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Interlude: Peace before the Voidal Storm

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Interlude: Peace before the Voidal Storm Empty Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:29 pm


Some might call her rise to power a corruption, others an ascension. But what difference does it make? They are all but petty terms before her newfound existence.

Name: Interlude: Peace before the Voidal Storm

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Veles

With the recent events having led to the disappearance of the Dragon Tyrant a short-lived period of tense peace lingered upon Pergrande. Although the Dragon Order's presence remains under newfound leadership, a sudden enigmatic third party reveals their hand: Hushed whispers suggest that rather than having been killed, or worse fled, Ryuko went to seek out the ancient deities of Pergrande and brokered a deal with them, for rumors suggest the ancient trickster deity Veles has reawakened and is walking among mortals once more.

Once considered a guardian deity to the people of Pergrande, her presence comes along with the eerie reminder that the Void waits for nobody, and that a slumbering dragon is best left undisturbed.

  • B - The recent emergence of a stabilized portal into the void has led to many questions among the Denizen of Pergrande. Equally curious are the rumors that the ancient guardian deity of Pergrande's folklore: Veles walks among them once more. What could have led to Veles her return, and where did the Tyrant Dragon disappear to?

  • B - Within the void a curious revelation is made: In the aftermath of her wish upon the corrupted Holy Grail, Ryuko's ascension led to her existence to be split into two halves. One representing her dragonic origins and the other having ascended into the role of a Voidal goddess. However, for some mysterious reason Ryuko has chosen to dwell in the shadows of Veles' domain. Why would the Dragon Tyrant have chosen such a quiet and peaceful path right before her final obstacle toward her ambitions would have been cleared?

  • B - Finally the answers have been discovered: Ryuko's lover Maple has become pregnant and worried about the consequences the civil war would have upon Maple, the Dragon Tyrant has chosen to retreat into hiding with Maple and care for her.

  • B - The passage of time is such a curious something, and as Veles observes the softened nature of her dragonic half, she can't help but wonder about what type of strength there can be found in such bonds. Can love and affection truly encourage people to surpass their limits? If so, is she even capable of feeling such things as a being from the void?

  • B - Returning to Earthland Veles her presence becomes more apparent in Pergrande and Igor Illin can no longer ignore the whispers of an ancient deity walking freely in his lands. However, amidst a secretive meeting between the king and Veles an enigmatic pact is forged, and a promise kindled between the two rulers.

  • B - The prince is dead! Having declared him unworthy of ruling over Pergrande the fledgling goddess has slain the elderly prince. However, in a curious chain of events Veles has installed herself as Pergrande's 'Divine', turning Pergrande fully toward Voidica as a religion and installing her own chosen Tsarina onto the throne.

  • B- With Pergrande finally united under one banner it appears peace is finally about to return to the country, yet in the shadows servants of an enigmatic enemy make their move.

    Attempting to challenge Veles, who the Voidling attendants of the nameless voidal god presumed to had been Ryuko, they are caught by surprise when Ryuko herself enters the field, revealing that Veles is in fact a true voidal deity born from her wish. Despite the ensuing conflict they are quickly cornered by the combined forces of Ryuko and Veles and the Voidling attendant is forced to retreat. Meanwhile an aide of the Monarch Dragon appears to warn Ryuko that the moment she has been waiting for is about to draw near: Maple is about to give birth to a child...

Lore Consequences:
  • Veles is officially introduced as a Voidica deity and becomes the religious leader of Pergrande's faith.
  • Prince Igor Illin is slain and replaced by a Tsarina of Veles' choice, although it seems there are some secrets involving said Tsarina that only Veles knows about...

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