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An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed)

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#1Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:10 pm

Thunder Clappy
Still adorned in her tourist attire, Thunder Clappy sauntered along toward the airship, carousing around while she was waiting for the next air ship when the community board struck her eye. Another task from Herman was already posted.

Snatching the bounty off the board she took the little umbrella from her fruity drink and slid it into her hair, toothpick fitting nice and snug behind her ear, before tossing that abomination in the trash. He could of just tossed me this bounty when I was handing him the guard location and schedule. She thought to herself heaving a loud sigh.

Pausing for just moment, Thunder Clappy recalled Herman looking familiar, similar to a man Snap Crackle would often do mercenary work for in Bosco. Opening her notebook she quickly jotted down

Snap Bosco Herman

Information to be used for another time. As she slid her notebook back into her pocket an announcement was shouted that baggage would soon be ready.

Last edited by Thunder Clappy on Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Accidentally underline, fixed to italics)

#2Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:19 pm

Thunder Clappy
Ready to get out of this touristy attire Thunder Clappy quickly grabbed a piece of black luggage that had been thoroughly loved. Strutting to the bathroom and  unzipping the bag she found exactly what she needed. A well-worn pair of jeans, an equally as worn flannel and a camo baseball cap.

Taking off her flower shirt, Thunder Clappy used her dagger to help rip the shirt into five strips. Two strips were used on either side of the jeans to tighten them, a sort of make shift belt. The remaining three strips she weaved in with her hair as she braided it to the side before sliding the cap onto her head.

Keeping the camera semi hidden under the flannel she now wore, Thunder Clappy slid 100 jewels into the suitcase before zipping it back up. On her way out she subtly slid the suitcase by a seat in the baggage claim area.

To the farm.

#3Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:33 pm

Thunder Clappy
The only thing worse than the Bosco dump was a farm. If the animal’s smells weren’t putrid enough, the sweaty farmers were the cherry on top of scent annihilation. Thunder Clappy was undecided if it was lack of shower or lack of knowledge in how to wipe their asses that exasperated the smell.

The quicker I get this farm, the quicker I can get out of the shit hole. Thunder Clappy maintained to herself walking up to the goat herder. Billy was his name, and it took all she had to not walk away after their introductions. Passing off as a loner looking for land for her family to farm on, Thunder Clappy finagled her way into trading making dinner for a place to stay for the night.

Idly chatting over a bland dinner, doing her best to not doze off through Billy’s utterly dull family history of generational farmers, Thunder Clappy got the info she needed.

#4Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:51 pm

Thunder Clappy
Thunder Clappy went to town the next day leaving Billy with the knowledge she would be in town for a week and her goal is a farm just like his, ‘her father would be oh so pleased with a piece of land that has been cared for so greatly over the generations.’

Thunder Clappy wasted no time in town, she found a room at the inn for  the week and picked up a shovel, nap sack and assorted food items at the market. She made sure to ensure she mingled at the tavern before being seen retiring each night.

The first night after retiring she snuck out to the nearest graveyard and dug up two bodies, gathering their bones in a nap sack, and recovering the now empty graves. Luckily enough, one of these shmucks was buried with a golden ring. Now exhausted, Thunder Clappy snuck back into her room at the inn passing out, knowing she only needed one more day to get this done.

#5Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:05 pm

Thunder Clappy
The next night Thunder Clappy slipped out after ‘retiring’ with nap sack in tow. As she came upon Billy's farm she waited to ensure the night was still and all were sleeping.

After ensuring the coast was clear Thunder Clappy lured the nearest goat to the opening of the barn where she quickly sliced its throat dropping it dead.

The next hour she worked quick, first sawing off the goats head and capturing as much blood as she could in a bucket. She placed the goats bloody head on a stick and pieced together the bones below it. Using the blood she wrote on the wall

The sins of your grandfather are now yours, I put a curse on this land for generations to come

The remainder of the blood she used to write nonsense symbols all around the barn and on the doors and windows of the house, making sure she was working quickly and was as quiet as a mouse.

Before leaving, Thunder Clappy made sure to brush away any footprints she had left and grabbed her now empty nap sack. All bloody Thunder Clappy took a full body dip in the river to ‘rinse off' before returning to sneak back into her room.

#6Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:17 pm

Thunder Clappy
Thunder Clappy was shocked she didn’t wake up to Billy requesting to see her. I guess I needed more than one night. She thought to herself as she enjoyed the bacon that was served at breakfast. That was one benefit to being out in the country, the bacon just baconed harder.

Grabbing a new pair of boots at the market, Thunder Clappy tried to not act surprised when she saw Billy. He looked worn for it being mid morning. Before the pleasantries were done Billy was already offering her his land. Pointing to his full wagon Billy was insistent he needed to immediately tend to a far away sick aunt.

Together, they headed to town hall where Billy and Thunder Clappy made the transfer official and he got the hell out of dodge.

Thunder Clappy was pleasantly surprised at how well Billy had cleaned the farm. She spotted two fresh mounds where she promptly went and started digging. After retrieving the bones Thunder Clappy placed them in her nap sack and got some two full flower pots before returning to the Inn for the night.

#7Thunder Clappy 

An Enticement of Dwarf Proportions (Closed) Empty Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:29 pm

Thunder Clappy
That night after retiring Thunder Clappy strolled back to the graveyard with her shovel, nap sack full of bones and two flower pots. She proceeded to dig the mounds, return the bones to their resting places, returning the golden ring and once again covering the graves back with dirt.  Placing one flower pot on each grave Thunder Clappy quietly thanked them for their service returning to the inn for the last time.

The next morning at dawn Thunder Clappy spent extra time showering off any smells that might have lingered and sprayed herself generously with her Shanel Letter E. She then started the trek back to town to a café to meet Herman, deed in hand.

This time, with slight recognition Herman sat across from her at the Café with a notary in tow. Once Thunder Clappy presented the deed he motioned to the notary so they could all sign the back of it. Handing Herman her number for future missions Thunder Clappy thanked him for the coffee with a sweet smile before heading to the bank.

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