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Cold Snap

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#1Earan F. Channtelle 

Cold Snap Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:37 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Bundled up in their warmest winter fit Earan stood in front of the front gate leading outside the guild in hopes that they could face the cold for once Come on today's the day just open the door... they stood in front of the door for a solid two minutes before turning around. They were still trying to wrap their head around the whole idea behind the move but that just goes to show how much attention they actually gave meetings and such. 

Having enough of their Master's cowardice Saber and Caster lent them a hand as they picked him up and tossed then out the door in one swift motion, Unsure of what exactly just happened they lay in the snow. After a few minutes of thought in the soft white blanket it dawned on them "I'll remember this...Caster, Saber." Unable to hear their master from their laughter until two crudely made puff balls flew at the two servants' faces.

Cold Snap Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#2Earan F. Channtelle 

Cold Snap Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:59 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Even though the guild masters' ideas were rather odd to the Idol they still wanted to make the effort to try and adapt to the current changes, "I hate the cold but it does have its perks." grinning the Idol had a quick flashback to their childhood when their uncle first taught them how to deal with cold weather during shows but that quickly divulged into making snowmen/dragons. Looking back on the days before magic and guilds became part of their normal nearly always seemed like looking at someone else's life. Sounds of snow being packed underneath the boots always sent a much colder shiver down Earan's spine but it was now something that they needed to get accustomed to. 

Falling back into the snow their view shifted to the sky taking deep breaths until they controlled their breathing I still have a lot of work ahead of me... Earan thought realizing that a snowball fight between a master and servant was hight unfair. Saber and Caster were still locked and loaded with more snowballs though they seemed rather out of it themselves.

Cold Snap Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

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