as well before walking off to head back to Bosco.
All of Brone's equipment, armor, and weapons were locked away in a large vault. He was put into an orange jumper suit and his wrists were shackled together with a heavy iron ball was shackled to his ankle, hoping to impede him if he tried to run. The cell was cold and damp, but it wasn't an issue to him, he was more worried about not being able to get the book for his niece. He sighed as he looked out the bars down the long barely lit hall.
"Keep yer heart true, and others will see it"