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Through Fire and Stone (N to W)

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Through Fire and Stone (N to W) Empty Sun Dec 08, 2024 2:53 pm

The Sieghart Mountains were as trialing as ever. Blistering heat by day, bone chilling cold by night, and jagged terrain that seemed to rise against any who dared cross it. None of it bothered Goji though. His stride was steady, his heavy boots crunching against sunbaked gravel without too much issue. The oppressive sun beat down on his bronzed skin but he didn’t flinch. This was just another day for him.

The harsh winds carried the distant cry of some unseen predator but the sound barely warranted a glance. Creatures here were bold but nothing he hadn’t faced before. His broad shoulders didn’t carry the weight of fear, only the gear strapped across his back and the need to push forward.

He cast a brief look over his shoulder as Altuo trailed behind. The elf's lighter steps carefully navigating the uneven ground with care. Goji’s gaze lingered for a second, more out of curiosity than concern, before snapping back to the trail ahead. Admittedly having company was a quiet comfort for a journey that might’ve been otherwise been monotonous. Not that Goji would ever admit it out loud.

The path grew steeper as they neared the edge of the mountains. Rocks jutted out at sharp angles, and fissures in the earth yawned wide eager to swallow a careless traveler or two. "Almost there." The horizon ahead promised a new land ripe for the picking and Goji welcomed whatever awaited them beyond after spending a little too much time in North Fiore's borders.

[ WC - 252/200 ]

#2Altuo Dorian 

Through Fire and Stone (N to W) Empty Mon Dec 09, 2024 1:34 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 339 / 200Mana : 650 / 650Theme : MedievalTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
The Sieghart Mountains loomed like a fortress of stone from all angles. Their harsh beauty both daunting and magnetic in equal measures. Moving with a careful stride, Altuo's steps glided over uneven rocks and jagged fissures with experienced finesse. While not unfamiliar with treacherous terrain by any means. The punishing heat and dryness gnawed at his patience. Making him adjust the collar of his shirt in discomfort. Silent curses escaping from under breath about the blazing sun as it bore down relentlessly against his straightened back.

Half sunk eyes dared to glance upwards briefly to meet the horizon before darting to Goji’s leading figure. The robust man marched onward without so much as a sign of hesitation in their advance. Seemingly unbothered by the suffocating surroundings that encapsulated them. Altuo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The berserker's stubbornness might have been impressive if it didn’t also seem determined to test the elf's own limits. No horses, no carts. Just endless rock and stone. A lowly grumble signaled unspoken complaints as the corners of Altuo's fair lips twitched downward. Of course the mercenary of the two would think this was a good idea. Efficient, apparently. Practical, supposedly. As if the cost of a proper ride was worse than slogging up a mountain trail like this.

Shaking away the nagging thoughts, his focus returning to the path before them. A sharp cry echoing from somewhere above that made Altuo's knife edged ears perk in cautious curiosity. The sound brought with an inkling of concern but Altuo smothered it quickly.

Hearing Goji's voice carry down wind, Altuo let out a quiet huff at the hopeful commentary. Brushing a stray strand of platinum blonde hair from his damp forehead. "I pray not too much longer." The faintest trace of sarcasm bled into his otherwise pleasant tone. Yet even as he complained inwardly there was a sense of relief building within him. What awaited beyond these treacherous mountains had better be worth the effort, or at the very least, worth the sunburn.

☆{ Travel Completed }☆

deadly sins

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