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The Justice Tarot: Isobele Kozilek

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#1Isobele Kozilek 

The Justice Tarot: Isobele Kozilek Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:39 pm

Isobele Kozilek
She had spent a small bit of time within the city, barely having understood much of it, though slowly but surely it was not becoming quite as foreign to her as she once thought it to be. It was still largely a cruel place, the people as much preoccupied by their own lives, their own petty nature than that of anyone else. Isobele, despite having endured perhaps worse than most of the hardships that could have been faced by them in comparison, found no solace, nor seemed to receive any in turn.

It was not as though such a thing were simply possible. The reality of her, neither that she being a Vampire and not that of the other mortal races within the world, nor that of her being a Nerach Vampire, one of the last, and the lone daughter of the one of the last rulers of the Underworld race. It brought with it no shortage of threats, only seemingly amplified by that of those who would have wished nothing more than to see the last of the Nerach wiped away from all of Fiore.

But threats existed regardless of what sort of background one carried with. These people were no such exception to that nature. Nor would they have been expected to feel pity, as while her plight now was unfavorable, it did not take away from the luxury that she once lived for nearly a century.

A luxury that long was since gone.

#2Isobele Kozilek 

The Justice Tarot: Isobele Kozilek Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:39 pm

Isobele Kozilek
Cold, perhaps.

Cruel, even.

There was no reason for Isobele to look upon the people with any sort of pity, not if the sentiment shown to her was anything different. An eye for an eye as some way say. The nature of survival as they may otherwise find it to be. It was all the same to Isobele, indifference painted in a different light in order to otherwise feign any sort of dismissal towards her.

There was no love, not even that for her being a Vampire or anything of the sort. Their dismissal was simply that of her being beneath them otherwise. Sympathy was not provided, nor was it to be expected either.

Almost sad perhaps that such a sentiment had already been engrained into her, but it was hard to take away from that sort of reality. Fairness, it was not something that existed here. That much was obvious, and though her own fortunes were far greater now, having encountered the mysterious woman Veles whom came not only as a welcome friend, a unique asset that she had been without, but also a benefactor that she had not expected, but openly welcomed.

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