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Dan's Divine Death Dealer

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Dan's Divine Death Dealer Empty Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:39 pm

Name: Lightning Gods Voltic Beasts
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Lightning Gods Slayer Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Lightning/Darkness
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Dan snaps his fingers in front of his chest creating a mixed yellow and purple magic circle 2 Meter in Diameter to appear five feet in front of him. The circle will begin discharging black and yellow lightning as a trio of wolves measuring six feet in height and eight feet in length will emerge from the circle. The wolves will then release a static like howl before charging forwards in an attempt to bite and scratch the target. Upon contact the wolves will revert into pure lightning anyone caught by this will suffer S rank damage that is split between A rank lightning and A rank darkness.

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