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Advertisements are LOCKED against guests.

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Advertisements are LOCKED against guests. Empty Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:07 am

I'm not entirely sure why this continues to be a problem 3 years later. I signed up back in 2021 under this account to address nearly the exact same issue.

Continuously or periodically blocking guests from Linking Back in your advertisement section is heavily frowned upon in the roleplaying community and will most likely give Fairy Tail RP a bad rep. So please take a look into this and make sure it stops happening.

You guys shouldn't be posting up ads on others sites when it's impossible to return the link.

If this continues to be a problem, I will have to kindly ask that Fairy Tail RP stop advertising themselves on Panacea Academy.

Thank you,
Panacea Academy Staff


Advertisements are LOCKED against guests. Empty Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:31 am

Part of the reason it intermittently gets locked is due to an abundance of trolls that like to blow up the advertisement area with problematic posts.

Putting it on lockdown sometimes helps but not always. We're still working on it but guests can freely post in the advertisement section from here on out. Thanks for the notification regarding that and I apologize for the inconvenience.

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